"The Rules"


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by otter
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right" bgcolor="#FF0000" height="100" width="200" loop="-1"><font color="#FFFF00">WARNING: GHEY THREAD </font></marquee>

sorry otter. back to the nook-talk :bubble:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by otter
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right" bgcolor="#FF0000" height="100" width="200" loop="-1"><font color="#FFFF00">HEY YOU GUYS: I LOVE GHEY THREADS </font></marquee>


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Steve
No it doesn't. You accept the little idiosyncrasies hoping that you'll alter them. I've been using bitching for 8 years trying to alter them, but it ain't worked yet!

Hmmmm, maybe one should try a different approach. Maybe something like "Darling, I will most certainly agree to that housekeeper you've been requesting, but you realize that before she can scrub the floors, you must have all objects removed from the floor, which would include your towel". Or "shnookems, I will rub your poor aching feet for two hours if you would just kindly pick up your bath towel." :kiss:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Christy
Hmmmm, maybe one should try a different approach. Maybe something like "Darling, I will most certainly agree to that housekeeper you've been requesting, but you realize that before she can scrub the floors, you must have all objects removed from the floor, which would include your towel". Or "shnookems, I will rub your poor aching feet for two hours if you would just kindly pick up your bath towel." :kiss:

THANK YOU CHRISTY! You don't know HOW happy I am that you posted that! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

some just don't get the difference between, "pick you towel up beyotch" and the way you put it! :lol:


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by crabcake
THANK YOU CHRISTY! You don't know HOW happy I am that you posted that! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

some just don't get the difference between, "pick you towel up beyotch" and the way you put it! :lol:

Oh, please! When I'm done with my towel, I hang it up. When I'm done with my dish, it goes in the sink. When I'm done in a room, I turn off the light as I leave. I don't expect any special courtesies as a reward for doing these things. It's called being neat and keeping your house clean! I get annoyed by the fact that others don't see it that way.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Steve
Oh, please! When I'm done with my towel, I hang it up. When I'm done with my dish, it goes in the sink. When I'm done in a room, I turn off the light as I leave. I don't expect any special courtesies as a reward for doing these things. It's called being neat and keeping your house clean! I get annoyed by the fact that others don't see it that way.

Could I put my name back in the running??:biggrin:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Steve
When I'm done with my dish, it goes in the sink. When I'm done in a room, I turn off the light as I leave. I don't expect any special courtesies as a reward for doing these things.
I think I'm in love. :love:


Enjoying life!
Yes, and I got this anal retentiveness from my mother. She is almost OCD with her house. I'm not quite that bad (yet).


First Catt, then Sharon...does this mean I'm at the back of the line? :cry:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Steve
Oh, please! When I'm done with my towel, I hang it up. When I'm done with my dish, it goes in the sink. When I'm done in a room, I turn off the light as I leave. I don't expect any special courtesies as a reward for doing these things. It's called being neat and keeping your house clean! I get annoyed by the fact that others don't see it that way.

LIAR LIAR pants on fire! :neener: You may pick up a towel, but when's the last time you've actually whirlied out a toilet, cleaned a bathroom, etc etc.. :neener: You also leave the light on 24/7 in the garage. How is that any different than leaving the light or tv on in the bedroom? :confused:

And maybe if you'd kiss my butt more, :kiss: I'd be just a little nicer and pick up my towel. :moon: :neener:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Steve
Yes, and I got this anal retentiveness from my mother. She is almost OCD with her house. I'm not quite that bad (yet).

You used to be. But I've trained ya good! :kiss: :whip:


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by Christy
You may pick up a towel, but when's the last time you've actually whirlied out a toilet, cleaned a bathroom, etc etc.. :neener: You also leave the light on 24/7 in the garage. How is that any different than leaving the light or tv on in the bedroom? :confused:

And maybe if you'd kiss my butt more, :kiss: I'd be just a little nicer and pick up my towel.

I'm too busy mowing the lawn, shoveling the driveway, trimming the hedges, cleaning the pool, vaccuuming the carpet, fixing the screens, (should I stop...?), raking the leaves, doing the finances, and WORKING!

(Hey! Maybe we should hire someone to do all that crap! Life's too short.)


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Sharon
Does he put the toilet seat down and flush too?

Oh good lord, he not only puts the part you sit on down, he puts the lid down. :rolleyes: I think I'd rather fall into the toilet than sitting on the cold lid in the middle of the night. :bawl: