Tony Stewart runs over another racer...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well, how about Sully Sullenberger? He wasn't a spring-chicken when he boldly belly-flopped into the Hudson.

Also, as getting back on topic, I suspect there will be a trial for Tony. A civil suit claiming wrongful death brought by the parents of the young hot-head.

Totally different. Sully was a bus driver. Not a test pilot. Chuck woulda nosed that bytch over into a dive, got the gens spun back up, re-fired them turbo fans and ripped the smoke stack and sails straight off of every boat on the Hudson as he got her pointed roaring back up.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Totally different. Sully was a bus driver. Not a test pilot. Chuck woulda nosed that bytch over into a dive, got the gens spun back up, re-fired them turbo fans and ripped the smoke stack and sails straight off of every boat on the Hudson as he got her pointed roaring back up.

Nah, Chuck would have never climbed into a craft with that many backseat drivers.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Chuck woulda nosed that bytch over into a dive, got the gens spun back up, re-fired them turbo fans and ripped the smoke stack and sails straight off of every boat on the Hudson as he got her pointed roaring back up.

And then pulled the birds outa the engines after landing and cooked up a batch of Buffalo wings...

Oh..wait...different "Chuck"..


PREMO Member
Need a little help, here. Someone sitting at home with a virtual, which is to say non, life, translates to people who live their life not on a sofa but in the garage, on the road, at the

it was a pretty straight forward statement ....

hyper aggression, high ego, high thrill junky .... the same sort of highly competitive person, that would throw a helmet, and charge a race car in the middle of a race would kill his own team mate in a random match, because he did not like the way that person played ....

it is all about ego and attitude ....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Color me shocked.

Read the link? No? Well, try this on;

Tantillo said "two dozen" people were interviewed in the case and said that Ward had marijuana in his system.

"There is toxicology evidence in the case related to Kevin Ward, that actually indicated at the time of operation that he was under the influence of marijuana," Tantillo said. "There was no toxicology work performed on Tony Stewart, however a certified drug recognition expert had interviewed him on the night of the collision and determined that he found no basis to observe any alcohol consumption or impairment by drugs."

When asked about Ward's toxicology reports, Tantillo said that the amount in his system was "enough to impair judgment."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The lil hot head druggie had no business being on the track at all. :dead:

Never mind that. I want an investigation into what kind of weed the kid was on. Does today's #### make people hostile???? What happened to "Wow, man, like, Smoke rubbed me into the wall, dewd and, like, I was smoked before so now, wow, I'm like double smoked? Far out, man..."


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This should also put a hurting on that civil case that may (or may not now) appear.

Yes it certainly could. The civil case brought against my brother after a vehicle accident that resulted in loss of life fell completely apart and was dismissed after all traffic charges against him were dropped.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes it certainly could. The civil case brought against my brother after a vehicle accident that resulted in loss of life fell completely apart and was dismissed after all traffic charges against him were dropped.

Your brother isn't named Tony by any chance???



Obama destroyed America
Never mind that. I want an investigation into what kind of weed the kid was on. Does today's #### make people hostile???? What happened to "Wow, man, like, Smoke rubbed me into the wall, dewd and, like, I was smoked before so now, wow, I'm like double smoked? Far out, man..."