Trudeau - ‘This Could Cost Him His Job’ [ Fascism Continues ]


PREMO Member

Canada's Government Considering Jailing People Who 'Might' Commit a Hate Crime

There are a lot of reasons to be grateful to be an American. For all our nations' ongoing issues - a senile President, a corrupt Congress, uncontrolled borders, major cities slipping into a new dark age - at least we aren't (yet) being tossed in jail for something we might do.

That may not be the case in Canada much longer, where their Parliament is considering a law allowing judges to place someone under house arrest if the judge thinks they might commit a "hate crime."

Justin Trudeau’s government has proposed a law giving judges the power to put someone under house arrest if they fear they could commit a hate crime.
Critics have warned the “draconian” bill is an overreach of power and could stifle free speech and difficult discussions.
But Canada’s justice minister defended the measure, claiming it would be an “important” tool to help protect potential victims.
An online harms bill introduced by the Liberals last week proposed a string of laws to protect children and prosecute hate crimes.
One of the suggested measures would give judges the ability to put people under house arrest who they worry could commit a hate crime in the future. The person could also be made to wear an electronic tag if the attorney-general requested it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Canadian Supreme Court Rules ‘Justin Trudeau’ Is An Outdated Term And Should Instead Be Referred To As ‘Person With A Vagina’

OTTAWA — In a groundbreaking decision that sent ripples across the geopolitical landscape, the Canadian Supreme Court has ruled that the term "Justin Trudeau" is outdated and should instead be replaced with the more inclusive term, "Person With A Vagina."



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EU & Canada Begin KILLING YOUNG People Over BOREDOM, Listless Young People Choose Government DEATH​



PREMO Member

At a quick glance, it would probably be fairly easy for many of us to conclude that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and American President Joe Biden have quite a bit in common aside from their age. They are both far to the left on most policy issues and they are not fans of free speech or even free movement when such are being exercised by their political opponents or critics. We've already covered many examples of this when it comes to Joe Biden, but you are likely also aware of Trudeau's treatment of the truckers in the Freedom Convoys, not to mention the vaccine mandates and lockdowns that were imposed previously. But now the two men have something else in common. Trudeau is currently floundering in the polls and has been for at least the past year. The situation is looking dire enough that Politico was compelled to publish an article this week declaring, "if you think Biden has troubles, just look at Trudeau."

Justin Trudeau is running out of time.

He has trailed in polls by double digits for nearly a year, and the outlook for the once popular prime minister is so grim that some old guard Liberals have been grumbling that maybe he should just step down and give someone else a shot.
To turn it around and win a fourth term, Trudeau has less than 17 months before he must hold an election and face off against an ascendant Conservative Party and its firebrand populist leader, Pierre Poilievre.
Trouble is, nothing he’s tried so far to improve his standing has worked.

Most of the language in this article could have been lifted almost word for word from so many articles written about Joe Biden over the past year or so. Trudeau is "running out of time." In reality, he still has 17 months until he has to call new elections, far more than the five months Joe Biden has, but the clock is definitely ticking. Some in Trudeau's own party have been suggesting that "maybe he should step aside" and give one of them a chance. Again, Democrats in Washington have been gently suggesting that about Biden as well.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

EU & Canada Begin KILLING YOUNG People Over BOREDOM, Listless Young People Choose Government DEATH​

I have no problem with this and think government should butt its ass out of personal decisions. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm supposed to be all busybody and try to "save" strangers because I know better about their life than they do, but I'm just not feeling it.

The pain of depression and mental illness is real, and it's incurable. The best you can do is manage it and learn to live with it. But some people don't want to do that, and that should be their choice and nobody else's. This is the thing I despise most about conservatives - they're just as bad as Democrats at not being able to mind their own damn business.