Trudeau - ‘This Could Cost Him His Job’ [ Fascism Continues ]


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Trudeau Having Difficulty Teaching Canadian Mounties To Goose-Step

Reports have begun to surface that a new “Intro To Goose-Stepping” course has been made mandatory at the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Training Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan. Training instructor Reginald Breslin told reporters, “It’s true. We’ve begun the goose-step training, as ordered by our Dear Leader, that’s what we have to call him now. And it’s not going great. The high leg kicking thing done in perfect formation is not easy. Especially when on horseback. But we’ll get there. It’s what The Gardener Of Human Happiness—we can also call him that—says he wants, so we have to do it.”

Apparently, goose-stepping is not the only area in which Prime Minister Trudeau is turning to German history for inspiration. He recently raised the possibility of “Anschluss” (reunification) with Austria, but aides explained to him that such a move might not be feasible at the current time, so plans were tabled for the moment.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
It seems that Trudeau has the steaming hot undies FOR a violent overthrow of the government. He WANTS to be forcibly removed so he can be a martyr for the real science deniers, the mandate crowd. Speaking for myself, and I'm willing to bet for a lot of others, I am tired, damned tired being labeled as a generic -ist just because I have a different opinion from the sheep crowd.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member

Canadian Banks Prepared To Make Un-Persons of Protesters, at Government Demand

As Global News in Canada reports:

The Canadian Bankers Association said in a statement Wednesday that, as with other financial service providers, banks will "need to diligently implement the required measures."
"Banks in Canada follow all applicable laws and regulations in carrying out their operations, in keeping with their commitment to protect the integrity of Canada's financial system," the association said.

The details of those "required measures" Canada wants to enforce on dissenters not convicted of any crime are totalitarian grimness of a sort many naively thought could not happen in the allegedly democratic, free West. These moves embody the Chinese "social credit" mentality: combining ancient authoritarian ideology and modern technological power to control how anyone, free citizen or convicted criminal, can actually survive in the world. (Ottawa has even announced its intention to steal protesters' dogs, a truly cartoonish level of villainy.)


PREMO Member

Trudeau Does Not Want To End The Protests Peacefully. He Wants Violence

Consider the draconian measures Trudeau’s government is now pursuing. The protests, while certainly inconvenient and even onerous to the residents of Ottawa, are obviously not an existential threat to Canada. They are not even a national emergency according to the Emergencies Act’s own definition: an “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it.”

No reasonable person thinks that’s what the protests in Ottawa are. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has said the federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act, and that invoking it “threatens our democracy and our civil liberties.” According to some recent polls, a not insignificant number of Canadians agree.

Yet Trudeau is bringing down the full force of the federal government to quash the Freedom Convoy. Under the Emergencies Act, protesters can have their bank accounts frozen, and so can people who simply donate to protesters. Crowdfunding platforms and payment service providers must cease all services to anyone they suspect might be participating in “illegal blockades,” and report it to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Truckers can have their commercial and private drivers’ licenses revoked, and can lose their insurance and their vehicles.

Even more ominously, Canadian government officials are now warning parents who bring their children to “illegal assemblies,” or even provide food or fuel to protesters, that they could not only face jail time and steep fines, they could lose custody of their children. On Wednesday, the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa put out a statement urging parents at the demonstrations to make alternate care arrangements, “should they become unable to care for their children following potential police action.”


PREMO Member

Canadian Premier Suing Over Trudeau’s Use Of Emergencies Act: ‘There Is No Insurrection Or Coup’

Kenney made clear that he still wanted law and order restored, and did not want to be misconstrued. “The situation in Ottawa is serious. Law and order has to be restored,” said Kenney, adding that he believed protestors should not be able to blockade the center of any city, much less the nation’s capital, for any reason or cause. “But the Emergencies Act was designed to come into effect at the failure of the state,” in the event of a coup or insurrection that threatened to topple Canada’s democratic institutions. “However, there is no insurrection or coup,” he said.

The Edmonton Sun reported that the Ottawa Police Department have always had the authority to ticket, and even to arrest, drivers who are parked illegally. “Police services already have all the powers they need through provincial authority. All the tools already exist,” added Kenney, pointing out that both the blockades of the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ontario, and the U.S.-Canada border crossing in Coutts, Alberta, were resolved by the ordinary conduct of police. Neither situation required extraneous powers like the Emergencies Act. “Let’s stick to the basics here — the basics of law enforcement,” Kenney said.

Kenney took particular issue with the coercive measures imposed on financial institutions by the federal government. Those parts of the Emergencies Act that have to do with banking were “designed to interrupt terrorism financing,” said Kenney, but they are instead being used to “seize and freeze” the assets of “people whose opinions they disagree with.”


PREMO Member

Democracy Dies in Canada: Trudeau Government to Make Some of Their New Authoritarian Measures Permanent

How predictable was this? On Thursday, I wrote an article comparing Trudeau’s Emergencies Act to Adolf Hitler’s Enabling Act that established his dictatorship and pointed out that while Hitler’s Act was supposed to be temporary, when it came up for renewal, his opponents had all been outlawed, imprisoned, or killed, and there was no one left to raise a dissenting voice. Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act was supposed to be temporary as well, but on Friday, Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the Trudeau regime’s intention to make some of their new authoritarian powers permanent. This, my friend, is how democracies die.

