Trudeau - ‘This Could Cost Him His Job’ [ Fascism Continues ]


PREMO Member

Truckers, Mandates Absolutely Crushing Trudeau, Poll Shows

The latest Maru poll, conducted from February 9-10, shows that only 16% of Canadians would vote for the prime minister based on the last two weeks, Edmonton Journal reported Saturday.

Moreover, 44% of respondents said that Trudeau’s latest statements on protesters against vaccine mandates, primarily the Freedom Convoy, have “inflamed” the situation, while 53% said the leader “looked weak in the face of threats to the country.”

“The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney,” slammed John Wright, executive vice-president of Maru Public Opinion. “I think this could cost him his job.”


Well-Known Member
He didn't really say it, but yes, he won't lift the requirements until 100% are vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
Funny, seen on youtube that the Constables in Ottawa are not required to be vaccinated. Of course the one they interviewed didn't acknowledge whether he was or not.


PREMO Member

Justin Trudeau must be stopped: Canadian PM invokes martial law against peaceful protesters

Pre-COVID Mania, the Canadian Prime Minister was a mildly annoying but mostly irrelevant frontman for the interests of Canada’s left of center faction. During the past two years, however, he and his colleagues have become increasingly authoritarian. Trudeau now represents a global faction of Western leaders who have attempted to leverage the “crisis” to strip the liberties of citizens, using the virus as a shield to enact statist measures.

For many months, Canada has operated under a system that treats the non compliant as second class citizens, stripping millions of Canadians of their rights in the name of the “national emergency.” Unvaccinated Canadians have had their rights taken away without due process, and they are still not allowed to leave or re-enter the country.

As the past few weeks have made clear, Canadians across the nation have had enough. The incredibly inspiring Truckers Protest has shown no signs of letting up. The working class wants to preserve their unalienable rights, and they do not seem to be intimidated by threats from the government.


PREMO Member

Trudeau Announces Unprecedented Action, Freezing Bank Accounts Of ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protesters

“After discussing with cabinet and caucus, after consultation with premiers from all provinces and territories, the federal government has invoked the emergencies act to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockades and occupations,” Trudeau announced in a press conference. “I want to be very clear, the scope of these measures will be time-limited, geographically targeted, as well as reasonable and proportionate to the threats they are meant to address. The emergencies act will be used to strengthen and support law enforcement agencies at all levels across the country.”

The Emergencies Act powers will “strengthen” law enforcement’s ability to fine and imprison protesters, according to the prime minister. The act will be enforced most heavily in areas of “critical infrastructure” such as airports and border crossings. Trudeau said that the act also ensures “essential services” such as towing away trucks used to blockade roads and highways.

“In addition, financial institutions will be authorized and directed to render essential services to help address the situation including by regulating and prohibiting the use of property to fund or support illegal blockades,” Trudeau added.

The prime minister emphasized that the Canadian military would not be called in to break up the demonstrations.


Well-Known Member
I don't envy the guy.

For one thing - as a national leader he cannot lift the mandates solely as a consequence of pressure from truckers. You cannot capitulate to a mob, because it never ends. Once you do that, there will always be a mob. You learn this basic truth as a parent with whining kids - give in every time they pressure you, the whining will NEVER END.

You also MUST recognize reality - this group is vital to the functioning of the nation. They spend all day alone, most of them - better than 80 and closer to 90 - HAVE BEEN VAXXED. They pose no health problem.

You cannot do something stupid like break out the jackboots and thump them. Despite his insults - these are peaceful.


You know, if Washington was blocked all over the federal enclave with hundreds of trucks - it can't be permitted to continue. These may be peaceful but they are injurious to people by their continued presence. If a foreign power did the very same thing - we'd consider it dangerous. Most of you were not on board with Occupy Wall Street, the Occupy movement and the numerous occupations during the summer of 2020. A protest is a day - or two. It is not after a WEEK - or two.

BLOCKADES are usually regarded as an act of war if it is done by a foreign entity.

WHAT CAN he do?

Meet with them. Have a nice photo op and listen to them. Ask them to participate in any change and then ask them to leave.
In other words - negotiate.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I read that poll as half of Canadians still prefer fascist control of citizens.

Like here in the states. There are too many people that still like to be controlled and told what to do.


