To the parents in St Clements Shores


Well-Known Member
migtig said:
Okay - if you have mail delivered to your house, the only people who can deliver it are the L-town postal workers. Not enough postal workers are out of the Compton PO to do the job. Therefore your address may read L-town - but you are actually IN Compton. Not from around here are you?
No I am from San Diego Ca :howdy:
Well at least now I can say I moved from San Diego to Compton :lmao:
I'mno Mensa said:
Watching your property go down the road is bad,but really not worth the trouble you can get into by firing a weapon, now if attacked or the perp is in your house dont stop shooting till they stop moving. A wounded thief gets a ride to Leonardtown and a good lawyer and will be back on the street before the wound heels.
:yeahthat: If you are in my house and I am armed, I will shoot, shoot, then shoot again... then call the cops. I will not ask questions first either.


aka Mrs. Giant
workin hard said:
Yup born and raised. But I don't know the ways of the postal office so when I have a Leonardtown address I'm assuming in in Leonardtown. :shrug:
I'm not from around here and I knew that. :lmao:


New Member
lovinmaryland said:
So then that means I'm right :jet:

right :eyebrow:
Haha! No! It means your address for mailing purposes is Leonardtown, you live in Compton though. If you have to call 911, hope you say you live in Compton....


aka Mrs. Giant
Ken King said:
:yeahthat: Only those that get their mail at Compton post office have the Compton address even though they are all in Compton.

Now a little trivia, where was Clemton?
Hiya Ken :smoochy: :love: Miss us?

Are you talking about Clement's Hundred between Herring Creek And St Catherine's Creek or something else?


New Member
Would someone clear up the Compton ? Leonardtown confusion.

Isn't Clemton on Bayside Rd between 234 & 243? :biggrin:


aka Mrs. Giant
lovinmaryland said:
No I am from San Diego Ca :howdy:
Well at least now I can say I moved from San Diego to Compton :lmao:
I know, I get a great big :giggle: out of telling friends that too.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
migtig said:
Hiya Ken :smoochy: :love: Miss us?

Are you talking about Clement's Hundred between Herring Creek And St Catherine's Creek or something else?
Something else. There was once a one-room school house there.


aka Mrs. Giant
Mikeinsmd said:
Would someone clear up the Compton ? Leonardtown confusion.

Isn't Clemton on Bayside Rd between 234 & 243? :biggrin:
Did you see where he said :yeahthat: to MY post?! :neener:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Would someone clear up the Compton ? Leonardtown confusion.

Isn't Clemton on Bayside Rd between 234 & 243? :biggrin:
Yep, where Big Chestnut meets Bayside.


aka Mrs. Giant
K_Jo said:
So Leonardtown is in Compton? I never knew that.
:roflmao: You really are blonde. :smoochy: No silly.

Compton is actually an "Unincorporated area". Unincorporated areas are considered as towns by many people and listed in many collections of towns, but they lack local government. Though, if you ask around we do have a mayor. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
SoftballCrazy said:
Haha! No! It means your address for mailing purposes is Leonardtown, you live in Compton though. If you have to call 911, hope you say you live in Compton....
I'm sure they'll just trace the call :lmao: