True Blood


New Member



Dream Stealer
True blood is COMPLETELY innapropriate for the tween twilight base :killingme

And they don't sparkle in the sun..they burn all disgusting dirty black and oozy:coffee:


Dream Stealer
I am so excited! :starcat:
Even more so because hubby is now working that night!!
He hates this show and the constant commentary annoys the hell out of me. I usually have to record it on my DVR and watch it my myself later.

aww thats a shame..SO loves it too...we have dinner planned and everything for tomorrow night we are so


New Member
My hubby took HBO off because it was too costly keep me posted on True blood since I cant watch it. I have read all the books and I was so looking forward to this season. I am addicted to Eric :love:.


Dream Stealer
so...I was a tad disapointed, I felt like they didn't answer enough questions for me..but perhaps I just have to be patient. I am not sure how I feel about the "lost in fairyland" plot they are going with, because I am too curious about what happened in a what happened with sophie ann and Bill? it seems like he ended her, but shes sup to be back this season :shrug: And tara? I just don't think her situation fits her character at all. It's kinda random.

I do love the ambiguity arlene's devil baby, though. And Layfayette is funny as ever.


curiouser and curiouser
so...I was a tad disapointed, I felt like they didn't answer enough questions for me..but perhaps I just have to be patient. I am not sure how I feel about the "lost in fairyland" plot they are going with, because I am too curious about what happened in a what happened with sophie ann and Bill? it seems like he ended her, but shes sup to be back this season :shrug: And tara? I just don't think her situation fits her character at all. It's kinda random.

I do love the ambiguity arlene's devil baby, though. And Layfayette is funny as ever.
I was really not into the fairy thing, but luckily the show picked up once they got out of there. Hopefully last night's episode was a jumping off point and they will spend the next few episodes catching up. In the previews for next week somebody said "How did you get to be king?" (or something like that) so hopefully that will be explained. Did anyone else notice that they gave Bill a haircut? He looks MUCH better. :lol: Also, why is Hoyt's mom taking care of Sam's brother? :lol:

Did anyone (or will anyone) watch the second episode on I haven't decided if I want to watch it yet or just be patient and wait til next Sunday.


Active Member
I watched it. Other than the whole Bill as king story line I thought Ep. 2 was better than 1. It sets up the whole Eric storyline from book 4 at the end.


Salt Life
Did anyone (or will anyone) watch the second episode on I haven't decided if I want to watch it yet or just be patient and wait til next Sunday.
I'm in debate as well. I want to see it, but I also want to wait until next week. I live for Sunday nights when TB is on!! :lmao:

Eric looked smokin' hot last night, and Bill is scrumptious, too! :hot:


Salt Life
And tara? I just don't think her situation fits her character at all. It's kinda random.

I think she was traumatized after Sookie's disappearance. This is her "IDGAF" attitude (not like she didn't have one before)... but you know? Very strange episode IMO. I don't like the fairy thing much and hope there is more to this season than just pixie dust. :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
It's almost like Tara has PTSD or is disassociating from her past. She was always so weak and now she's fighting back, but obviously not in a healthy way if she's using a fake name and running away from her life.


Salt Life
I broke down and watched episode 2. I liked it better than the first. I think Eric & Sookie will be getting freak nasty this season.

I heard rumors this will be the last season. I sure hope not! :frown:


New Member
so...I was a tad disapointed, I felt like they didn't answer enough questions for me..but perhaps I just have to be patient. I am not sure how I feel about the "lost in fairyland" plot they are going with, because I am too curious about what happened in a what happened with sophie ann and Bill? it seems like he ended her, but shes sup to be back this season :shrug: And tara? I just don't think her situation fits her character at all. It's kinda random.

I do love the ambiguity arlene's devil baby, though. And Layfayette is funny as ever.

I was a little disappointed as well. I feel like the first episode was a little slow and they could have explained a little more. Haven't watched the second one yet. I probably will wait until Sunday.