Things to do with newfound free time.


New Member
Hey, all. I joined the forum a while back but haven't really been on. I've been focused on my new job which, up until a recent change, has taken up practically all my time. Now I find that I have a lot more free time, today being an example, and can't think of anything to do. I know I need to meet new people to open up options of things I wouldn't really do by myself, because right now my coworkers are practically the only people I know here. Any thoughts?
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my war
Hey, all. I joined the forum a while back but haven't really been on. I've been focused on my new job which, up until a recent change, has taken up practically all my time. Now I find that I have a lot more free time, today being an example, and can't think of anything to do. I know I need to meet new people to open up options of things I wouldn't really do by myself, because right now my coworkers are practically the only people I know here. Any thoughts?



Adopt me please !
Might you want to adopt a cat or two as company? Here's a real cute one .... his name is Foxy - he's a great loveable cat.


  • foxy.jpg
    14.7 KB · Views: 93
  • Foxy4.jpg
    52.5 KB · Views: 82


Jam out with ur clam out
I like to think I'm attractive enough that I would never have to crack open the wallet for it


I have some painting that needs to be finished..... and you wont have to crack open the wallet.... :lol:.... plus I could sit back and watch :hot:
