Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
As someone from the East Coast who spends. A great deal of time in New York I ca tell you Trump has been a punchline and the butt of the joke since the 80’s. Everyone knew he was a cheat and a liar and not to be trusted. Ask any New Yorker and they will tell you it’s common knowledge


Well-Known Member

Yes, you're so cosmopolitan and important. That's why you spend your every waking minute acting like a mental case on a small community discussion forum.

Tell us how you dated Paris Hilton......


Who? Get a reference from the last 20 years grandma.

Living in a house is cosmopolitan to a woman who lives in a trailer, has fake nails, pretends to have black friends, lies about not watching Fox News then quotes it verbatim and decrees the fake news media while shooting fake news about peoples voting preference with no knowledge of their actual beliefs.


PREMO Member
That was an unjustified used of our military.

No it was not .... the war was a political statement as were all the brush fire wars in Africa .... The US supported some unsavory characters to oppose Soviet Domination World Wide


Active Member
Too bad no one cares and you have proven you will side with Trump no matter if it’s grabbing Puss*,

Liar ... a False Narrative with a quote taken out of context

calling dead soldiers losers,

Which Dead Soldiers :sshrug: Another false framing device.

  1. you are referring to the lies in the Atlantic
  2. Referring to McCain - he was a loser

betraying four troops

WTF are you talking about .....

You have no moral and ethical leg to stand on.

That is awful judgmental of you Sapidus .. franklly anyone that supports those Marxist Black Lives Matter groups that are rioting and burning down Black Owned Business, Murdering a Patriot Prayer Member for merely walking down the street, Chanting ' Death to America ' has NO Moral Ground to stand on.

Trump actively courts them knowing he needs them to win

Liar ..... Trump is not courting Neo Nazi's

and you do nothing to denounce the horrible things he says and does or his horrible supporters no matter how racist, homophobic , islamaphobic or xenophobic.

Anything You disagree with is Racist, Islamophobic or xenophobic .......

why do you support the subjugation or women - beatings, rape, slavery ?

As someone from the East Coast who spends. A great deal of time in New York I ca tell you Trump has been a punchline and the butt of the joke since the 80’s.

Opinion and Conjecture you said you are 40 what would you know of Trump before you were born

Everyone knew he was a cheat and a liar and not to be trusted.

You Wish you were as successful as Trump - The Trump Organization is a collection of 500 businesses if Trump is such a liar and a cheat why has he been so successful

Did you happen to catch the platform of 2020 RNC?,_2020


PREMO Member
Jeffrey Goldberg’s Story Is Believable; It Should Not Have Been Published

And therein lies the rub. Many of the claims made in Goldberg’s piece are not even remotely difficult to believe. Trump is on the record trashing Gold Star parents. He’s on the record, as Goldberg notes, dismissing McCain’s service and expressing his preference for “people who weren’t captured.” That record makes me lean toward believing that the parts about him trashing McCain are probably true. Other parts are less convincing, however. As Jim Geraghty points out in the Morning Jolt, Trump has done numerous events with wounded veterans during his time in office and has never given off an impression of disgust, and those moments have often been among the most humanizing of his presidency. The dearth of named sources and contrasting background evidence means that anyone who says with 100 percent confidence that all of the incidents described did or did not happen is probably driven by confirmation bias.

Moreover, Goldberg’s article will persuade no one. No opponent of the president will be surprised by the piece. No supporter of the president will take Jeffrey Goldberg’s word for it that Trump is a veteran-hating monster. Tim Alberta says that Goldberg’s credibility is beyond reproach. Perhaps Alberta was less appalled by Goldberg’s loathsome and cowardly treatment of Kevin Williamson than I was. Regardless, he should have convinced one of his sources to put their good name behind the piece or held off. It’s irresponsible to make these weighty accusations of the leader of the free world without presenting the public with a shred of hard evidence. Goldberg should have known that.


PREMO Member
Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong

On Sunday, Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White House’s account that President Trump’s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.

“I’m sure all of those things are true,” Goldberg told CNN in an interview on Friday when asked to respond to evidence a story he published saying otherwise is false.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong

On Sunday, Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White House’s account that President Trump’s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.

“I’m sure all of those things are true,” Goldberg told CNN in an interview on Friday when asked to respond to evidence a story he published saying otherwise is false.
Must be worried about a lawsuit.


Well-Known Member
Yea, Vrai. I'm not taking into account the years of Kyle and I's interactions.

I'm totally projecting. :dork:

If only Democrats are the nasty ones, what are your excuses?
Do the words hurt you Chris?
Whiny lil bitch...yet STILL refuse to CALL OUT the actual violence from your Marxist buddies

I know you don't wonder why people here come down on you.
You know you're a douchebag... knowing my words hurt you so bad. Now I will sleep peacefully tonight


Well-Known Member