To the parents in St Clements Shores


keekee said:
When I lived in The Shores, back in the early 90's, I got robbed once. I came home one evening to find a car parked in my driveway, and someone in my garage. I blocked the car in, ran inside the house, and called the police. They were all over it, until the car got past my blockade... once i told them the car was gone, they said... "Oh, well it's after the fact now, someone will be there within an hour."

I was dumbfounded... and furious! And no, they never got the guy. I can't remember what was taken. I was super-poor back then, so he was probably disappointed at what was in the garage.

That was the only time I had a problem while I lived there though.
hopefully you scared the guy straight


New Member
Beelzebaby666 said:
I know there are quite a few people in the shores that have problems w/ the hoodlums, so its not just WV. A couple from St Clement Shores went on vacation in their RV, when they came home their car was missing all 4 tires. There are alot of teenage hoodlums walking around, some look really spaced out. You can hear and see people walking around the hood at all hours of the day/nite.


Should be Huntin
When I lived in PG I would have people follow me home. I always had a system in my truck so they would try to figure out where I lived. One day I saw dust prints on my glass where someone was trying to see inside.... Gotta love blacked out windows. That night I heard the dog barking, pulled out my night vision goggles and saw 2 guys by my truck looking around. I grabbed my shotgun ran outside buck naked and fired off 2 shots. They ran into the woods, I could hear them running into trees cussing yelling screaming scared for their lives :lmao: :lmao:

Other times I would see young punks that would wonder down my road where they didn't belong. They were scoping out our 4-wheelers. Since they were only about 12 I figured pulling a gun out wasn't a good idea. I wound up grabbing my M-80's and shooting them at the kids with my slingshot. :lmao: TO this day I remember one kid running across the field and then all of a sudden a big brown stain shows up in the back of his pants :lmao:


Well-Known Member
getbent said:
Sorry to hear about your situation. I too live in the shores and have not had a problem with theft but more power to you (although the cop thing is better legally). We have two little ones to protect here :boxing: (not to mention my stuff that I happen to like TYVM, lol). So, we have a dog and hunting guns and you should know there's nothing worse than a woman who can't shoot holding a loading shotgun. You never know where's she's aiming, lol. People who steal really piss me off. Good luck in finding whoever's doing it. Hopefully no one else has to go thru the same thing.

And by the way St. Clement's Shore's parents, tell your teens (& yourselves sometimes) to.....SLOW THE F**K DOWN!!!!!! :burning: The speed limit is only 15 or 20 mph thru there.
I live in the shores too :huggy: question for you though... if you live in the shores how come it says you live in compton :confused:


aka Mrs. Giant
lovinmaryland said:
I live in the shores too :huggy: question for you though... if you live in the shores how come it says you live in compton :confused:
The shores are compton - duh...

I haven't had any problems probably cause of the dogs and my neighbors are great and someone's usually home on my street. However, I have seen the wanna be hoods out in force this summer, adult and child alike. I don't think it's just kids doing the stealing.

I also have been approached several times by strangers wanting to do my yard work or sell me surplus seafood/meat, etc. I say, "my dogs don't like you and I don't know how much longer I can hold 'em back" :lmao: I also let my neighbors know if I see anybody who doesn't live on our street hanging out and they do the same for me.


aka Mrs. Giant
workin hard said:
It maybe next to the Compton post office but I live in the Shores and have a Leonardtown address.
Okay - if you have mail delivered to your house, the only people who can deliver it are the L-town postal workers. Not enough postal workers are out of the Compton PO to do the job. Therefore your address may read L-town - but you are actually IN Compton. Not from around here are you?


New Member
workin hard said:
It maybe next to the Compton post office but I live in the Shores and have a Leonardtown address.
If you have a mail box on the street, its a Leonardtown address - mail goes thru the Leonardtown P.O. It is officially Compton 3 miles into Rt 243.


Thats how them b*tch's R
St. Clements Shores is actually in Compton. If you use a po box your mail goes to Compton, MD if you have a mailbox your mail goes to Leonardtown, MD. I do have a mailbox but technically we live in Compton.
migtig said:
Okay - if you have mail delivered to your house, the only people who can deliver it are the L-town postal workers. Not enough postal workers are out of the Compton PO to do the job. Therefore your address may read L-town - but you are actually IN Compton. Not from around here are you?

Yup born and raised. But I don't know the ways of the postal office so when I have a Leonardtown address I'm assuming in in Leonardtown. :shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
migtig said:
Okay - if you have mail delivered to your house, the only people who can deliver it are the L-town postal workers. Not enough postal workers are out of the Compton PO to do the job. Therefore your address may read L-town - but you are actually IN Compton. Not from around here are you?
:yeahthat: Only those that get their mail at Compton post office have the Compton address even though they are all in Compton.

Now a little trivia, where was Clemton?