To the parents in St Clements Shores


New Member
Sit down with your teens tonight and show them the first part of American History X because the next time something gets stolen from my house thats whats gonna happen to them. I have found a new use for my hunting camera. Heaven help them if they are brave enough to come inside the house!


off the shelf
wv4x4 said:
Sit down with your teens tonight and show them the first part of American History X because the next time something gets stolen from my house thats whats gonna happen to them. I have found a new use for my hunting camera. Heaven help them if they are brave enough to come inside the house!

It will cause you a lot less in attorney fees if you just call a cop


New Member
onebdzee said:
It will cause you a lot less in attorney fees if you just call a cop
but what fun is that when you can make a guy bite the curb and shoot out the windows of the get away car. sheesh...but personally, i'd go the route of calling the police.


New Member
wv4x4 said:
Sit down with your teens tonight and show them the first part of American History X because the next time something gets stolen from my house thats whats gonna happen to them. I have found a new use for my hunting camera. Heaven help them if they are brave enough to come inside the house!

did you call the police and file a report? do you keep your doors locked? if not that is just a welcome mat for thieves.


Has confinement issues..
wv4x4 said:
Sit down with your teens tonight and show them the first part of American History X because the next time something gets stolen from my house thats whats gonna happen to them. I have found a new use for my hunting camera. Heaven help them if they are brave enough to come inside the house!

That's real nice:rolleyes:


off the shelf
I know a couple of people that live down on the Shores and they have never had a problem with people stealing things....maybe it's just you


New Member
wv4x4 said:
Sit down with your teens tonight and show them the first part of American History X because the next time something gets stolen from my house thats whats gonna happen to them. I have found a new use for my hunting camera. Heaven help them if they are brave enough to come inside the house!

Romper stomper was also a cinema classic :whistle:


Thats how them b*tch's R
Sorry to hear about your situation. I too live in the shores and have not had a problem with theft but more power to you (although the cop thing is better legally). We have two little ones to protect here :boxing: (not to mention my stuff that I happen to like TYVM, lol). So, we have a dog and hunting guns and you should know there's nothing worse than a woman who can't shoot holding a loading shotgun. You never know where's she's aiming, lol. People who steal really piss me off. Good luck in finding whoever's doing it. Hopefully no one else has to go thru the same thing.

And by the way St. Clement's Shore's parents, tell your teens (& yourselves sometimes) to.....SLOW THE F**K DOWN!!!!!! :burning: The speed limit is only 15 or 20 mph thru there.


New Member
Calling the Police is a really great idea. You call they dispatch, The first LEO waits outside the general area until he gets a back-up and with any luck you will be gotten to within half an hour.

Watching your property go down the road is bad,but really not worth the trouble you can get into by firing a weapon, now if attacked or the perp is in your house dont stop shooting till they stop moving. A wounded thief gets a ride to Leonardtown and a good lawyer and will be back on the street before the wound heels.


Back in the day, the sherrifs department advised shoot the bastages outside and drag em in! Ahhh! The good old days! :huggy:
I live in the Shores and haven't had a problem with stealing. When we first got our shed in the backyard, it looks like someone tried to break in it but they couldn't get in. But other than that nothing.
My issue is that when I have to take the dog out at 3am sometimes there all hoodlums still walking the streets.


I am so very blessed
onebdzee said:
It will cause you a lot less in attorney fees if you just call a cop
Yep, it's much better for you to let the thugs run the neighborhood while you cower inside and play victim.

The cops MAY come after the fact and do a BS investigation, and MAYBE they'll get lucky and find your stolen items in the back of a car during a random traffic stop.. Bottom line, cops can't protect you or your property, there just isn't enough of them nor will there ever be.

It's your property, your house, I wouldn't suggest shooting someone, but you need to do SOMEthing to protect your belongings, it's your right.

It's time to exercise our rights as law abiding citizens and take the rights away from the criminal.

Oh, and I like the idea of a hunting camera.. think I might do the same thing.



BJ's and Sams club have very nice home Surveillance systems pretty cheap!


Thats how them b*tch's R
I'm sure if the perp attacked myself or my girls then yes I would definitely shoot. I'm not sure anyone would get past the barking dog. We've had people we know (and who've been to the house a couple of times) refuse to come into the yard because dog was barking like a mad dog and the hair was standing up on his back.


Well-Known Member
When I lived in The Shores, back in the early 90's, I got robbed once. I came home one evening to find a car parked in my driveway, and someone in my garage. I blocked the car in, ran inside the house, and called the police. They were all over it, until the car got past my blockade... once i told them the car was gone, they said... "Oh, well it's after the fact now, someone will be there within an hour."

I was dumbfounded... and furious! And no, they never got the guy. I can't remember what was taken. I was super-poor back then, so he was probably disappointed at what was in the garage.

That was the only time I had a problem while I lived there though.