In order to strangle the protests financially, Freeland declared: “As of today, all crowdfunding platforms, and the payment service providers they use, must register with FINTRAC [Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada] and they must report large and suspicious transactions to FINTRAC. This will help mitigate the risk that these platforms receive illicit funds; increase the quality and quantity of intelligence received by FINTRAC; and make more information available to support investigations by law enforcement into these illegal blockades. This is about following the money. This is about stopping the financing of these illegal blockades. We are today serving notice, if your truck is being used in these illegal blockades your corporate accounts will be frozen.”

Freeland said even on Feb. 14 that “the government will also bring forward legislation to provide these authorities to FINTRAC on a permanent basis.” On Friday, she doubled down on this, saying, with the arrogance, semi-coherence, and logorrhea that is common to so many Leftist schoolmarm authoritarians: “Uh, in terms of the financial instruments which our government is using right now to act against these illegal blockades and illegal occupation, uh, we reviewed very, very carefully the tools at the disposal of the federal government, uh, and we used all the tools that we had prior to invocation of the Emergencies Act, and we determined that we needed some additional tools. Now, some of those tools, uh, we will be putting forward, uh, measures to put those tools permanently in place. Uh, the authorities of FINTRAC, I believe, do need to be expanded to cover crowdsourcing platforms, uh, and, uh, payment platform — and their payment providers. Uh, so that’s, that is something that we need to do, and we will do, and that needs to be in place permanently.” What that means is that the Trudeau regime will seek to put its ability to seize dissidents’ bank accounts on a permanent basis. Yes, my friend, once again, that is how democracies die.


PREMO Member

Member of the European Parliament Gives Amazing Speech Against Trudeau and For Freedom

But someone who comes from a country that knows something about Communist dictatorships, Romanian Member of the European Parliament Cristian Terhes, had a few things to say about Trudeau and his crackdown on the Freedom Convoy

“What made us strong – and I’m talking about the Western world – were the values,” Terhes declared. “The respect for basic fundamental rights. The understanding that the government is there to serve you as a person, not for you to serve the government. The prime minister of Canada, the way he’s behaving right now – he’s exactly like a tyrant, like a dictator. He’s like Ceaușescu in Romania,” Terheș said during a speech to European Parliament in Brussels. “If you raise doubts about the vaccines, you’re outcasted. What’s the difference between what he does and what happened under The Inquisition?”

Ceaușescu was a communist Romanian politician and dictator.

“On one side they say well we should not believe in God,” Terhes continued. “But on the other, they say ‘believe in science. We don’t have to. Science is not about belief. Science is about measurements, conclusions, hypothesis, and arguments.”


PREMO Member

Going for Coffee Is Now a Crime in Ottawa; Police May Attack and Threaten You

They have no idea who she is. She isn’t doing anything illegal. Yet, they hit her camera so she doesn’t film them and threaten her. Last I checked, going for coffee is not illegal, or at least it isn’t except in Canada. Because the government has declared the area a “red zone,” that seems to mean you have no civil rights and they can act like thugs. She records them, as well she should, given the behaviors we’ve seen — and they hit her camera and threaten her because she dares to do so. Filming is illegal now, too, in Ottawa.

This is getting completely out of hand. People need to call Justin Trudeau on the carpet over this on Monday when they have the vote on the Emergencies Act. This is not justifiable to treat people this way. It’s become a full-on police state now.



PREMO Member
But there was something a little funny about those “arrests.” Many of the people arrested claimed that they were driven several blocks or a couple of miles away and then just released. They were not issued citations or formally charged with anything.

So these aren’t “arrests” where anyone is being charged — just moving people away from the area. Thus, it appears to be an effort to look like they are “doing something” or “restoring order.” Most of the people said that they were released a distance away. Some were asked to say they wouldn’t return to the protest. They didn’t comply and returned anyway. Nobody was charged with anything, there was no processing, not even a desk appearance ticket.



PREMO Member

If You Have Assets At Canadian Financial Institutions, You’re Nuts

No one expected the Trudeau Inquisition. Well, almost no one.

In 2014, at the now-defunct HuffPo Canada, Daniel Dickin wrote, Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau:


Trudeau has commanded private financial entities to freeze the assets not only of protesters, but also of anyone who has supported them, with a wide sweep of financial assets covered. If carried out, and it appears to be in progress, it will leave people without money to pay bills, buy food, or pay their loans. Trudeau also threatened to revoke insurance on trucks, cancel trucking licenses and various other attempts to destroy lives of people and their families who have not been convicted of any crime.

I discussed Trudeau’s embrace of financial terror on his opponents in my post, When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Look Like Justin Trudeau’s Canada.
It will happen here very soon. Our government will ride the wave of what is happening in Canada while we are all still in shock and disbelief it is happening at all. When a single mother with a minimum wage job donates $50 to the truckers at the start of it all, before government escalation and declarations, now has her bank account frozen, they are coming for us all.