Thread Nazis



smoothmarine187 said:
:roflmao: Now that right thur is some interesting info! I used to dive with platypus's off the beaches of Cheyenne. Who knew I was risking my life.

Wouldn't that be platypussies?


Lem Putt
migtig said:
When is that Korean restaurant opening up? :drool:

My wife talked to the owner and he said early August. It's not open yet, and they aren't making progress. The sign has only been up since January.

I'm hoping it'll be good if it ever opens.


Well-Known Member
GopherM said:
OK, why are you guys dragging me into this. Already received bad Karma from another thread telling me my opinion had no value and now you are trying to get the old gopher in trouble over here. And I didn't know anyone's opinion had any actual'Iv'e been saving them up all these years thinking I could redeem them for cash one day. I guess I can hand them out freely now that I've found mine have no value.:killingme

Yeah, well, you could be a Platypus...


A Riddle

You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is
sharp drop off, and on your left side is an elephant traveling at the same
speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping kangaroo and your
horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lion running at the same
speed as you and the Kangaroo. What must you do to safely get out of this
highly dangerous situation?

If you do not know, see answer below.

Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round!


aka Mrs. Giant
dems4me said:
Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round!
You saw me in my platform shoes trying to get on the merry-go-round at the Ridge VFD carnival didn't you and know they wouldn't let me on cause the sign said I must be this tall to ride. :bawl: You are picking on me. :meamie:


migtig said:
You saw me in my platform shoes trying to get on the merry-go-round at the Ridge VFD carnival didn't you and know they wouldn't let me on cause the sign said I must be this tall to ride. :bawl: You are picking on me. :meamie:



New Member
Fingel_Hymer said:
To all the thread Nazis out there [you know who you are], if you want to become a grammar checker or spell checker get a job as an elementary school teacher... Type o's happen, not everyone remembers to hit the spell check before pressing send.

And for all those people who b!tch about a thread taking a different course, p!ss-off.

I have seen way too many of the "veteran" members [those with over a couple of thousand posts] jump into the middle of a thread about a plane crash and begin spouting about their drive to the mall last night....

Everyone seems to have the balls of Goliath in here and wants to hide behind their avatar. Before whining about someone's, try following the rules yourselves or keep your pie-hole shut!
Did you hear about the cop who shot the dog?


Super Genius
Fingel_Hymer said:
To all the thread Nazis out there [you know who you are], if you want to become a grammar checker or spell checker get a job as an elementary school teacher... Type o's happen, not everyone remembers to hit the spell check before pressing send.

And for all those people who b!tch about a thread taking a different course, p!ss-off.

I have seen way too many of the "veteran" members [those with over a couple of thousand posts] jump into the middle of a thread about a plane crash and begin spouting about their drive to the mall last night....

Everyone seems to have the balls of Goliath in here and wants to hide behind their avatar. Before whining about someone's, try following the rules yourselves or keep your pie-hole shut!
Who the hell are you? :confused:


Mikeinsmd said:
How could he bite the cop? He was chained up.

This prolly should have it's own thread.
Nah..He chewed through the chain, then he chewed the cops arm off and was about half way through the cops leg before back up arrived.
I heard it was a Pitbull,Chihuahua mix.