

I know :lol:
She got all offended about that, which confuses me, because if you don't want people with kids coming out then don't make something open-invite...:duh:
i never said i had a problem with kids coming. u missunderstood what i was saying. i never effing said kids couldnt come out. where did u get that from? seriously????


no- apparently you will be surrounded by kids! :evil:

If it's that big of a deal to show up with my son in tow, I won't go :shrug:

I actually thought about that, knowing you'd probably be there and how much you dislike them.

apparently she took it the wrong way.

didn't realize until now, but her reply was pretty disrespectful to those folks who want to bring their kids. :boo:

and then youre going to call me disrespectful?

no- im fine with kids. as lnog as they dont scream or cry at the table, if that happens id like to have permission to throw forks at them :biggrin: really i dont mind, im going to be late cause i need to stop off at my place before i head down there. more the better.

then i explained myself


aka Mrs. Giant
then i explained myself

Yes, you did. It was one of the prettiest flip outs on the forum ever. :cds:

Here's a couple of tips for a successful event:
if you don't want people coming, don't post it in the open,
and if it's a non-kid event, specifiy that with your first post.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you did. It was one of the prettiest flip outs on the forum ever. :cds:

Here's a couple of tips for a successful event:
if you don't want people coming, don't post it in the open,
and if it's a non-kid event, specifiy that with your first post.

You are the prettiest when you talk that way :hot:


Yes, you did. It was one of the prettiest flip outs on the forum ever. :cds:

Here's a couple of tips for a successful event:
if you don't want people coming, don't post it in the open,
and if it's a non-kid event, specifiy that with your first post.
the thing is i NEVER said kids couldnt come, it is an open event


Kelly, ill text u later, im not backing out. PCJ sorry for flipping out on you, i guess everyone took what i said the wrong way. Or actually i guess i worded it wrong :howdy: Im outta here for the day.