This Perfectly Sums Up What “Rights” Mean to Liberals


New Member
Then why do you post??? If this was some sort of amen chorus, that wouldn't be much fun to me. :shrug:

I'm not looking for total agreement. I post because I have an opinion, a voice... and I want it heard. The difference is that I am not the moderator/administrator. PERIOD!

Is this an open forum for people to express their views -OR- is this a blog where those in charge are able to openly admonish members for their views and then gloat about how they foster free speech?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm not looking for total agreement. I post because I have an opinion, a voice... and I want it heard. The difference is that I am not the moderator/administrator. PERIOD!

Is this an open forum for people to express their views -OR- is this a blog where those in charge are able to openly admonish members for their views and then gloat about how they foster free speech?

How come it's not self evident that it's free expression? She's bytching at you. You're bytching back. Disagreement is a large part of free discussion. :shrug:

That she has the power to silence you and does not says a lot. The fact that you feel free to express disagreement in the face of her power to banish you, shows you know your views are welcome even when not agreed with.

Seems to be working to me.


New Member
How come it's not self evident that it's free expression? She's bytching at you. You're bytching back. Disagreement is a large part of free discussion. :shrug:

I think the focus has been lost..... lets get back on point shall we?

The initial post on here by vrai was one where she openly admonished a group of people for views that they express on this forum. First of all, coming from a moderator in itself is inappropriate as it shows bias (especially from a mod that has openly expressed like views in the past) BUT....

Later when she decides to pull out the whoa-is-me routine and insinuates how she fosters free speech and equality to everyone is just laughable and deserves to be called out.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think the focus has been lost..... lets get back on point shall we?

The initial post on here by vrai was one where she openly admonished a group of people for views that they express on this forum. First of all, coming from a moderator in itself is inappropriate as it shows bias (especially from a mod that has openly expressed like views in the past) BUT....

Later when she decides to pull out the whoa-is-me routine and insinuates how she fosters free speech and equality to everyone is just laughable and deserves to be called out.

I hold out hope that the fact that you and everyone else can freely express those thoughts defeats your point.


I have to agree with that. Again, my issue is that this sort of thing has done nothing but harm the faith and, to me, that is not only NOT in keeping with what I got out of Sunday school but also very bad for the nation in the face of the rising tyranny of Islam.

Do we have to define your 'free practice thereof' in the context of ‘harm’? I always kind of thought practicing something freely was a personal thing, a choice, that doesn't require justification… It’s in the context of ‘the pursuit of happiness’, not if harm is being inflicted.


New Member
The initial post on here by vrai was one where she openly admonished a group of people for views that they express on this forum.

I just want to make sure I am clear with your thoughts.

You are finding it wrong, that the administrator of these forums has found it offensive and stated her hatred for a group of people. She did not name those people, but stated they were people who are bigots and racists.

YOU have agreed that there are people here who are bigots and racists, as you stated you have seen their posts. Do you not share the same contemt for bigots and racists?

Is there anything I wrote which is not what you are saying?


New Member
I just want to make sure I am clear with your thoughts.

You are finding it wrong, that the administrator of these forums has found it offensive and stated her hatred for a group of people. She did not name those people, but stated they were people who are bigots and racists.

YOU have agreed that there are people here who are bigots and racists, as you stated you have seen their posts. Do you not share the same contemt for bigots and racists?

Is there anything I wrote which is not what you are saying?

Do I share the same contempt for bigots and racists.... YES!

Am I the administrator of this forum and weighing my opinion on and furthermore condemning what people express as free speech and then later, touting my tolerance for free speech..... NO!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do we have to define your 'free practice thereof' in the context of ‘harm’? I always kind of thought practicing something freely was a personal thing, a choice, that doesn't require justification… It’s in the context of ‘the pursuit of happiness’, not if harm is being inflicted.

Do we agree that Christianity has been under assault and has been reduced in the US? This falls under the 'you (generic) can do as you please...but should you?' Sorta like these guys who like to walk around with long guns and stir up the locals just so they can be u-toob heros for 15 minutes. Yeah, you can do that, but should you?

The folks who are being lauded as brave for refusing to bake cakes and sell flowers, to me, would be braver by making the extra effort and, cheerfully, conduct what is, after all ,their chosen business, and maybe just add "I don't agree with your choices but I love you as a fellow human being and wish you well in the future. Hope you like the cake!".

To me, that's the faith I was taught. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Do I share the same contempt for bigots and racists.... YES!

Am I the administrator of this forum and weighing my opinion on and furthermore condemning what people express as free speech and then later, touting my tolerance for free speech..... NO!


you are one of the forum's bigger bigots.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to bringing race into each and every conversation on this forum.... I think the consensus would be unanimous that I don't hold a candle to you MR :howdy:

i didn't bring it into this one, and i ususally dont. I will call a bigot out on their BS. But I know you get that a lot :shrug:


PREMO Member
I'm not looking for total agreement. I post because I have an opinion, a voice... and I want it heard. The difference is that I am not the moderator/administrator. PERIOD!

Is this an open forum for people to express their views -OR- is this a blog where those in charge are able to openly admonish members for their views and then gloat about how they foster free speech?


don't forget the Forum Pets either


New Member
Do I share the same contempt for bigots and racists.... YES!

Am I the administrator of this forum and weighing my opinion on and furthermore condemning what people express as free speech and then later, touting my tolerance for free speech..... NO!

So you don't think she has a right to free speech? What, other than expressing her opinion, which you allege to be the same as yours, has she done as the administrator of this forum? Has she banned people for having bigoted opinions or making bigoted posts? I haven't seen it and obviously neither have you.

It would seem to me you saw the ridiculousness of your initial thought on this, so now you are trying to create another argument where there is none.

She is showing contempt for people who express racism. The same contempt you allege to have, yet you don't think she deserves an opinion, (after all that is all it is since she is not banning people) and you are making a claim of not protecting free speech. I'd just say listening to you, I am happy she is the administrator and seems to be more tolerant than you.
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New Member
I'll say! Hell Fire and Damnation! Only towards whites, though. You see a problem with that?

I didn't see her mention race. Only bigotry and racism. I would, however have a problem with someone who only thought people of one race or another could be racist.