The Toilet Seat


Sweet and Innocent

You hear all this women's lib crap about being independent and self supporting, yet they still moan and whine about the toilet seat :lol:

Tell her you feel it empowers her feminine essence to allow her to put the seat down.

I put the seat down with a toilet paper in my hands, so I wouldn't touch the seat. :shrug:


New Member

I would love to walk in and see that :lol:

Believe me the w/ the bathrooms being the way they are @ Rose's even I pee in the sinks there :roflmao:

That drunk chick that you were manhandling at Dew Drop was peeing in the mens urinal :lmao:


You hear all this women's lib crap about being independent and self supporting, yet they still moan and whine about the toilet seat :lol:

Tell her you feel it empowers her feminine essence to allow her to put the seat down.



I don't believe that I've ever been asked nicely to leave the toilet seat in any specific position.

I am now convinced that there is an unwritten rule (or maybe it is written somewhere, and I just don't know about it) that women cannot simply nicely ask this of someone, but rather must glare, spout obscenities and shake their finger at you while demanding that the toilet seat be left down you filthy pig, ya.

I'm going to take a hacksaw and cut the ####ing thing off.


I heart CLeValley
I work in an office that consists of all men and 1 woman, should I still be expected to put the toilet seat down?

If I went to pee and the toilet seat was up and I didnt notice it (my fault of course) I would wipe my wet ass on your pants!!!!!


If I went to pee and the toilet seat was up and I didnt notice it (my fault of course) I would wipe my wet ass on your pants!!!!!

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Why would you fall in? How could you not notice the condition of the toilet seat when you walk into the bathroom?


Well-Known Member

You hear all this women's lib crap about being independent and self supporting, yet they still moan and whine about the toilet seat :lol:

I don't believe that I've ever been asked nicely to leave the toilet seat in any specific position.

I am now convinced that there is an unwritten rule (or maybe it is written somewhere, and I just don't know about it) that women cannot simply nicely ask this of someone, but rather must glare, spout obscenities and shake their finger at you while demanding that the toilet seat be left down you filthy pig, ya.

I'm going to take a hacksaw and cut the ####ing thing off.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Why would you fall in? How could you not notice the condition of the toilet seat when you walk into the bathroom?

Truer words never spoken. They act like the damned thing is heavy. If I need to pee - I lift the seat. If I need to crap - I put it down. Rocket science, it isn't.

The only reason that we don't argue about it in my house is that I don't feel like letting my stupid cats play in toilet water, so I put the seat and lid down. Otherwise, I'd leave it in whatever condition I last used it.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
If I went to pee and the toilet seat was up and I didnt notice it (my fault of course) I would wipe my wet ass on your pants!!!!!

That's when you get grabbed by the hair and taught to put the seat down with your mouth. Right after you're given a close look of what to look for before sitting down.


New Member
I work in an office that consists of all men and 1 woman, should I still be expected to put the toilet seat down?

You're preaching to the choir on this...not only do I have to put down the seat...since I'm the only female, I'm expected to clean the toilet after them too! Pubes and other such disgusting things! I'm ready to run from this place screaming!!!