Thread Nazis

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I was just looking thru the CSM Continuing Education catalogue and under the "Personal Enrichment" course listing, they have a course entitled "Star Trek: Its History, Ethics and Relevance."

I think that is just plain weird.


BS Gal said:
I was just looking thru the CSM Continuing Education catalogue and under the "Personal Enrichment" course listing, they have a course entitled "Star Trek: Its History, Ethics and Relevance."

I think that is just plain weird.
You're joking right? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Nanny Pam said:
Does anyone have Papa John's phone # handy?

Just in case you're ever in College Park, that PJ's number is 301-277-7722. It's easy to remember when you're drunk. :wink:


Darwin was right
warneckutz said:
When did you wash the dog? Before or after you washed the gopher? :popcorn:

OK, why are you guys dragging me into this. Already received bad Karma from another thread telling me my opinion had no value and now you are trying to get the old gopher in trouble over here. And I didn't know anyone's opinion had any actual'Iv'e been saving them up all these years thinking I could redeem them for cash one day. I guess I can hand them out freely now that I've found mine have no value.:killingme