True Blood


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
I predict that Eric will go after Bill, Sookie will jump inbetween them and Zap Eric with her powers, then Eric will wake up out of his amnisa and not remember being with Sookie. Lots of woe and surpressed heartbreak on Sookies part...O' and someone will kill the crazy witch. End.

Are you from the future? Or did you read the books?


curiouser and curiouser
Are you from the future? Or did you read the books?
Must be from the future because Sookie doesn't have powers (other than the reading minds thing) in the books. Although on the show when Eric regained his memory he did still remember what happened when he was with Sookie so McFly wasn't 100% right.


Cubscout MoM
Are you from the future? Or did you read the books?

I did read the books, but this wasn't in them. And I didn't get it totally right, since Eric remembers their time together. It just seemed like a resonable solution to the problem of Eric's memory, since the witch is unable/unwilling to fix it. I'm not sure how next week will play out, but looks pretty cool. Don't want to miss it. ( Go team Eric!!) :)


curiouser and curiouser
Spoiler alert!

I'm mad that they killed off Jesus. I liked him and it seems like Lafayette can never catch a break. :lol: I'm glad they killed Nan because she's always been annoying, although it seems like they're setting up some conflict with The Authority for next season. That could be interesting. I'm interested to find out if Eric will be the one to come to Sookie's rescue with the dead body/Tara thing.

The most annoying part was when Eric and Bill were tied to the stake and Sookie runs up. They both whip their heads around and whisper "Sookie!". :cds:


Active Member
I was upset they killed off Jesus too!! Poor Lafayette :frown:

And I like that it looks like Russell is back (I thought I read somewhere they hinted he might be coming back). I like his character.


Dream Stealer
I think they had to kill off jesus. He and tara kind of mirror each other..being kidnapped by vamps, loving someone FINALLY and them being killed..being gay...they keep them kinda equal.

I want to know who the F dug up russel. who thought that was a good idea?

I am glad nan is dead cuz she was wayyy to annoying to live.

I love eric. I have never seen anyone decapitate three "gay stormtroopers" sooo sexily.

Sookie is an idiot. I would have taken both of those delicious hunks of vampire and #### #### ####### ###### #### ### until their eyes bled.

I am kinda sad debbie is dead..I rather enjoyed her craziness. I forsee some vampire blood in tara's future, though.

Jessica is hot. super hot. I would much rather see her whore it around than get with jason. I hope him and hoyt can be friends. thought the exchange with them two was funny.."how?" ....."well ok, missionary, then doggy, nothing too kinky" :killingme:killingme

I appreciate that they leave a cliffhanger..but understand that a year is a looooooong time to wait for a show, so they don't make it anything tooo hard to handle. I am glad they renewed for another season..and I cant waittttttt:cds:

Hung starts in oct..I guess I will watch that.


Power with Control
I want to know who the F dug up russel. who thought that was a good idea?

Would that be Erics progeny, maybe, since she was bawling about Sookies efect on Eric, and Russell would love to drain Sookie dry, and is old enough to take on Eric and Bill together?


Dream Stealer
Would that be Erics progeny, maybe, since she was bawling about Sookies efect on Eric, and Russell would love to drain Sookie dry, and is old enough to take on Eric and Bill together?

i dunno..pam is mad..but is she that stupid? she loves eric I can't imagine her mad enough to want him dead and put herself at risk..but the thought occcured to me too. only eric, bill, and alcide know about russel..right? because alcide helped? I gott know.:cds: