Thomas Johnson Bridge

Much cheaper to just undo your seatbelts and roll down a window when you cross a bridge. Also not a bad idea to have a PFD handy. Oh and an EPIRB and strobe light. Maybe shark repellant and a bang stick.


Lem Putt
beamher said:
why wait for someone to get to the top before deciding to give them a number that may prevent them from jumping; and you have to reach the correct spot or you won't even see the number(how useless??)
Yes, it is a useless sign, but people felt they had to do something and the signs made them feel better. People don't like being told there is nothing that can be done, they want the government to find something to do, so we end up with useless but visible gestures that calm people down until the next person climbs on that sign to jump.


Lem Putt
desertrat said:
Much cheaper to just undo your seatbelts and roll down a window when you cross a bridge. Also not a bad idea to have a PFD handy. Oh and an EPIRB and strobe light. Maybe shark repellant and a bang stick.
And a parachute. It's a long drop.


MMDad said:
There were probably more people killed in Minnesota last night by drunk drivers than on that bridge, yet none of them made the news. The bridge may be spectacular and scary, but the odds of dying on the bridge due to a drunk driver far outweigh any chance of the bridge failing.
That's probably true... however they didn't make national news... it didn't happen right down the street from where I work... It's not something I'm forced to confront as I hit morning traffic jams due to a major thoroughfare being shut down because it sits in a river... it's not something that every time I turn on the radio I have to hear more news reports of... it's not something that every time I turn on the TV I see video of... or every webpage I go to I see headlines and video capture of.

Drunk drivers are bad... the chances of dying by one are greater than ever falling and dying on a bridge.

But last night someone dying in a drunk driving accident didn't shake up my world... a bridge falling down which affected my friends and family did.
sockgirl77 said:
Then you're just an idiot who would put a rescue device in a truck that you will not be able to access 100 feet deep in the water. :yay:
Why worry about it? The fall will most certainly kill you. If not, it will stun you and you'll be dead when you wake up.
Look it up!

White Buddah said:
A co-worker just told me that they closed the bridge for 2 years because of the cracks. They had a ferry(s) to get people across. I'm glad I really don't have a reason to cross the bridge...maybe once a month. But, to all of you that do choose to cross that bridge I wish you the best of luck in your journeys.
Tell your co-worker that he is full of baloney! The bridge was closed for 3 months and there was no ferry. There were some boats to take people between Solomons and Pax River.


Well-Known Member
luthersomd said:
Tell your co-worker that he is full of baloney! The bridge was closed for 3 months and there was no ferry. There were some boats to take people between Solomons and Pax River.
I could have sworn that my stepdad told me that there was a ferry. :shrug:

Oh and it is B-O-L-O-G-N-A.


Lem Putt
sockgirl77 said:
Then you're just an idiot who would put a rescue device in a truck that you will not be able to access 100 feet deep in the water. :yay:
Thomas Johnson Bridge 08-02-2007 12:33 PM prego again by bebe daddy#3 just called you an idiot

Somebody doesn't like you very much, socki.

The trunk thing is an old blonde joke. If you don't get it, you may need to bleach your hair because I am obviously giving you too much credit.


Well-Known Member
MMDad said:
Thomas Johnson Bridge 08-02-2007 12:33 PM prego again by bebe daddy#3 just called you an idiot

Somebody doesn't like you very much, socki.

The trunk thing is an old blonde joke. If you don't get it, you may need to bleach your hair because I am obviously giving you too much credit.
Tell your karma giver to get their facts straight. :yay:
Also, I have never heard that joke. Nor was it told as a joke.