Tiger To Bare His Soul


Dancing Up A Storm
According to ESPN, Tiger Woods has scheduled a news conference this Friday, at 11:00am. I guess he's going to try and lay it all out there what went wrong in his recent lifestyle.

Might be interesting to watch/ listen to what he's going say.
According to ESPN, Tiger Woods has scheduled a news conference this Friday, at 11:00am. I guess he's going to try and lay it all out there what went wrong in his recent lifestyle.

Might be interesting to watch/ listen to what he's going say.

Isn't that what got him in trouble in the first place?


According to ESPN, Tiger Woods has scheduled a news conference this Friday, at 11:00am. I guess he's going to try and lay it all out there what went wrong in his recent lifestyle.

Might be interesting to watch/ listen to what he's going say.

it's gonna be the same lip service you get when anyone in the limelight does something the masses feel they are owed an explanation for. He's doing it so he can start getting ready for Augusta...and probably one of the most sickening press inflated comebacks of all time...

but I'm a Tiger fan, so I can't wait to see him hitting the ball again..


Dancing Up A Storm
it's gonna be the same lip service you get when anyone in the limelight does something the masses feel they are owed an explanation for. He's doing it so he can start getting ready for Augusta...and probably one of the most sickening press inflated comebacks of all time...

but I'm a Tiger fan, so I can't wait to see him hitting the ball again..

I don't know if I can adequately put this into words, that say what I'd like to, but you KNOW the press folks are going to be ALL OVER his poor butt!

It's going to take a lot of courage to do what he knows he has to, in order to get back on the tour.


Cleopatra Jones
I don't know if I can adequately put this into words, that say what I'd like to, but you KNOW the press folks are going to be ALL OVER his poor butt!

It's going to take a lot of courage to do what he knows he has to, in order to get back on the tour.

Courage? Are you serious? :killingme A courageous man leaves his wife if he wants to run around the country laying pipe. A coward lies and stays and pretends to be something he's not. I don't think for one second he would have been any less popular had he been himself opposed to trying to portray something he wasn't.

He's got enough money to live out the rest of his life in comfort. He doesn't need to play golf anymore, he wants to.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
"Well I really eff'd this up didn't I?" What can I say? I love the p@$$y.:shrug: I 've got more money than Davy Crockett and if I was a bit more careful and the media wasn't so nosy I'd still be tapping random chicks from coast to coast.:yay:

Now a word from my new sponsor:


I don't know if I can adequately put this into words, that say what I'd like to, but you KNOW the press folks are going to be ALL OVER his poor butt!

It's going to take a lot of courage to do what he knows he has to, in order to get back on the tour.

Dude.....they press will be all over his NUTS....i'm telling you the amount of press he is going to get for his "triumphant comeback" is going to be sickening....once he does the obligatory, "I'm sorry" speech..all in the sports media will be forgiven and they will market the hell out of this.

And like Pixie said...I'm not so sure it takes courage as much as it is a necessity if he wants to continue his career...and he doesn't have to do this to get back on the tour...he has never been off...there is no rule in the tour that says you can't be a bad husband...If that was the case the Tour would probably consist of about 100 single guys...


Dancing Up A Storm
"Well I really eff'd this up didn't I?" What can I say? I love the p@$$y.:shrug: I 've got more money than Davy Crockett and if I was a bit more careful and the media wasn't so nosy I'd still be tapping random chicks from coast to coast.:yay:

Now a word from my new sponsor:

You see, these are a couple of thoughts that I've wondered about, during this horror show.

Tiger, did you think you could blend into the woods(no pun intended:lol:), so much so, that you could come and go, with any little hottie chick, whenever, wherever you wanted to, and NOBODY would notice??


Cleopatra Jones
You see, these are a couple of thoughts that I've wondered about, during this horror show.

Tiger, did you think you could blend into the woods(no pun intended:lol:), so much so, that you could come and go, with any little hottie chick, whenever, wherever you wanted to, and NOBODY would notice??

