The secret to women!



Kain99 said:
Sex to nuts! Right on par ladies! :killingme

No shiat...I just went through the last of my pistachios tonight, and have a bag of walnuts to open tomorrow.

Who needs a man?


b*tch rocket
Noble said:
OK here is the deal on women for all those men who don't get them...

Women say that they want a man who is this, that, or the other...

There are many theories that what a woman wants and what a woman chases after is different. This is true and finally I have realized why. Women are scared to lose control of themselves. If you want to get a woman, you have to figure out how to make her lose control of herself. This will also fulfill all the the things a woman wants AND what a woman goes after. You see it has taken me 30 years to realize this...

If you want a woman and want to keep a woman you must treat her like a queen, give her attention, be honest with her, and remember most of all, she needs to be treated tenderly and carefully in all things...Now you must also be firm with her, stand your ground, take care of responsibilities, be intelligent, be humble, know when to tell her no and when to let the subject go, and lastly make sure you let her know she is special all of the time.

This is a guide to understanding the women...this is not all inclusive nor is it a complete guide...I hope this helps!
Okay gheyboy. Let me give you some womanly insight. You will NEVER know what we want unless your pea sized brain can adapt to our ever changing "wants and needs". :shrug:


The man with a presence
If I was out of line yesterday evening I apologize. I in no way meant anything sexual towards Kain99 or others.


Super Genius
Lugnut said:
Noble you're a boob. There is no ONE way to love ANYONE. You can't even treat two children the same and you're advising on how to love women like they're all the same!? :killingme :killingme :killingme That's just too funny, what works for one woman will get you into deep doodoo with another.

The ONE thing I know about women is that they are ALL different!

Damn, now I'm starting to sound like the psuedo phylisophical boob!
I just finished reading the whole thread and I think this was the best, most accurate statement in it. Good job Lugnut!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Methinks he is way to involved with his feminine side and can't decide which side of the fence he should be. Noble, PM Esprix and see if he can help ya out. :yay:


In My Opinion
women are primal creatures, they run more off of ancient instinct than anything else.
women dont even realize that they are doing this.

in early man, (meaning women too) the women would be attracted to the male that could most likely provide good shelter and protection for her and her offspring, provide food, and be able to produce children with her for the survival of the species.

today it is still much the same. So Men, if you want a good woman all you have to do is go into any place that women frequent and do four things.

proove you can provide shelter
Show her a picture of your big house along with a bank statement showing at least 15k in checking.

prove you can provide food
Throw some fresh roadkill on the table or floor in front of her

prove you can provide offspring
Show her your winky

prove you can provide protection
hit the next guy that walks by you in the head with a beer bottle.

Its no wonder there are so many single people attributed to this board, it is obvious that you all do not realize the importance of primal instinct.

Now, I need the non-married guys to go out right now and try this.
Get back with the results.

Im only here to help.


The man with a presence

it took me getting divorced to figure this all out...

and there is nothing between me and anyone at the moment...

but my point is that i know where i stand and who i am...

and that is good enough for me.

i was giving tips nothing more....

if you don't like them...don't read them...

i will find another someday and i am better prepared
until then i wait for her arrival.


Stubborn and opinionated
bcp said:
women are primal creatures, they run more off of ancient instinct than anything else.
women dont even realize that they are doing this.

in early man, (meaning women too) the women would be attracted to the male that could most likely provide good shelter and protection for her and her offspring, provide food, and be able to produce children with her for the survival of the species.

today it is still much the same. So Men, if you want a good woman all you have to do is go into any place that women frequent and do four things.

proove you can provide shelter
Show her a picture of your big house along with a bank statement showing at least 15k in checking.

prove you can provide food
Throw some fresh roadkill on the table or floor in front of her

prove you can provide offspring
Show her your winky

prove you can provide protection
hit the next guy that walks by you in the head with a beer bottle.

Its no wonder there are so many single people attributed to this board, it is obvious that you all do not realize the importance of primal instinct.

Now, I need the non-married guys to go out right now and try this.
Get back with the results.

Im only here to help.
You forgot to prove that you can provide enough drama to keep them interested.:lol: