Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


PREMO Member
Journalism’s New Propaganda Tool: Using “Confirmed” to Mean Its Opposite

But whatever happened, neither AP nor Fox obtained anything resembling “confirmation.” They just heard the same assertions that Goldberg heard, likely from the same circles if not the same people, and are now abusing the term “confirmation” to mean “unproven assertions” or “unverifiable claims” (indeed, Fox now says that “two sources who were on the trip in question with Trump refuted the main thesis of The Atlantic’s reporting”).

But journalism is not supposed to be grounded in whether something is “believable” or “seems like it could be true.” Its core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals. And that function is completely subverted when news outlets claim that they “confirmed” a previous report when they did nothing more than just talked to the same people who anonymously whispered the same things to them as were whispered to the original outlet.

Quite aside from this specific story about whether Trump loves The Troops, conflating the crucial journalistic concept of “confirmation” with “hearing the same idle gossip” or “unproven assertions” is a huge disservice. It is an instrument of propaganda, not reporting. And its use has repeatedly deceived rather than informed the public. Anyone who doubts that should review how it is that MSNBC and CBS both claimed to have “confirmed” a CNN report which turned out to be ludicrously and laughably false. Clearly, the term “confirmation” has lost its meaning in journalism.


PREMO Member
Not only was The Atlantic’s story not confirmed by the supposed corroboration of some of the details, but there is also no way you can confirm a story premised solely on anonymous sources: A journalist cannot possibly know if he is receiving confirmation of the facts by another source, or merely hearing the same lies from the same source who peddled the initial story.

Greenwald highlighted how that had happened when CNN falsely reported, based on anonymous sources, that “during the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump, Jr. had received a September 4 email with a secret encryption key that gave him advanced access to WikiLeaks’ servers containing the DNC emails which the group would subsequently release to the public ten days later.” MSNBC and CBS both “confirmed” CNN’s reporting, even though, as the outlets were later forced to admit, the email sent to Trump Jr., was actually dated Sept. 14, 2016 — after the WikiLeaks release.

So how did two outlets “confirm” the Fake News CNN had run earlier in the day? “All that happened,” Greenwald explained, “was that the same sources which anonymously whispered these unverified, false claims to CNN then went and repeated the same unverified, false claims to other outlets, which then claimed that they ‘independently confirmed’ the story even though they had done nothing of the sort.”



Well-Known Member
I see you got your talking points a few hours earlier than others....

--- End of line (MCP)

Sure. We all heard him say the things in the meme I posted and we all heard him denigrate McCain for being a POW. You think it’s a great leap to believe the sources on this one?


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
You think it’s a great leap to believe the sources on this one?
Yup. Absolutely. 100%. Believe what you want about Trump, but the entire story is one giant failure of journalism. Maybe good Yellow Journalism, but not ethical journalism as we are supposed to believe journalists are engaged in.

I get it. You hate Trump. You think those who support Trump are idiots. Why not just say that and be done? Far less effort on your part, yes?

--- End of line (MCP)


PREMO Member
I get it. You hate Trump. You think those who support Trump are idiots. Why not just say that and be done? Far less effort on your part, yes?

He is convinced of his own righteousness, he MUST Educate us poor stupid Trump Supporters the error of our ways, show us the path of Truth and Enlightenment ... Lecture us on how evil and Morally Bankrupt Trump is, and if we are ' true ' American Patriots how can we support such a man

and on his 4th or 5th user name [ he keeps leaving and coming back or in the case of Sapidus got a little too mouthy with the Owner ]

His narcissism will not allow himself to stay away, he is a cultist, an idealogue

Vrai was asking CrabScratcher why he says here


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
That's the nice thing about living in the PRM, I can vote for the candidate from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and it doesn't matter. Crazy, senile Uncle Joe is still going to win MD.


Well-Known Member
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Interesting screed. Given Trump's consistent attacking of Gold Star relatives, his refusal to visit grave sites in Europe, his consistent inability to understand the military is not his personal play thing, and his personal dodging of the draft, the article is completely believable.

Donald Trump has no redeeming qualities.


Sure. We all heard him say the things in the meme I posted and we all heard him denigrate McCain for being a POW. You think it’s a great leap to believe the sources on this one?

What I think is, you will believe anything and everything shoved down your deep liberal, Trump-hating throat as long as it fits you thinking about Trump.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
That's the nice thing about living in the PRM, I can vote for the candidate from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and it doesn't matter. Crazy, senile Uncle Joe is still going to win MD.
For complete accuracy's sake, let's all try to remember that it's the DPRM.

Jus' sayin'

--- End of line (MCP)


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Sure. We all heard him say the things in the meme I posted and we all heard him denigrate McCain for being a POW. You think it’s a great leap to believe the sources on this one?
Do you enjoy having your arse handed to you five ways to Sunday on a regular basis? You must.


Do you deny he said those things about McCain?

We've been over this. I don't like what Trump said about McCain's service. I respect McCain's service and his internal fortitude coming out of a horrible situation. I would have preferred Trump just say nothing in those regards. But I also don't like a lot - A LOT - of what McCain has done.

John McCain, not out of principle or respect for his constituents, but out of spite and hatred for Trump, voted 'NO' to repeal Obamacare. His one vote made the difference, and he thumbed his nose at half the country; and he also thumbed his nose at how he really felt about Obamacare. He voted against Obamacare. He was for repeal and replace. I don't know how anyone, after that thumbs-down vote, can hold any respect for that man politically.

This nonsense about who said more mean things than the other is, as Gilligan said, irrelevant. Not one bit of it convinces me that Trump holds any contempt for our military folks. I've seen too much of his actions to the contrary.

When you want to talk about real issues regarding what our elected people have done, you let me know.


PREMO Member
When you want to talk about real issues regarding what our elected people have done, you let me know.

No, No he does not ...... he wants to bad mouth Trump, expound and share his moral superiority, and play pedantic word games.

The thing is, Trump takes the piss with anyone whom has disagreements with, McSame doesn't get a pass because he was a POW, you say something Trump is going to strike back ..... suck it up, or keep your mouth shut .... look at the things said historically this is mild in comparison

I'd forgotten about the Obamacare thing ....


PREMO Member
It is impossible that any such statement was made by him. He is a proud graduate of the New York Military Academy, and while he was happy to invoke a minor bone-chip in his foot as reason enough not to enter the military during the Vietnam era, that does not disqualify him as an admirer and supporter of the U.S. Armed Forces. He did not think that the Vietnam War was an intelligent commitment of American manpower and resources, a view shared by many Americans including Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.

Today that view is indeed the general historical opinion of that war. But this president, unlike some of his predecessors, believes ardently both in the necessity and the nobility of the U.S. military, and he has done a great deal to strengthen the troops and raise their pay.

It is indicative of the fact that the Democrats are much less overconfident than they were four years ago that they have unleashed their dirty tricks division a month earlier than they did in 2016 with the completely irrelevant Billy Bush “Access Hollywood” tape of locker room indiscretions by candidate Trump 11 years before. While it was completely irrelevant to whether Trump was worthy of election in 2016, and was somewhat bizarre as it emanated from the campaign of the spouse of, along with John F. Kennedy, the greatest sexual predator in the history of the White House, it was at least an uncontested recording from many years before of Trump’s opinion of a celebrity’s opportunities for sexual self-assertion. He did say it.

In this latest incident, many people, including almost everyone who would have been present, have all denied that any such utterance had been made. It is inconceivable that this president would think or say anything of the kind.

The Biden Slime Operation


No, No he does not ...... he wants to bad mouth Trump, expound and share his moral superiority, and play pedantic word games.

The thing is, Trump takes the piss with anyone whom has disagreements with, McSame doesn't get a pass because he was a POW, you say something Trump is going to strike back ..... suck it up, or keep your mouth shut .... look at the things said historically this is mild in comparison

I'd forgotten about the Obamacare thing ....

It's all about feelings getting hurt. Nothing of any real substance - just emotions.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do you deny he said those things about McCain?

Do you deny that he said those things about John McCain specifically and not "war heroes" and "veterans" and "military personnel" in general?

Because that's what actually happened. And it was in response to the vile personal attacks McCain made on him. Trump was merely retaliating, so of course you bots had a fainting spell because you're not used to anyone fighting back.

Same with the "women are pigs" blather you nuts keep spewing. He said Rosie O'Donnell is a pig, not all women. And THAT was in response to her attacks as well.

Your dishonesty is breathtaking.