What's really sad about it is his wife is gorgeous and some of those girls were real hounds. :barf:
I wish he didn't have to go through all this dog and pony show stuff. A simple 'it's between myself, my wife, our families, my other 'friends', our dogs and cats, my God, and perhaps a few lawyers' should have been enough to suffice. Perhaps he could have thrown in that 'the only thing that's between you all and myself is what I do on the golf course and within my sponsorship arrangements, and if you all think otherwise, then you're misguided and I no longer want whatever fame or wealth comes to me as a result of your interest - I'll see you in April from Augusta - thanks for coming.'

I mean, that's how I would handle it - no amount of money or public admiration/affection would be worth having to pretend that it was most people's business, or that I gave a #### what other - unconnected - people thought about it. To the extent that it somehow altered their perception of the entertainment product I provided, I wouldn't care if they were interested in that product anymore. If someone was buying Tag Heuer watches, or Nike hats and golf balls, or watching him grind out an amazing 68, after being in the rough all day, to win another major, because of some latent interest in what he'd been doing with his manhood, or what the status of his marriage was, then I've got serious concerns about their mental goings on and their decision making processes. I don't use Nike golf balls or clubs, but if I did, it surely wouldn't be because I thought or imagined that he was faithful to his wife.


Dancing Up A Storm
What's really sad about it is his wife is gorgeous and some of those girls were real hounds. :barf:

Wow! Are you right on with that one! TMZ ran a segment on this, just the other day! Some of those gals were downright prostitutes, nasty lookin'! I was a bit surprised to see them.

Of course, it's possible that some of them never had any relationship with Tiger, and are simply looking for the news coverage.


Supper's Ready
Dude.....they press will be all over his NUTS....i'm telling you the amount of press he is going to get for his "triumphant comeback" is going to be sickening....once he does the obligatory, "I'm sorry" speech..all in the sports media will be forgiven and they will market the hell out of this.

And like Pixie said...I'm not so sure it takes courage as much as it is a necessity if he wants to continue his career...and he doesn't have to do this to get back on the tour...he has never been off...there is no rule in the tour that says you can't be a bad husband...If that was the case the Tour would probably consist of about 100 single guys...

Couldn't agree more. I'm sure his "I'm sorry" speech will have carefully chosen words, with the plan to move on in the hope the media will go along with him. About golf. Just hoping he doesn't faux pas with "I screwed up". Now, that would be bad. :lol:


Couldn't agree more. I'm sure his "I'm sorry" speech will have carefully chosen words, with the plan to move on in the hope the media will go along with him. About golf. Just hoping he doesn't faux pas with "I screwed up". Now, that would be bad. :lol:



"I played a round this morning"


Dancing Up A Storm
I'm just wondering, musing a bit....how hard will the press reporters come down on Tiger, after he makes his speech, and asks for their forgiveness?

Your thoughts?


The American public is not entitled to know what happened with Tiger.


Dancing Up A Storm
The American public is not entitled to know what happened with Tiger.

True enough, but we're past that, aren't we? That is no longer an issue. His name, his exploits, who he has been with, has painted him into a corner, in a lot of people's minds. He's not the guy they thought they knew, or watched on the PGA Tour.

Will the press temper their questions, or will it be like "open season"?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you people realize how much pressure there is in the known golf universe to get this guy back on the course, thus the TV?

Ad revenue. Gate. My gawd, golf is an afterthought right now. There has never been a single athlete, ever, as critical and indispensable to the top end success of a pro sport as Eldrick. When he's there, people show up and watch. When he's not, huge, just huge drop.


Dancing Up A Storm
Do you people realize how much pressure there is in the known golf universe to get this guy back on the course, thus the TV?

Ad revenue. Gate. My gawd, golf is an afterthought right now. There has never been a single athlete, ever, as critical and indispensable to the top end success of a pro sport as Eldrick. When he's there, people show up and watch. When he's not, huge, just huge drop.

I've got to agree, Larry. Without him, the crowds just won't be there. It's like, when Tiger is in the field, the eyes are on him, but WHO is gonna challenge him? Who can give him a good fight to the last hole?


Dancing Up A Storm
ESPN is eating up on Tiger Woods news conference at 11:00am!!

They have a segment on it every 5 minutes! The 10:00 start of the new hour of SportsCenter - it was the first thing they brought up for discussion.

He's only going to talk for maybe 12-15 minutes, and will not be taking any questions so I thought I saw. :popcorn: