Trump News


PREMO Member
41 House Democrats File Bill to Bar Donald Trump from 2024 Eligibility

“Donald Trump very clearly engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 with the intention of overturning the lawful and fair results of the 2020 election. You don’t get to lead a government you tried to destroy,” Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) wrote in a press release:

Even Mitch McConnell admits that Trump bears responsibility, saying on the Senate floor that ‘[t]here’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.’ The 14th Amendment makes clear that based on his past behavior, Donald Trump is disqualified from ever holding federal office again and, under Section 5, Congress has the power to pass legislation to implement this prohibition.

Among those Democrats seeking to deprive Trump of 2024 eligibility 41 Democrats, including radicals Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Ted Lieu (D-CA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-M).


PREMO Member

Democrats race to release Trump's tax returns: Committee will meet TUESDAY to decide if all of his records are released before Republicans take Congress

  • Democrats are racing to release information about former President Donald Trump's taxes before Republicans take control of Congress early next year
  • Politico reported Friday that the House Ways and Means Committee will meet privately Tuesday at 3 p.m.
  • They're expected to review Trump's tax documents and vote on whether some or all should be made public


PREMO Member

Democrats vote to release six years of Trump’s tax returns

But some Democrats are speaking out about what they’ve seen in Trump’s returns.

“Trump claimed tens of millions of dollars in losses and credits without the type of substantiation an ordinary taxpayer would likely provide,” Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) said in a statement Tuesday. “Donald Trump had big deductions, big credits, and big losses—but seldom a big tax bill.”

“Many questions about foreign entanglements and conflicts remain unanswered and unknown,” he said, adding that “unquestioned aspects of Trump’s returns show the need both for new Presidential audit legislation and a fairer tax system.”

The committee voted along party lines, 24-16, to make the returns public, with Democrats voting in favor and Republicans voting against.

Republicans blasted the decision to release the returns, warning that the move will usher in a new era of disclosing personal financial documents as a “political weapon.”

“This meeting actually sets a terrible precedent that unleashes a dangerous new political weapon that reaches far beyond the former president,” Ways and Means Republican leader Kevin Brady (R-Texas) told reporters on Tuesday.

“I won’t speculate on what the next Congress and this committee will focus on related to tax returns, but I do know that a major focus will be on the IRS,” he said.

Progressive groups cheered on the Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday after the decision release the tax returns to the public.

“Tax fairness starts at the top: if the president is not paying his fair share or is otherwise abusing the tax laws, the American people have the right to know,” Frank Clemente, director of the Americans for Tax Fairness nonprofit, said in a statement.


Congress finding Taxes Trump should have paid vs an army of accounts and IRS Agents

Yesterdays Incentive aka ' tax break ' is tomorrows tax loop hole for the evil rich


PREMO Member

Lincoln Project knocks themselves out with swipe at DJT Jr. over Trump’s tax returns

In case you missed it, yesterday, the House Ways and Means has voted to release former President Donald Trump’s 2020 tax returns.

Who Needs to See Trump’s Tax Returns?
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) December 21, 2022

More from Jim Geraghty:

The House Ways and Means committee also voted to release Trump’s tax returns yesterday, and it’s fair to ask: What is the point of that release? This whole time, [Ways and Means Chair Richard] Neal and congressional Democrats have insisted that it wasn’t a fishing expedition, and that they aimed to investigate whether the IRS handled presidential tax returns appropriately. They have their answer: The IRS wasn’t doing its duty. Mission accomplished. The details of Trump’s tax returns were never all that relevant to the question of whether the IRS was doing its job.
Are Neal and congressional Democrats contending that Trump has committed tax fraud? Then this is a matter for the IRS and federal prosecutors, not the general public. Richard Neal can’t charge Trump with a crime. You and I can’t charge Trump with a crime.
Neal insists he and other congressional Democrats are not being “punitive” or “malicious,” but the story looks simple: Trump doesn’t want his returns released and congressional Democrats want to release them — and have the power to do so.

Who Needs to See Trump’s Tax Returns?

I’m less certain that a president should be legally required to release their tax returns, which is a different question. Presidential candidates are already required to file an annual financial-disclosure report with the Federal Elections Commission within 30 days after becoming a candidate, or by May 15 of that calendar year, and file it each year they are a candidate. It is worth noting that the FEC report requires candidates to report the value of assets in broad ranges, so it’s tough to nail down a candidate’s precise wealth. This made getting a handle on Trump’s finances particularly difficult, as his 2015 report listed some assets as “more than $50 million” with no upper limit.

