This may sound nuts,but can any of you relate..


New Member
By your avatar, I would assume he has taken up their offers? :p

Thats crazy, I wonder why they target truck drivers? Is it because they are gone for extended periods of time and start to get lonely?

Where is he driving that he sees topless women sunbathing?


New Member
By your avatar, I would assume he has taken up their offers? :p

Thats crazy, I wonder why they target truck drivers? Is it because they are gone for extended periods of time and start to get lonely?

Where is he driving that he sees topless women sunbathing?

No,he is not gone on long hauls..that's the thing that gets me. He delivers lawn equipment! And the topless lady in the yard was actually a girl..he said she could not have been more than 18. And yes,that is me on the avatar.:smack:


New Member
By your avatar, I would assume he has taken up their offers? :p

Thats crazy, I wonder why they target truck drivers? Is it because they are gone for extended periods of time and start to get lonely?

Where is he driving that he sees topless women sunbathing?

And the topless girl was in some subdivision in Wildewood.


Well-Known Member
My husband drives a delivery truck. On THREE occasions,he has had women proposition him. Makes me want to kick their azz. Once,one flashed her breasts as he was at a red light. Then,one was laying topless in the sun and asked him to come by later for a drink. And then,yesterday,one actually had the nerve to put her number on his windshield. I knwo some of you must have hubby's who do work that puts them in contact with this stuff is really frustrating! I trust him,and don't ever think anything comes of it,but it makes me really mad at the women who do this. He is wearing a ring and i feel personally disrespected.Next time it happens...:duel:

OMG! I wonder if he's ever had a woman lay naked on a trampoline and not try to cover herself?! :faint:


So you've decided to stay with him?

Either way, he's trustworthy or he's not. If he is, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, right.
From what I hear, that's a very common thing for truckers to experience. Maybe not so much in-town here, but on the highway, especially the flashing.

If he's telling you all this, he's being very open and honest with you, and I think you have nothing to worry about. Let him enjoy it as long as that's as far as it goes.


From what I hear, that's a very common thing for truckers to experience. Maybe not so much in-town here, but on the highway, especially the flashing.

If he's telling you all this, he's being very open and honest with you, and I think you have nothing to worry about. Let him enjoy it as long as that's as far as it goes.

No lot-lizards..........:popcorn:


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if you are trying to be an azzhole or maybe it is just natural.

I'm trying to point out that you're being silly. What do you think that SMECO guy's wife said when he came home and said, "Honey, you won't believe what happened. I went to this lady's house, and she was laying naked on the trampoline! Nope, she didn't even try to cover up when she saw me!"


New Member
I'm trying to point out that you're being silly. What do you think that SMECO guy's wife said when he came home and said, "Honey, you won't believe what happened. I went to this lady's house, and she was laying naked on the trampoline! Nope, she didn't even try to cover up when she saw me!"

I think the difference is this..and maybe it is hard for some to get..I was in my yard,at my home,and made no overtures at all. I simply ignored. That is a hell of a lot different than propositioning. Again,a point some will get,some won't.


New Member
My husband drives a delivery truck. On THREE occasions,he has had women proposition him. Makes me want to kick their azz. Once,one flashed her breasts as he was at a red light. Then,one was laying topless in the sun and asked him to come by later for a drink. And then,yesterday,one actually had the nerve to put her number on his windshield. I knwo some of you must have hubby's who do work that puts them in contact with this stuff is really frustrating! I trust him,and don't ever think anything comes of it,but it makes me really mad at the women who do this. He is wearing a ring and i feel personally disrespected.Next time it happens...:duel:

May I ask...why do you care? According to your thread from last week you wanted to dump him for being a crappy husband and father due to possibly being bi-polar. Hmmm.....maybe it's you who needs the little pill....


New Member
May I ask...why do you care? According to your thread from last week you wanted to dump him for being a crappy husband and father due to possibly being bi-polar. Hmmm.....maybe it's you who needs the little pill....

I suppose it bothers me for the same reason I would be mad if someone stole from my home..I feel it is intrusive and disrespectful. Maybe I am alone in thinking that women should respect other women's territory.


I suppose it bothers me for the same reason I would be mad if someone stole from my home..I feel it is intrusive and disrespectful. Maybe I am alone in thinking that women should respect other women's territory.
In a perfect world, a decent woman would respect your "property".. but reality is quite the opposite.