Tiki Bar Opening??


Yeah, I'm here, I think!!
Roughidle said:
yeah i'm not impressed with that joint and avoid solomon island in the summer as it is.

gotta agree with you! had a good time last year ... didn't wanna go back but my sis-n-law is 21 now and really wants to go. i get to be the designated driver since i'm pregnant this year. can't wait to get HER all liquored up!!! hahaha it really IS alot more fun being the sober one!!!


Well-Known Member
AuntieN1281 said:
gotta agree with you! had a good time last year ... didn't wanna go back but my sis-n-law is 21 now and really wants to go. i get to be the designated driver since i'm pregnant this year. can't wait to get HER all liquored up!!! hahaha it really IS alot more fun being the sober one!!!

Yeah, that's what I thought last year, til I remembered what a pain in the ass it is to be the drunk-wrangler in a huge crowd. The evening wound up with me taking a friend to the hospital because he fought C street, and C street won.

I think I'll pass on Tiki this year, and get drunk at the Door instead.


24/7 Single Dad
Did they solve the lizard problem at the Tiki Bar?


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