Tony Stewart runs over another racer...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Let us no forget, Tony Stewart is a professional race car driver that can run over 200 mph and stay mear inches from the drivers in front, beside and behind him. No way this was totally and accident IMO. He tried to nudge the guy and ran him over killing him. I won't say he's a murderer, but he killed the guy. The driver is to blame for getting outta his car, but he can't be punished, because he's dead.

Flame away Larry. Just remember, if this ever went to trial, the jury wouldn't be a bunch of professional race car drivers, they would be regular joes and janes like me.

Exactly. And, from the comments I've read, so far, every single person claiming to have been a racer says the same thing; part of steering the dirt track cars is gassing it to straighten out the rear, ie, he was trying, reflexively, from all those years, from being that professional you point out, to MISS the guy. Further, if he is remotely the pro you suggest he is, he knows damn well that there is no such thing as 'nudging' a human being with a race car.

My first post in this thread was to object to the label 'murderer'. Even if as you suggest, Stewart the long time professional racer is stupid, or psychotic, enough to think you can nudge someone with a race car at 40-60 mph and not most likely freaking kill them, well, you are saying, in effect, he murdered the kid.

The young man lost his cool, waded in traffic, was nearly hit by several cars and was still moving into the flow and got hit. You wanna argue Stewart, in a flash of, what, rage, loss of self control, tried to hit him, maybe so. Maybe so.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. The young man lost his cool, waded in traffic, was nearly hit by several cars and was still moving into the flow and got hit. You wanna argue Stewart, in a flash of, what, rage, loss of self control, tried to hit him, maybe so. Maybe so.

exactly what I think. Don't think he intended to kill him (but maybe he did, who knows). I think he intended to scare him and it went wrong. There is but one perosn that knows the truth, and I don't think we'll ever get the whole picture. Even if he did intend to kill the guy, he's never going to come out and say that. He can't be that stupid.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
A lot of people have said that they can hear him rev his engine. How can you isolate the sound of multiple cars on the track and pick one out? Are you sure you are hearing his engine rev? Or could it be another car?

You can't. It's probable that the revving heard in the video came from a car driving by on the frontstretch.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
exactly what I think. Don't think he intended to kill him (but maybe he did, who knows). I think he intended to scare him and it went wrong. There is but one perosn that knows the truth, and I don't think we'll ever get the whole picture. Even if he did intend to kill the guy, he's never going to come out and say that. He can't be that stupid.

Look. We, people, do stupid things in a flash. It isn't impossible that Tony Stewart deliberately hit him. If he did, he didn't veer way off course to do it. He didn't stop, line him up and nail him. He, at most, lost it for split second and there is evidence that what he did, what people think he did, was in an effort to miss the kid. What we do know, fact certain, beyond ANY doubt, is Wade put himself, deliberately, intentionally, step by deliberate step, in extreme harms way. This is his fault WAY more than Tony Stewart's.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Dude's dead. Lesson for all future youtube wannabes:

Wait until after the race, and not on the track as cars are spinning by, to try and kick Stewart's butt - yeah right. Tony Stewart. Backs down from nobody, and rightfully so. He has earned his position, no matter if you like him or not.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Dude's dead. Lesson for all future youtube wannabes:

Wait until after the race, and not on the track as cars are spinning by, to try and kick Stewart's butt - yeah right. Tony Stewart. Backs down from nobody, and rightfully so. He has earned his position, no matter if you like him or not.

20 year old males don't 'learn' these sorts of lessons. They either survive them or don't.
Entertainment tonight just did a segment. Another race driver says he heard Smoke gun the engine just prior to the hit.

That can be taken either way, like I said and like others have said. Intentional, or an attempt to avoid. Only Smoke knows the real intent, and I'm not sure we'll ever know it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Entertainment tonight just did a segment. Another race driver says he heard Smoke gun the engine just prior to the hit.

That can be taken either way, like I said and like others have said. Intentional, or an attempt to avoid. Only Smoke knows the real intent, and I'm not sure we'll ever know it.

I would think any number of drivers could be checked with and see what they think. Maybe he meant to kill the kid.


Well-Known Member
Paul Kinney who passed by in his racecar right before Stewart - “I seen Kevin clear as day. Nobody else ran into him, either.”


PREMO Member
Let's be real, this is too controversial to say definitively that Tony Stewart ran that kid over on purpose. He'll never see any jailtime.

who was the rock star, completely drunk - killed someone in a VW Beetle with his Ferrari - did 30 days

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's a comment on one of the sites now that says one of the other drivers believes Tony swerved, a quick left then a right, (the exact same technique motorcycle riders are taught for emergencies) to miss Wade and gunned the engine to try and get the rear to follow left as he finished the swerve.

This is a split second, folks. Someone who has been racing that long is, A, has a HELL of a lot of experience losing and then learning to not lose his temper, B, has reflexes on a track that require ZERO thought in avoiding contact and C, is not some miserable dude out there. He is ONLY racing this sort of class for the pure fun of it and I've yet to hear anyone say otherwise to that one.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My first post in this thread was to object to the label 'murderer'. Even if as you suggest, Stewart the long time professional racer is stupid, or psychotic, enough to think you can nudge someone with a race car at 40-60 mph and not most likely freaking kill them, well, you are saying, in effect, he murdered the kid.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but I know a number of people that still call Sterling Marlin, "Murdering Marlin".


Well-Known Member
As someone who almost ran over one of the morons that wander down the middle of great mills road in the middle of the night because they couldn't see them I can understand how this could have been a total accident. It is very hard to see a silouette of a person when there is light coming your way such as oncoming headlights or a track light pointed at you.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
There's a comment on one of the sites now that says one of the other drivers believes Tony swerved, a quick left then a right, (the exact same technique motorcycle riders are taught for emergencies) to miss Wade and gunned the engine to try and get the rear to follow left as he finished the swerve.

That makes a lot of sense to me (raced 4x4 MX trucks for 7 years). If/when I had to turn, it required throttle and a lot of it. Turning the wheel without the gas applied, or worse, decelerating, resulted in no change of direction at all..the front end would "push" and the vehicle wouldn't change direction in the slightest. Anyone who has has not raced vehicles that behave like that on dirt tracks would think that makes no sense. They expect a vehicle's direction to be responsive to the steering wheel alone.

Now of course I realize we are talking about rear-wheel-drive racers here...but it is on dirt and they are extremely short wheel-base, so throttle controls direction more than steering (or only in close coordination with steering) with those too.
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Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Paul Kinney who passed by in his racecar right before Stewart - “I seen Kevin clear as day. Nobody else ran into him, either.”


Inside a Sprint Car. In daylight.