Well-Known Member
I read that poll as half of Canadians still prefer fascist control of citizens.

Like here in the states. There are too many people that still like to be controlled and told what to do.
You are right, but if you ask them, they would word it differently.

For example, the very same usage of words might arise if you were to promote the concept of "law and order" and be very supportive of law enforcement, whereas people in the defund movement see it as you favoring totalitarianism and - "being controlled and told what to do".

Yes, lots of Canadians support 'fascist control of citizens', but in their minds, it is a fraction of their nation threatening the livelihood of everyone else. I have to admit, I'm not a fan of blockading bridges all up and down the Canadian border with the intent of forcing the government to capitulate. If the left insisted that Washington pass climate change laws and did it by locking up the Beltway from one end to the other, Americans would like it either.

They've made their point. They started the spark. It is enough.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Yes, lots of Canadians support 'fascist control of citizens', but in their minds, it is a fraction of their nation threatening the livelihood of everyone else. I have to admit, I'm not a fan of blockading bridges all up and down the Canadian border with the intent of forcing the government to capitulate. If the left insisted that Washington pass climate change laws and did it by locking up the Beltway from one end to the other, Americans would like it either.

They've made their point. They started the spark. It is enough.
And see I look at it for who initiated the offense.

They were the aggressor with the mandates and threat to the Truckers Livelihood. The protest is in retaliation.

Live and Let Live is Long Gone.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Meet with them. Have a nice photo op and listen to them. Ask them to participate in any change and then ask them to leave.
In other words - negotiate.
Trudeau has tasted almost absolute power, there is no way he negotiates. He will ride this until blood is shed, either his or one of the protestors.


Well-Known Member
The mandates were stupid to beging with.
Canada's and the United States.
Firing people for not getting a shot, masks, -----------not laws mind you but orders from a dictatorial leader who is taking on an authority they have no right to have.

Making an emergency decision until a legislature has time to act is one thing, carrying that order farther without legislative action is a dictatorship.


PREMO Member
I don't envy the guy.

AS you are fond of saying ... it depends on whos ox is getting gored

Burn Loot Murder / AntiFA - Rock on ..... burn it all down

Canadian Citizens Opposing Authoritarian Vax Mandates - Illegal Gathering, Insurrectionists, WRONG Thinkers ... I think Trudeau said unfavorable viewpoints or something to that affect


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Watching for the run on banks today.
Don't know what i would do with it if not a bank, but it's pretty sad that banks won't take money from gun stores, that they are holding up money, that the Government wants to know practically every transaction we make. Another thing in this country that used to be trustworthy and has gone to the dogs.
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For one thing - as a national leader he cannot lift the mandates solely as a consequence of pressure from truckers. You cannot capitulate to a mob, because it never ends. Once you do that, there will always be a mob. You learn this basic truth as a parent with whining kids - give in every time they pressure you, the whining will NEVER END.

Oh bullshit.

It happened here in the States only once or twice, where institutions have caved to Cancel Culture or widespread looting and rioting.

And it has had nothing but positive results. It certainly hasn't fueled the flames of division or increased irrational pressure at all!

It should work in any Democracy!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Meet with them. Have a nice photo op and listen to them. Ask them to participate in any change and then ask them to leave.
In other words - negotiate.

That's what he should do. Everyone saves face. But I suspect Fidel Jr. doesn't want to compromise or negotiate. He wants to flex because power unexercised is power wasted, and Canadians are so nice that he doesn't get much of a chance to Stone Cold Steve Austin on them. He tried with the lockdowns and quarantines, and they were like "Okey dokey, thanks a bunch!" Now the peasants are being unruly, so he can whip out his authori-TAH.


Well-Known Member

Truckers, Mandates Absolutely Crushing Trudeau, Poll Shows

The latest Maru poll, conducted from February 9-10, shows that only 16% of Canadians would vote for the prime minister based on the last two weeks, Edmonton Journal reported Saturday.

Moreover, 44% of respondents said that Trudeau’s latest statements on protesters against vaccine mandates, primarily the Freedom Convoy, have “inflamed” the situation, while 53% said the leader “looked weak in the face of threats to the country.”

“The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney,” slammed John Wright, executive vice-president of Maru Public Opinion. “I think this could cost him his job.”
Pfft...he's just discovered that he's Dictator for Life.