The Traveling Wife


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jwwb2000 said:
It sounds as if you are jealous she is having fun while she is working out of town.
That's what it sounded like to me.

I used to get bent with my ex because I'd be sitting there with two young children who had colds or were just raising hell, water heater broke down, dog barfed on the new carpet, whatever. Then he'd call and tell me that he and his co-workers got the day off and were on some fun excursion. :rolleyes:

"Have fun, sweetheart" :shutup:

Nanny Pam

itsbob said:
unless you have a reason to be suspisious I wouldn't worry about it.

If I was on travel out that way, having never seen the Grand Canyon, I'd do the same thing.. and when I'm on travel we always find time to take side trips, either alone or in groups of two or three, no matter the sex of the fellow travellers.

But to make you feel better, I would hope she has her cell with her.. Just call a couple times (once or twice) around the time she should be at the Canyon and just tell her you called to see how she was doing and that you love her.
Ask her to snap a few pic of the canyon with her phone.


100% Goapele Head!
Mikeinsmd said:
What gender is her boss?
Are they close in age?
Is her boss attractive?
Why don't you trust her?
Has she cheated before?
She didn't have to tell you the meetings were cancelled.
She didn't have to tell you they were going to the Grand Canyon.
Why are you seeking marital advice from total strangers?


I still wanna :gossip: you. :jameo:


100% Goapele Head!
Oh and another question is, is her boss ghey? That usually calms a lot of concerns. :yay:

And, I would be jealous too so instead of blowing things out of proportion with your wife I feel you on coming here and getting it off of your chest and exhaling this way.A lot of times we overreact and should there be a time it's never too late to react. :huggy:

Tard Hunter

New Member
CSA said:
So, my wife goes on travel for work. She calls me and tells me that a morning meeting was canceled. She then proceeds to tell me that the afternoon meeting isn't important and that she and her boss are traveling 500 miles (round trip) to the "Grand Canyon". I can't help feeling a little bent about this situation. Would this be alright with most people or am I overreacting?
J00r wife is t3h s|ut!


24/7 Single Dad
It's been my experience that people are most concerned about the things they would consider doing themselves, i.e. theives are more likely to securely lock their belongings than honest people.
Chasey_Lane said:
No, stupid people leave their belongings in their vehicle, unlocked. :lmao:
Not really, if they want what's in your car then you just have a broken window to deal with also. Put stuff in the trunk.


New Member
desertrat said:
Not really, if they want what's in your car then you just have a broken window to deal with also. Put stuff in the trunk.

Next month make a trip for yourself and your boss. Dont be jealous about it.


CSA said:
She then proceeds to tell me that the afternoon meeting isn't important and that she and her boss are traveling 500 miles (round trip) to the "Grand Canyon".

I'd be suspicious - considering the Grand Canyon is about 2500 miles (one way) away.


Im On 1.
is it for business or pleasure?

If its pleasure, then its totally in appropriate. There are just certain things you just dont do. Its the principle of the matter...has not a damn thing to do with trust.


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
I'd be suspicious - considering the Grand Canyon is about 2500 miles (one way) away.
I think the initial post kinda makes it clear that she is already ON travel when she lets him know about the Grand Canyon trip.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
I wouldn't be suspicious. Hell, if I was in her position, I'd go in a heartbeat- I love to travel. Only thing that would upset me would be that if she was in your position, she'd throw one of her BPD hissy fits and I'd hear about how I must have been... Yet, she'd do the same thing if the tables were turned. Of course, I'd probably get that crap if I went on travel anyway.
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