This Oughta Be Fun.....


Asperger's Poster Child
happyappygirl said:
me neither....
You're lucky--Bogart tried to set me up with HollowSoul. Bogie is acting like the warden in a Turkish prison. I am no man's biatch! Why couldn't Bogie have paired me up with Jazz Lady? I like her sense of humor.


Football addict
Jazz and Kaz

Nickel and (short man) Vince

Pete and FT (go on with your bad selves)

Smalltown and Vrai

Cari and Wenchy (get a room!)

Bogie and Dutch

Hollywoodfred and Spoiled

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
from their latest conversation, I say Penn and Ken need to get a room and just get it over with.
Don't worry ST, I won't take your sex-chimp from you. Penn is all yours, just remember to keep extra bananas around for him and you two should have a long relationship.

PS, with him being of the pigmy clan you should be able, for once in your life, to feel like a real man.
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Football season!
BuddyLee said:
Jazz and Kaz

Nickel and (short man) Vince

Pete and FT (go on with your bad selves)

Smalltown and Vrai

Cari and Wenchy (get a room!)

Bogie and Dutch

Hollywoodfred and Spoiled
I made a list! :getdown: