

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Calling the act of not applauding our President treasonous simply weakens the word

Who did that?

Just a reminder that this wasn't Joe Blow and Joe Shmo standing around a water cooler saying "Those NFL players are traitors/treasonous for not standing", this is our President

So is he a buffoon to be mocked and ignored, or is he all powerful? Make up your mind, please.

I guaran-damn-tee that if Obama were to every pull some #### like that

Oh, you mean like saying the police acted stupidly because they investigated a possible burglary? Or how about the time he said middle-class Americans are bitter and clinging to their guns and religion?


Well-Known Member
The fact that some of you hang on, bicker, and let your head's explode over every word that comes out of Trump's mouth (even though it will all be forgotten about by the weekend) is actually kind of sad.

Take a week off from politics and live your life for god's sake!

The fact that you don't find our president calling those who disagree with him "treasonous"is whats sad. Complacency is what leads to things like Japanese internment camps and the holocaust. Good people doing nothing


Well-Known Member
Who did that?

So is he a buffoon to be mocked and ignored, or is he all powerful? Make up your mind, please.

Oh, you mean like saying the police acted stupidly because they investigated a possible burglary? Or how about the time he said middle-class Americans are bitter and clinging to their guns and religion?

Stop defending the indefensible. No one is going to judge you for saying. " you know what, i was wrong, Trump is a lunatic wanna be dictator". He should not have said that"

It doesn't mean everything he does is bad in your opinion. You can admit when he goes to far. It won't hurt too bad.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you don't find our president calling those who disagree with him "treasonous"is whats sad. Complacency is what leads to things like Japanese internment camps and the holocaust. Good people doing nothing

First of all, Trump didn't call anyone Treasonous

Second of all, you definitely need the break from politics. You can't be married. I cannot see anyone putting up with how much time and effort you put into pushing your agenda on here. And yes, there are others I feel the same way about on the Republican side.

Finally, get that tin foil hat off your head. It's cutting off the circulation!


PREMO Member
The fact that you don't find our president calling those who disagree with him "treasonous"is whats sad. Complacency is what leads to things like Japanese internment camps and the holocaust. Good people doing nothing
True leftist history. Fortunately we don’t have a leftist in the White House anymore.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyway, this is how this crap takes on a life of it's own. The press "reports" something that Trump didn't say, and it gets reposted all over the internet until everyone in the world thinks Trump called Democrats "treasonous".

The reason I don't trust the media is because they lie to me. Simple.


Well-Known Member
Oh, you mean like saying the police acted stupidly because they investigated a possible burglary? Or how about the time he said middle-class Americans are bitter and clinging to their guns and religion?

I'm not going to reply to your silly made-up assertions. If you want to know how I feel about something, you can ask. You don't have to fall in line with somany other folks on here that should go ahead and open up a second Miss Cleo phone line.

Regarding Obama's statements, not even remotely the same. Still just as dumb, but not the same. Even if you want to use those as examples, this forum was frothing at the mouth when Obama said those things, not trying to figure out some way why saying what he said didn;t mean what it normally does.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he jokingly answered a question.

And BTW... he's still your President!

"You're up there and you have half the room going totally crazy wild. They loved everything, they want to do something great for our country," he continued. "And you have the other side, even on positive news, really positive news like that, they were like death. And un-American, un-American."

Trump added: "Somebody said treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess why not. Can we call that treason? Why not. They certainly didn't seem to love our country very much."

Is that somehow better? That he was joking about it?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he jokingly answered a question.

And BTW... he's still your President!

JUs like he joked about grabbing women by the pussy.

How he joked Mexicans are rapists

How he joked about the disabled reporter.

He should be a stand up comic.