Tiger To Bare His Soul

ESPN is eating up on Tiger Woods news conference at 11:00am!!

They have a segment on it every 5 minutes! The 10:00 start of the new hour of SportsCenter - it was the first thing they brought up for discussion.

He's only going to talk for maybe 12-15 minutes, and will not be taking any questions so I thought I saw. :popcorn:

CNBC has a 'Tiger Talks' countdown timer in the corner of the screen. :lol: I suppose it's a meaningful business story. They also just announced that Elin won't be there.


Dancing Up A Storm
CNBC has a 'Tiger Talks' countdown timer in the corner of the screen. :lol: I suppose it's a meaningful business story. They also just announced that Elin won't be there.

Yeah, Elin probably does not want to be around for this shedding of tears.

But wait! I might be a little ahead of the game here, but I can see ESPN and the rest of the MSM news media - parsing every word that comes out of Tiger's mouth! They will be analysing every phrase he cites, and giving us their interpretations.

Get ready! :lmao:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
If the third string long snapper from the Detroit Lions had done this would there still be a media circus?


Nothing to see here
If the third string long snapper from the Detroit Lions had done this would there still be a media circus?

Thank you...Every one of the loser media jackazzes during the pre-bangbangbang period couldn't sing hosannas to Tiger loud enough..now the same folks are jumping the shark in condemning him..and I am willing to bet that 85% of the media knownothings would have been caught up in the same chit had they had the money, access and time. The smugness of some of these clowns is hilarious.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Thank you...Every one of the loser media jackazzes during the pre-bangbangbang period couldn't sing hosannas to Tiger loud enough..now the same folks are jumping the shark in condemning him..and I am willing to bet that 85% of the media knownothings would have been caught up in the same chit had they had the money, access and time. The smugness of some of these clowns is hilarious.

I think I am entering my "astute" phase in my life.:lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Thank you...Every one of the loser media jackazzes during the pre-bangbangbang period couldn't sing hosannas to Tiger loud enough..now the same folks are jumping the shark in condemning him..and I am willing to bet that 85% of the media knownothings would have been caught up in the same chit had they had the money, access and time. The smugness of some of these clowns is hilarious.

Wow! Did you ever "hit the nail on the head" with those thoughts! :yay:

Wasn't there an ESPN commentator - Steve Philips - who had much the same problem? Didn't see but a few segments discussing his poor habits.


Having Fun!
I am sorry but I don't think that a statement by Tiger Woods is reason enough for ABC to do a "Special News Report" and interrupt programming for it. He's a guy who's good at golf who cheated big-time on his wife and basically disrespected his entire family. Not worth it.

Just my opinion that it's just another example of how totally screwed up the priorities are in our country.


My Sweetest Boy
I am sorry but I don't think that a statement by Tiger Woods is reason enough for ABC to do a "Special News Report" and interrupt programming for it. He's a guy who's good at golf who cheated big-time on his wife and basically disrespected his entire family. Not worth it.

Just my opinion that it's just another example of how totally screwed up the priorities are in our country.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am sorry but I don't think that a statement by Tiger Woods is reason enough for ABC to do a "Special News Report" and interrupt programming for it. He's a guy who's good at golf who cheated big-time on his wife and basically disrespected his entire family. Not worth it.

Just my opinion that it's just another example of how totally screwed up the priorities are in our country.

Then you may not be giving enough credence to just how HUGE Tiger is to business, including the news biz.


Hell, he may not even wanna play at this point in his life. There's just very big bucks and very big expectations wrapped up in him.


Dancing Up A Storm
THAT took a lot of guts!

I think he did well, he did bare his soul. Asked for forgiveness. He seemed sincere. I hope he makes it all the way back, and that this terrible issue fades into history.

Time will tell.