Tom Brady, Patriots get hammered

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You honestly buy that????

"Hey, NFL, one of your players knocked his woman out. We have video. It's pretty bad. Wanna see it?"

"Absolutely not! Why, that has nothing to do with the integrity of the game nor our customer base or anything. What next? You going to insist we see video of players jay walking? We have no interest in our players and what they do in elevators knocking their women out and then stepping over them...not that I know that. Just saying..."

Seriously? You hate the Pats and Brady that much?


Let me make sure I have this right; people won't stop watching if players knock their women out but will stop watching if 2 pounds of air are let out of the ball?

That right?

No, too myopic. People will still watch if Ray Rice punches his woman and gets suspended for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 16 games. That is on Ray. People will not watch if the NFL turns into the WWF and it starts looking like a sham from cheating, however slight. That is on the NFL.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No, too myopic. People will still watch if Ray Rice punches his woman and gets suspended for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 16 games. That is on Ray. People will not watch if the NFL turns into the WWF and it starts looking like a sham from cheating, however slight. That is on the NFL.

So, how far you willing to stretch yourself? The 'victims' of the cheating, 'cheating' say it didn't matter. We watched for decades with no replay. Steroids. Stick 'um.

Shirley you jest.


b*tch rocket
No, too myopic. People will still watch if Ray Rice punches his woman and gets suspended for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 16 games. That is on Ray. People will not watch if the NFL turns into the WWF and it starts looking like a sham from cheating, however slight. That is on the NFL.


Ray smacking around his wife doesn't impact the integrity of the game. It has absolutely ZERO to do with the actual game. Deflating footballs has a direct impact and provides an unfair advantage. I do not know why everyone is comparing these two incidents. They are apples and oranges.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Ray smacking around his wife doesn't impact the integrity of the game. It has absolutely ZERO to do with the actual game. Deflating footballs has a direct impact and provides an unfair advantage. I do not know why everyone is comparing these two incidents. They are apples and oranges.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NFL players beating their women does not affect the integrity of the game!!! :roflmao: So, Bill Clinton using the power of office to get someone to suck him off...on the job...does not affect the integrity of the office???????????? How in the flying hell do you separate the two?????

And, no, deflating the balls plays ZERO role in the game and the players who lost SAY so.

Good, lord, people. Have at it. Burn your witch.



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
No, it did not. Every single player who has commented on this, players on the losing team, say this had NOTHING to do with the game.

But, why would they know any better? :tap:
If it doesn't affect anything why was it spec'd originally? Apparently someone in the NFL thought it mattered.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If it doesn't affect anything why was it spec'd originally? Apparently someone in the NFL thought it mattered.

Yeah, and the fine is $25,000 so fine him and be done with it. Hit him with another $25,000 for not cooperating 'enough'. Just please stop insulting our intelligence saying that this had ANYTHING to do with the play on the field. This is a 4 game suspension for going 56 in a 55.

Integrity of the game???


Well-Known Member
Wow. This blows my mind. Knocking a woman out does not affect you and 2 pounds per square inch do.

No one, not one opposing player says this made ANY difference on the field. All who have spoken up say so.

To call Brady worse than Rice is a concept I'll need quite a few beers to get my mind around.


The folks who've spoken up against Brady are those who don't have to kiss his and Kraft's ring. Troy Aikman not only called him a cheater, but called him a liar. Steve Young and Cris Carter basically the same opinion.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NFL players beating their women does not affect the integrity of the game!!! :roflmao: So, Bill Clinton using the power of office to get someone to suck him off...on the job...does not affect the integrity of the office???????????? How in the flying hell do you separate the two?????

And, no, deflating the balls plays ZERO role in the game and the players who lost SAY so.

Good, lord, people. Have at it. Burn your witch.


Does some Army sergeant beating his wife affect the integrity of the Army? One has to do with their life internal to the organization and the other has to do with their life outside of the organization.


