Tom Brady, Patriots get hammered


Well-Known Member
Tom Brady, Patriots get hammered by NFL in deflate-gate punishment

The NFL took deflate-gate very seriously, hammering the New England Patriots with unheard of punishment in the matter of deflated footballs.

The league announced Monday that quarterback Tom Brady was suspended four games, the team was fined $1 million and will lose its 2016 first-round draft pick and a fourth-round pick in 2017. The league has been considering punishment since the release of investigator Ted Wells' report on Thursday.

That's a huge punishment considering there was no evidence Brady was directly involved and the Wells Report said Patriots ownership and coach Bill Belichick weren't involved. The league said the punishment was for violating playing rules and not cooperating fully in the investigation.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fascinating Goodell chooses to have to explain all summer why video of a player cold cooking the ol lady was 2 games and dubious evidence of *gasp* letting air out of a football everyone readily agrees ain't got nothing to do with nuthin is...4?


Well-Known Member
If I'm an opposing player, and my livelihood depends on my success and my team's success, then a cheater like Brady is basically taking money from my pocket and food off my table. A cheater like Brady is the worst of the worst and is basically a thief.

Ray Rice's actions on the other hand, don't affect me at all (as an opposing player).


New Member
If I'm an opposing player, and my livelihood depends on my success and my team's success, then a cheater like Brady is basically taking money from my pocket and food off my table. A cheater like Brady is the worst of the worst and is basically a thief.

Ray Rice's actions on the other hand, don't affect me at all (as an opposing player).

Good point. And Goodell has already said he screwed up with Rice's initial punishment. Just because Goodell screwed up one punishment, doesn't mean he now must screw them all up. And cheating ruins sports. This is bigger than Brady. Look at what happened to baseball and look at what happened to cycling. I honestly think they should revoke their Super Bowl win.


I believe that he is going the extra mile to maintain the integrity of "the game" which is in his control whereas the actions of the individual thugs smacking up their bitches is not. One is a proactive stance, one is a reactive stance.


Well-Known Member
Goodell is channeling Kenesaw Mountain Landis. Ridiculous decision, hope Patriots fight it in every way possible to get this madman under control or out.

Not a Brady or NE fan, but I do admit to loving the way Belichick treats the media.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I believe that he is going the extra mile to maintain the integrity of "the game" which is in his control whereas the actions of the individual thugs smacking up their bitches is not. One is a proactive stance, one is a reactive stance.

I actually thought that no one would try and defend this.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If I'm an opposing player, and my livelihood depends on my success and my team's success, then a cheater like Brady is basically taking money from my pocket and food off my table. A cheater like Brady is the worst of the worst and is basically a thief.

Ray Rice's actions on the other hand, don't affect me at all (as an opposing player).

Wow. This blows my mind. Knocking a woman out does not affect you and 2 pounds per square inch do.

No one, not one opposing player says this made ANY difference on the field. All who have spoken up say so.

To call Brady worse than Rice is a concept I'll need quite a few beers to get my mind around.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good point. And Goodell has already said he screwed up with Rice's initial punishment. Just because Goodell screwed up one punishment, doesn't mean he now must screw them all up. And cheating ruins sports. This is bigger than Brady. Look at what happened to baseball and look at what happened to cycling. I honestly think they should revoke their Super Bowl win.

Wha?????????? Goodell didn't screw up the initial punishment. He screwed up how he thought reaction to seeing a player knock his woman out would be seen by the public. There is NO cheating going on here. This is wearing mismatched socks. This is taping a picture of your little brother on your helmet. This has NOTHING to do with the play on the field at all and not one, NOT ONE opposing player has said otherwise. In fact, there are comments made that some QB's like MORE PSI in he ball and DO SO.

This is a stunning moment in common sense. NO ONE is negatively effected here. NOR helped. It broke a rule. The book says $25,000. Fine him. He didn't cooperate, add $25,000 to it. Don't make a further mockery of the game by pretending this is a big deal, at ALL.

This is unreal! :lol:


The fact of the matter is that the integrity of "the game" has financial implications, Ray Rice punching his GF in an elevator does not. Ray is a bad man. Ray gets thumped. Life moves on. If the integrity of the game comes into question because a few inflated balls make it into a playoff game which leads to other "hedges" now you have an issue. Gambling concerns, ticket sales, boycotts, unrest in the fan base because now they may have a plausible argument "the other guy cheated".

Which is more potentially damaging to your business? An employee who gets arrested for smacking his wife while they participate in the weekend bender in the trailer park, or someone sending out a truckload of flowers they know have a fungus and will die in a few days?


Part of what makes this laughable is Brady's agent saying something to the tune of "The NFL lacks a defined process for checking/handling game balls" which to me sounds like "Well you don't have a process to prevent cheating so the fact you caught us cheating is moot.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Fascinating Goodell chooses to have to explain all summer why video of a player cold cooking the ol lady was 2 games and dubious evidence of *gasp* letting air out of a football everyone readily agrees ain't got nothing to do with nuthin is...4?

One directly affected the game and the other didn't. Also, if it doesn't affect anything, why is it spec'd?


Well-Known Member
One directly affected the game and the other didn't. Also, if it doesn't affect anything, why is it spec'd?

I believe it was spec'd a few years because punters and a FG kickers were doctoring balls, not QBs.

Anyone know if the officiating crew were fined/suspendedfired for letting this horrible travesty happen??

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I believe it was spec'd a few years because punters and a FG kickers were doctoring balls, not QBs.

Anyone know if the officiating crew were fined/suspendedfired for letting this horrible travesty happen??

Oh, please. You think anyone cares? This thread shows what Goodell is counting on; people hating the pats so much they just want their pound of flesh no matter how cheaply it is gotten. They'll just hire some big name ex FBI whatever to do an 'investigation' and exonerate the judges just like they did with the Rice Rock 'em sock 'em vid. "Oh, we had NO idea!!!"

It is perceptions that we want to fit our own reality.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The fact of the matter is that the integrity of "the game" has financial implications, Ray Rice punching his GF in an elevator does not. ?

Let me make sure I have this right; people won't stop watching if players knock their women out but will stop watching if 2 pounds of air are let out of the ball?

That right?