This Perfectly Sums Up What “Rights” Mean to Liberals


New Member
Read it again, please.

My mistake. She did mention race. I was concentrating on the last paragraph where she talked about bigotry and racism. I still stand by what I said. I think if were black people being racist, based on her previous posts, I think she would call them out as well. You don't see that as much on these forums.


New Member
Not quite as funny as watching you pretend you are not a bigot :yay:

Hell MR... I've probably spent more time sitting on the commode in an all black neighborhood than you have spent associating with a black person!

Do I discriminate... YES! When I feel it is warranted.

Am I a bigot or a racist..... you would have to ask all of my non-Caucasian friends that question (or probably just the African American ones since it seems that they are the only ones you seem to care about.... amiright?)


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
I find it funny, how many people were offended by Vrai's comments when she never mentioned anyone explicitly. She said she reads racist and bigoted posts on here everyday. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I find it funny, how many people were offended by Vrai's comments when she never mentioned anyone explicitly. She said she reads racist and bigoted posts on here everyday. :shrug:

It's rare that we agree, Andy, but in this case we pretty much do.

An American citizen expressed an opinion on an internet forum. THE HORRORS!!! While it is obvious to even the most stupid of the observers, she provides, literally, a forum for virtually anyone to do the same thing regardless of what they say. Even if she banned everyone with whom she generally disagrees, WHO CARES?!? It is her business! For all who find her actions offensive, LEAVE.


my war
Where does it say in this Golden Holy Forum Handbook that moderators don't or shouldn't participate? Buncha Wankers!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is not the first time someone has suggested that I not my own forum. :lol: It has always been someone who disagrees with me politically or socially. Like, always. I guess because they don't want to be disagreed with.

Anyway, I have no intention of not speaking my mind (in my forum), just like everyone else does, and if someone has a problem with that they can go blather somewhere else.


Not White House Approved
Gee, looks like I struck a nerve.

It would be nice if you people could have a debate/argument without engaging in personal attacks and name-calling. So go ahead and add "dismissive" to my list of character flaws. :yawn:

I've seen you resort to personal attack, hell, you've even attacked my children in a discussion so don't try to play the victim here for you are only showing how much of a hypocrite you truly are.

Again, that perch you have set yourself upon is built by your hypocrisy, which means it has a solid foundation and is built strongly.


my war

I've seen you resort to personal attack, hell, you've even attacked my children in a discussion so don't try to play the victim here for you are only showing how much of a hypocrite you truly are.

Again, that perch you have set yourself upon is built by your hypocrisy, which means it has a solid foundation and is built strongly.

Damn! You are such a baby! Go change the diaper, won't ya?!?!


Not White House Approved
So... essentially you are patting yourself on the back for being so pro free speech on here yet.... we are at this point because you are upset about what other people have posted freely? Conflicted much? :shrug:

Fairly unique in the fact that you will rarely see a forum who's administrator/moderator gets so involved with the topics at hand.

I'm not looking for total agreement. I post because I have an opinion, a voice... and I want it heard. The difference is that I am not the moderator/administrator. PERIOD!

Is this an open forum for people to express their views -OR- is this a blog where those in charge are able to openly admonish members for their views and then gloat about how they foster free speech?


i didn't bring it into this one, and i ususally dont. I will call a bigot out on their BS. But I know you get that a lot :shrug:

And to you denial is a river in Egypt.

This is not the first time someone has suggested that I not my own forum. :lol: It has always been someone who disagrees with me politically or socially. Like, always. I guess because they don't want to be disagreed with.

Anyway, I have no intention of not speaking my mind (in my forum), just like everyone else does, and if someone has a problem with that they can go blather somewhere else.

I don't see anyone telling you not to participate, I see people saying that if you do participate, don't get all butthurt and your panties in a wade. You attacked members of your own site, the very members you rely on for income because if it wasn't for people (members) visiting this site you would be on welfare, not a very smart business move but then again, you do drive up traffic by being controversial.

Participate, have people disagree with you, but when you act like the victim and seek pity don't come looking for it, you made your bed now lie in it. For you to call other members bigots and racist is like Michael Moore calling someone else fat, don't like then maybe you shouldn't do it yourself.

You are such the victim, too bad you are just as guilty of the crimes you accuse others of committing.


Well-Known Member
Hell MR... I've probably spent more time sitting on the commode in an all black neighborhood than you have spent associating with a black person!

Do I discriminate... YES! When I feel it is warranted.

Am I a bigot or a racist..... you would have to ask all of my non-Caucasian friends that question (or probably just the African American ones since it seems that they are the only ones you seem to care about.... amiright?)

I bet if we let them read your posts they wouldn't be your friends.

As for the rest, you would be wrong. Where do you get that I would only care about African Americans?


mama to two

:like: !!!!! (It makes me think of The Birdcage, one of my fave movies that pretty much sums up the topic of this thread)

You beat me to it! I had just composed a post to submit, but then saw yours. Basically, this forum is like a family. Families argue, but in the end, work it out. Well, most of the time. We all say stuff we get bashed for, including vrai. Several members have said if you don't like it, leave. Yep, that pretty much sums it up! :lol:



Well-Known Member
:like: !!!!! (It makes me think of The Birdcage, one of my fave movies that pretty much sums up the topic of this thread)

You beat me to it! I had just composed a post to submit, but then saw yours. Basically, this forum is like a family. Families argue, but in the end, work it out. Well, most of the time. We all say stuff we get bashed for, including vrai. Several members have said if you don't like it, leave. Yep, that pretty much sums it up! :lol:


Yup. That song popped in my head reading the thread this evening.


New Member
I bet if we let them read your posts they wouldn't be your friends.

As for the rest, you would be wrong. Where do you get that I would only care about African Americans?

Probably from just about every post you put up on here. Always quick to jump into and hate when the discussion involves #1: Race and #2: African Americans. You are like a white Reverand Al of the SOMD forums. Running around like a 3 year old chasing a soccer ball just looking for someone to hate on or some topic to interject in and try to tell everyone how wrong they are to justify your white guilt.

To paraphrase Al Pacino......

"White guilt is like a bag of bricks......... you just gotta put it down."

Take a break and put yours down MR :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Probably from just about every post you put up on here. Always quick to jump into and hate when the discussion involves #1: Race and #2: African Americans. You are like a white Reverand Al of the SOMD forums. Running around like a 3 year old chasing a soccer ball just looking for someone to hate on or some topic to interject in and try to tell everyone how wrong they are to justify your white guilt.

To paraphrase Al Pacino......

"White guilt is like a bag of bricks......... you just gotta put it down."

Take a break and put yours down MR :coffee:

just because your only interaction with me has been me calling you out on your prejudice towards balck people does not mean that is all i post about. I dont have any white guilt, but i'm not a bigot either.