So, how far you willing to stretch yourself? The 'victims' of the cheating, 'cheating' say it didn't matter. We watched for decades with no replay. Steroids. Stick 'um.

Shirley you jest.

OK, Larry you are wrong but it's been fun.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The folks who've spoken up against Brady are those who don't have to kiss his and Kraft's ring. Troy Aikman not only called him a cheater, but called him a liar. Steve Young and Cris Carter basically the same opinion.

So now what? I'm supposed to mention all the people, including Colts, who say it didn't matter? All the other players from other teams, direct rivals and competitors, who say it doesn't matter on the field? Or am I supposed to say that Troy and Chris and Young have positions where they better be supporting the league or else?

This is classic making a mountain out of a mole hill and y'all are adding a little dirt.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does some Army sergeant beating his wife affect the integrity of the Army? One has to do with their life internal to the organization and the other has to do with their life outside of the organization.

You're saying a guy who beats his wife has no bearing on his work. Ok, fine. let him go in and talk to the kids about honor and integrity and sacrifice. "Men, honor, integrity, sacrifice. And if you happen to have to set the little lady straight once in awhile, has nothing to do with honor and integrity and sacrifice and duty and such..."

This is simply amazing.


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NFL players beating their women does not affect the integrity of the game!!! :roflmao: So, Bill Clinton using the power of office to get someone to suck him off...on the job...does not affect the integrity of the office???????????? How in the flying hell do you separate the two?????

And, no, deflating the balls plays ZERO role in the game and the players who lost SAY so.

Good, lord, people. Have at it. Burn your witch.


If it has ZERO roll why have the equipment guys do it? If it has ZERO roll why did the Colts turn over the balls during the game and complain. If it has ZERO roll why even have a 12.5 to 13.5 PSI rule? Of course it friggin matters and to say otherwise is retarded. If Tom Brady is playing my team and I know that the minimum PSI is 12.5 but Tom REALLY REALLY REALLY likes 11PSI or he isn't comfortable throwing, I want 13.5 PSI in every ball on the field, every tire in the parking lot.

Does that mean the ass kicking the Colts took was because of the ball, no, but in the next game where "it doesn't matter what PSI" the ending is 21-24 it sure as #### will.


You take the position that letting a little air out of the ball, which NO one thinks affected the game, is worse than knocking a woman out.

I'll take the converse.

He broke the damn rules for an advantage because he "likes" balls 1 pound less than the minimum and he threw them better than legal balls. Why can't he man up and take the punishment? Ray Rice and the other players who get suspended for roids, drugs and wife beating take theirs?

It's because he is white isn't it? Racist.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If it has ZERO roll why have the equipment guys do it? .

it is a rule. It has SOME role. If you've held a football, and I know you have, it's printed right on there what the manufacturer suggests as proper inflation.

And the NFL has a punishment for this rule, as I understand it, $25,000.

Going 56 is speeding. There is a fine for it. More often than not, you don't get pulled over for that because it is so minor.

I can't speak for the Colts but I would guess it's a lot like hockey where you complain about the curvature of the other guys stick; it matters more as a contest everything push back than it does in terms of results. So, you contest everything. Heck, at least a stick, all agree it helps a little.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He broke the damn rules for an advantage because he "likes" balls 1 pound less than the minimum and he threw them better than legal balls. Why can't he man up and take the punishment? Ray Rice and the other players who get suspended for roids, drugs and wife beating take theirs?

It's because he is white isn't it? Racist.

And the punishment is $25,000. So, we're agreed. So, why the extra punishment? Because he's white? Racist! :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why are you defending cheating?

I'm not. He broke the rule. Fine is $25,000. I've written that a half dozen times.

My argument is the absurdity of four games over a very minor infraction. 56 is speeding. I'd raise hell over that if a cop gave me a fat ticket. As it is, my last ticket, last month, I was going WELL over and I took my medicine. :diva: