Tiki Bar Opening??


All Up In Your Grill
aps45819 said:
The smib Mardi Gras :lol:
There will be 5000 people trying to get into one little bar with one toilet. Traffic on the bridge will essentially come to a stop for the entire evening (if it's not shut down) and every cop in the tri-county will be converged in a 10 square mile area.



24/7 Single Dad
Roughidle said:

the Tiki Bar opening will draw thousands of people. The weather is almost ALWAYS crappy, they sell a hawaiin punch/grain alochol mix, call it a Mia Tia, and get $6 for a 6 oz cup.


Well-Known Member
aps45819 said:

the Tiki Bar opening will draw thousands of people. The weather is almost ALWAYS crappy, they sell a hawaiin punch/grain alochol mix, call it a Mia Tia, and get $6 for a 6 oz cup.
yeah, but you get a 50/50 chance of getting puked on with each one :yay:


Yeah, I'm here, I think!!
aps45819 said:
:huggy: no wonder you don't remember what day it was.

I'm getting there ... taking it one day at a time

I think it's HILARIOUS someone made my karma go way down!!! That's cracking me up!!!


New Member
aps45819 said:

the Tiki Bar opening will draw thousands of people. The weather is almost ALWAYS crappy, they sell a hawaiin punch/grain alochol mix, call it a Mia Tia, and get $6 for a 6 oz cup.
yeah i'm not impressed with that joint and avoid solomon island in the summer as it is.