Trump cuts federal funding for Planned Parenthood


the poor dad
This should give MSDNC something to talk about tonight on their libtard shows that no one watches. I’m sure they are booking guests right now who have had an abortion done by Planned Parenthood to tell its audience how important this funding is for their life.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This should give MSDNC something to talk about tonight on their libtard shows that no one watches. I’m sure they are booking guests right now who have had an abortion done by Planned Parenthood to tell its audience how important this funding is for their life.


PP should be privately funded. They can take up donations. Hold a bake sale. A car wash. The fed should only kick in for things that benefit all of us. Everything else should be up to the states or privately funded.


Well-Known Member

PP should be privately funded. They can take up donations. Hold a bake sale. A car wash. The fed should only kick in for things that benefit all of us. Everything else should be up to the states or privately funded.
I dunno, PP keeping the feral population in check seems like it benefits us all.

I know I should feel bad about feeling that way, but the older I get, and the more of a sh*tshow this country becomes, the more I feel that way. Like I'm dragged kicking and screaming into some kind of bigotry I'd have been appalled at in my younger days.

black dog

Free America
I dunno, PP keeping the feral population in check seems like it benefits us all.
I feel if PP gets de-funded lots of the lower income women, will loose important health services.
I'd hate to see the endless stream of unwanted children being born like when I was a kid pre Roe.
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I mentioned this in another thread -

When the issue is raised that federal funds are used to finance abortions, PP is quick to say oh it’s just a small part of our budget y’all are exaggerating.

When those funds are actually threatened, they change their tune and claim that poor and POCs will suffer and attempt back alley procedures.

And it’s clear enough. It’s just about money.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, PP keeping the feral population in check seems like it benefits us all.

I know I should feel bad about feeling that way, but the older I get, and the more of a sh*tshow this country becomes, the more I feel that way. Like I'm dragged kicking and screaming into some kind of bigotry I'd have been appalled at in my younger days.
Do not feel bad for feeling that way there are millions who do..They have brought it upon themselves
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Don't be surprised if the claim is made that Planned Parenthood's loss of federal funding will demonstrably and substantially reduce the availability of abortions -

While simulataneously making the ridiculous claim that ABORTION is *not* their primary business. They go through all sorts of contortions to distort statistics such that - one visit - to get an abortion - is ACTUALLY a whole slew of various procedures and expenses delineated SEPARATELY such that the actual abortion will seem - insignificant.

Make no mistake - more than half of all abortions that happen in the country are done by PP. Trying to claim otherwise is like claiming an NFL stadium's primary purpose is to sell hot dogs, beer and provide free rest rooms.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not necessarily against tax dollars paying for abortions; it's the heinous way PP goes about it and ghoulish disregard for human life I object to. The selling of fetal body parts - I don't want to kick in for that. Partial birth abortions - I don't want to pay for that either.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'm not necessarily against tax dollars paying for abortions; it's the heinous way PP goes about it and ghoulish disregard for human life I object to. The selling of fetal body parts - I don't want to kick in for that. Partial birth abortions - I don't want to pay for that either.
This is why there’s been such an outcry against stuff with fertilized eggs and stem cells and even cloning - they know people will grow this stuff to harvest on purpose.
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Well-Known Member
I am against paying for any abortion. Let the stud who supplied the sperm do the paying.
A woman has no business sleeping with a guy that cannot afford an abortion.


Well-Known Member
I am against paying for any abortion. Let the stud who supplied the sperm do the paying.
A woman has no business sleeping with a guy that cannot afford an abortion.
She has no business sleeping with a guy if SHE can't afford prevention or an abortion. In the vast majority of cases, she doesn't have to say yes.


Well-Known Member
I've have always said, I dont care if you get an abortion, however, I dont want to pay for it. I'll pay for your birth control, but not your abortion and I absolutely believe that the federal government shouldnt be paying for them! I cant think of a thing that PP does beside abortions. Why do they call it Planned Parenthood, cause there is nothing planned about it. You dont want to be pregnant, take the pill, use an IUD, make him wear a condom, there are some many choices when it comes to birth control, you shouldnt need an abortion, unless it was rape, incest or health of the mother, child.