True Grit Ride


Cowgirl Up
goldnhorse said:
Whoops! Its been a long day. Didn't mean to post twice but I didn't want to take any credit from the other 3 riders. So I changed it to we......It takes alot of us to keep having places and trails to ride....If anyone has some time and they would like to volunteer working on trails please come and join us some time.
:doh: I knew something was wrong when I saw all the green karma. I was on my computer at home and did not realize that some time ago I had registered on that compt as goldnhorse instead oh mygoldnhorse. Did not want to appear as 2 different users. I am a person who tells it like it is...I am up front and honest to a fault, and if that means getting your red karma than please feel free to give me all you got. LOL....mygoldnhorse


Cowgirl Up
appyday said:
Did you do the big bridge with the hand rails only or the ones like this?? They would have scared me in this weather..glad you fixed them up well. Did you climb the log pile like this??

We went on 2 long ones with sides and the ones that are around 4 ft wide without sides. Other was safer to go around the bridges. I don't remember seeing the log pile though. But if we would of I think if we would have we would be of done some xplor'n to find a way around. Again thanks!!!!


Cowgirl Up
TotalControl said:
Having a party

:jerry: Hey see the young man in the picture on crutches.....He is the rider that broke his leg on the judged ride....About 2 weeks after the judged ride we were all going out for a 3+ hour ride and guess who we could not make stay home? He is too tuff.


HorseLady said:
UH OH - Did I miss the train? I meant to say that themyth is stupid and low. Did it come out wrong? :smack:

Hay it's alllllll GOOOOD!


Old Ladies

mygoldnhorse said:
:lmao: nah all the ole ladies stayed home :coffee: and :popcorn:. We heard they we're afraid of freezing their A$$'$ off. :razz:

Okay....I"M NOT OLD and I"M NO LADY! :lmao: I stayed warm and cozy and bored to pieces @ work all day!!! I did see Percy pass by my work though...looks like she was runnin' a tad bit late..... :smoochy:


mygoldnhorse said:
:jerry: Hey see the young man in the picture on crutches.....He is the rider that broke his leg on the judged ride....About 2 weeks after the judged ride we were all going out for a 3+ hour ride and guess who we could not make stay home? He is too tuff.

Good 4 HIM and glad to hear he's out & about! :dude:


Cowgirl Up
45 and SUNNY

appyday said:
I think I see a snake in the grass in that pic...was it warm out?

Don't cha remember Appy...that's where this all started. :killingme
I told yawl i'm up front & honest....Even when forecast'n the weather.
:bigwhoop: :bigwhoop: .....right???????????? :lmao:


Cowgirl Up
The old days are over but the new ones have just begun! Even if you need a little help gettin up there as long as you still do is all that matters!!! Ride on.


This is fun right?
appyday said:
Yep I have plenty of ass............:dance: I really dont need people like you and the rest of the nasty SMTR crew..wonder why you are chasing so many members professional..and hiding behind an MPD too...Talk to SAHRAB he has a much bigger as then I...Like 2 X bigger then me...

not according to the pictures you posted.


This is fun right?
appyday said:
That is a board member of SMTR that sure looks good for the club folks...

actually it isnt, or i dont think it is. even if it is, their own personal opinions of you are NOT regulated by SMTR you twit
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This is fun right?
persimmoncf said:
No, Equineaddict is not a boardmember of SMTR. I personally take offence to all of the SMTR slander as I am a boardmember and I take alot of pride in the time and energy that myself and the other very active members put in to keep this trail club alive.
Appyday, I have met you only once and do not at all know you except from your comments on this forum. You truly need to stop throwing stones, your comments are not flattering to you.
Myth, Who are you anyway and do you even know lick about horses, or are you just a "jump on coat-tails" sh*t stirrer. Oh and Myth...What is the yearly blood test required for transport called / and what is the name of the infection it is testing for? I wonder if you even belong in this forum.

i know i know can i play too?

someone will definetly have to fill me in on what the deal is with her, and why shes got a crooked pole up her a$$ about SMTR


This is fun right?
happyappygirl said:
WHOA...what did you do with my Percy :lmao: the Percy who has nothing mean to say about one living soul...? Who stole her un/pw?

How was the ride? I'm so jealous...about the time i was heading out for my final the temps rose...the sun was shining....the horses gave me the hoof on the way out the drive.... :ohwell:

it was Cold but (luckily) dry. really enjoyed the ride, seeing as how i've never been there before (but from what i hear i missed the REAL fun at St Mary's park a few years ago)


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appyday said:
Sorry but I see the whole group here a representation of the club..sorry..but I do...and he will be a board member soon mark my works

As far as the :gossip: if he does not know that he needs to go back to horses for Sar whatever I have had horses since he was hanging in his daddys sack..when he gets as old as I and has as much money as I have tied up in horses then he can open his smart mouth. I think you need to get "your people" under control they are making your whole club look bad..

A 2 week old pile of crap, is still a pile of crap no matter how old it is.

did i ever state that i'm the all knowing horsemen of SOMD? (although you seem to feel that mantle belongs to you)

so, the amount of money you spend/waste on horses is in direct proportion to what you can say about horses? yer a tool, get a life, its horses WE ALL FRIGGIN SPEND MONEY ON THEM.

you think they need to get "your people" under control? sorry slavery isnt an institution anymore.

you wanted to get on here and Slam SMTR every chance you can and not have any form of rebuttal? sorry i dont think your going to get what you want.

you may have been riding longer than i have, but that doesnt change the fact that your a sad miserable lousy (old) piece of crap. for whatever reason you have this obsession with me (i'll ask again, whats wrong the shower head not working anymore?) its flattering but keep TROLLing


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HorseLady said:
How stupid and low - what a great way to make friends and influence people. We can see your level. MPD or whatever. By your profile we can see you are only interested in causing trouble.

Unfortunately the same can be said for Appyday, just mention SMTR and watch you'll join the "club" with the rest of us


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happyappygirl said:
Percy, did your new boarder do a trial ride on another horsey today?
PS I'd really like to sell my little 13.3 barrel pony <hint hint>
Vet is coming out to see if the 14.2 mare is in foal.

yeppers i'm hoping it works out well for her :yay:


This is fun right?
appyday said:
You read wrong I was talking about Sar whatever....I was agreeing with Equineaddict...we were talking about the same person...reread please

no you werent D/A look at the date/time "TheMyth" posted (heres a clue i was at St Mary's park when he/she posted)

Seems we can add hypocrite to your traits, your taking offense to a "Slam" when all you've done is slam anyone that has anything to do with SMTR