Thomas Johnson Bridge


I know nothing
At the highest part of the bridge, which is 150 feet, its just as deep below the water.

Last time I was under it, my depth gauge read 156 feet


LordStanley said:
At the highest part of the bridge, which is 150 feet, its just as deep below the water.

Last time I was under it, my depth gauge read 156 feet
Cool. Heard they left the forms and junk in the water from when they built the bridge. True or false?


Come Play at BigWoodys
Great so everyone that is afraid of the bridge now will go north to 231. Sweet no more idiots slowing down on the top of the bridge and backing up traffic.

nobody really

I need a nap
timex said:
Why did they build the bridge in the deepest part of the river? I would think that they could have found a better spot. The current at that depth are very very strong, enough to corrode even the best supports. Or was there a reason I’m not aware of?

southern maryland needed a bridge high enough for people to jump from?


Well-Known Member
I try not to think about these things. I had an awful nightmare last night. I was in my car with my kids and bridge fell out underneath us. I couldn't figure out how to get out of my car.
This has been on my mind all day today and has really upset me. I got to thinking "Damn, what would I do". Is it possible for me to get out of my car and swim up to air with 2 (almost 3) little ones who cannot swim. Honestly, I've been a little fearful today. I realize that my hormones are kicking in and I've been a bit jumpy. But, this is really getting to me. It makes me want to contact an expert and get advice on what to do if this should ever happen. All I can thinking about is losing my children and that is my worst fear!

nobody really

I need a nap
Vince said:
Cross the bridge two to four times a day. No big deal. You'll always have those that need something to worry about.

yeah, i worry more about if my dog is going to crap in the house :killingme


FastCarsSpeed said:
Great so everyone that is afraid of the bridge now will go north to 231. Sweet no more idiots slowing down on the top of the bridge and backing up traffic.
Yeah, like yesterday. No accident, nothing, yet traffic backed up. Someone decides to slow to 25mph and wham, instant traffic jam.


I bowl overhand
sockgirl77 said:
I try not to think about these things. I had an awful nightmare last night. I was in my car with my kids and bridge fell out underneath us. I couldn't figure out how to get out of my car.
This has been on my mind all day today and has really upset me. I got to thinking "Damn, what would I do". Is it possible for me to get out of my car and swim up to air with 2 (almost 3) little ones who cannot swim. Honestly, I've been a little fearful today. I realize that my hormones are kicking in and I've been a bit jumpy. But, this is really getting to me. It makes me want to contact an expert and get advice on what to do if this should ever happen. All I can thinking about is losing my children and that is my worst fear!
You should buy a window breaking thingy and stick it to the inside of your car..

It's the only thing that worked on Mythbusters.. and all the car parts stores sell them.


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
You should buy a window breaking thingy and stick it to the inside of your car..

It's the only thing that worked on Mythbusters.. and all the car parts stores sell them.
Thanks. I'll look into it.


Well-Known Member
Thomas Johnson Bridge 08-02-2007 11:01 AM no one cares :yay:

Dear Karma Giver,
I do not post for your sake. I post for mine.


New Member
itsbob said:
You should buy a window breaking thingy and stick it to the inside of your car..

It's the only thing that worked on Mythbusters.. and all the car parts stores sell them.

If you get the right one "window breaking thingy" ( it has a hook that hides a razor that can also cut seatbelts if the buckle wont release. All you do is hook and pull the blade will cut the belt and away you go.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Airgasm said:
Not to worry, there are now "Crisis Hotline" placards on the bridge... :yay:

which are probably the result of some of the the accidents ---you have to look to the side to read them :shrug:; why aren't they posted prior to the bridge (or did I miss them) took me forever to locate them after all the talk.....and no i wasn't planning to jump


beamher said:
which are probably the result of some of the the accidents ---you have to look to the side to read them :shrug:; why aren't they posted prior to the bridge (or did I miss them) took me forever to locate them after all the talk.....and no i wasn't planning to jump

They aren't posted prior because nobody jumps at the base of the bridge would be my guess


Lem Putt
Baywatchv8 said:
If you get the right one "window breaking thingy" it has a hook that hides a razor that can also cut seatbelts if the buckle wont release. All you do is hook and pull the blade will cut the belt and away you go.
:yay: Everyone should have one in their trunk.


Well-Known Member
Jameo said:
They aren't posted prior because nobody jumps at the base of the bridge would be my guess

why wait for someone to get to the top before deciding to give them a number that may prevent them from jumping; and you have to reach the correct spot or you won't even see the number(how useless??)


Lem Putt
kris31280 said:
Although I'm curious to know of the condition of the bridge... I agree with the "when it's your time..." statement.

That being said... I probably shouldn't even be reading this thread anymore today... just reading about the condition of the bridge from the posters so far is enough to make me start shaking and I've never even been across that bridge yet.

Something like this, especially because it's so close to me, really puts things in to perspective and makes you think back on your life, choices, and the people who mean the most to you.
There were probably more people killed in Minnesota last night by drunk drivers than on that bridge, yet none of them made the news. The bridge may be spectacular and scary, but the odds of dying on the bridge due to a drunk driver far outweigh any chance of the bridge failing.