Things to do with newfound free time.


Well-Known Member
You do know you're trying to seduce a 14 year old boy..... Don't you?

well he's gonna learn from somewhere, he might as well learn it right. His future wife thanks us!


14 :roflmao: He sure is the opposite of you, you were the one robbing cribs, he's robbing the nursing homes :lol:


I am so very blessed
well he's gonna learn from somewhere, he might as well learn it right. His future wife thanks us!


14 :roflmao: He sure is the opposite of you, you were the one robbing cribs, he's robbing the nursing homes :lol:
Did you just call me young? If so, I will love you until the day I die, which, since I'm so young, will be a very long time from now.



Active Member
Hey, all. I joined the forum a while back but haven't really been on. I've been focused on my new job which, up until a recent change, has taken up practically all my time. Now I find that I have a lot more free time, today being an example, and can't think of anything to do. I know I need to meet new people to open up options of things I wouldn't really do by myself, because right now my coworkers are practically the only people I know here. Any thoughts?

Volunteering???? soup kitchen, Warm program, veterans etc.