If Congress wants the public to have more information about presidential candidates’ finances, it could pass legislation making the FEC financial-disclosure reports more detailed, and with more narrow ranges for assessing the value of assets, etc. But your tax return reveals . . . well, almost everything: taxes paid and tax rate, deductions and credits claimed, charitable donations, debts claimed, offshore assets, and so on. Maybe the public is better off knowing that Bill Clinton’s itemized deductions assessed the fair market value of his used underwear that he donated to charity at two dollars per pair. But it’s reasonable, and not necessarily shady, for a presidential candidate to believe that some small details on their tax return don’t need to be revealed to the whole world — just as we need an accurate and sufficient assessment of a president’s health, but maybe don’t need complete reports on their hemorrhoids.


PREMO Member

Trumps paid $0 in taxes in 2020, reported negative income 4 times in 6 years, returns reveal

The committee released no evidence that Trump that sought to directly influence the IRS or discourage the agency from reviewing his tax information, but its report found problems with the agency’s approach to the audits.

Specifically, IRS agents in charge of the audits repeatedly did not bring in specialists with expertise assessing the complicated structure of Trump’s holdings. They frequently determined that a limited examination was warranted because Trump hired a professional accounting firm that they assumed would make sure Trump “properly reports all income and deduction items correctly.”

“The Committee expected that these mandatory audits were being conducted promptly and in accordance with IRS policies,” Neal said in a statement Tuesday. “We anticipated the IRS would expand the mandatory audit program to account for the complex nature of the former president’s financial situation yet found no evidence of that. This is a major failure of the IRS under the prior administration, and certainly not what we had hoped to find.

“But the evidence is clear,” said Neal. “Congress must step in.”


A spokesman for the former president characterized the release of the returns as an “unprecedented leak by lame duck Democrats” in a statement to the Wall Street Journal.

“If this injustice can happen to President Trump, it can happen to all Americans without cause,” Steven Cheung told the newspaper, adding that the full release of the returns will reflect Trump’s success as a businessman.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Next up let's see joe's returns. Since the precedence has been set, I want to see the returns of ALL living presidents released publically. We may as well release tax records of each and every congressman/woman and see where they're getting their riches from.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
:yawn: If my business accountant wasn't able to make sure my business had as close to zero, and even negative pass-through earnings on occasion, I'd fire him and get another one.

In fact, that's exactly what I did do about 10 or so years ago....the accounting firm screwed up and cost me a lot of money in income taxes that never should have been. I fired them and found a better one.

The "he paid zero taxes" crap is just pablum for the masses.


Well-Known Member
They got his tax returns. Obviously they looked at his returns. They nor anyone else could prove any illegalities in his forms. So they release his forms to the public hoping that this would make the public mad because he allegedly paid no taxes.

What a violation of Trumps Civil Rights and a violation of the law, and not one common mother F***er on that Committee will be held responsible for this despicable act. The Republicans meanwhile are joining the Democrats voting to pass a lame duck Omnibus Bill that sticks us with another 1.3 Trillion Dollar Christmas present to their friends .


Well-Known Member
I wish President Trump had not announced his run for the Presidency.
He is running with the Leader of the Minority in the Senate and 18 RINO's that are 100% in favor of destroying him.
If he won the Presidency he would serving with neither party behind him.
He was IMO a great President, but no President---no matter how much he is liked by the voters can get anything done with 100% of democrats against him and half of his own party in the Legislative branch ready to cut his throat. Not to mention the Roberts SCOTUS.


PREMO Member

Corrupt and Criminal Speaker Pelosi to Release President Trump’s Tax Records for No Legal Reason or Constitutional Right on Friday​

Pelosi’s friends at corrupt CNN reported moments ago:

The House Ways and Means Committee will release former President Donald Trump’s tax returns Friday morning, a source familiar confirmed to CNN.
The returns will be placed into the congressional record on Friday morning during a House pro forma session. That pro forma session will occur around 9 a.m. ET on Friday. There will also be a formal announcement Friday from the committee.

Notice, no mention of the legal reason to do so because there is none, but then again, this is CNN.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I say we petition to get joe's tax returns and bank accounts released. That seems like more pertinent information than Trump's. Hell, the gate has been breached. Let's make it part of the process from now on. If you want to run for office, show us your financial records. If you're elected, you do this every year you're in office.


Well-Known Member
Kyle is exactly right. The Democrats illegally got trumps tax records, they looked them over and could find nothing wrong. Proof of that is they did not file any charges from evidence gotten from them so in a vindictive act, they release them to the public. Another criminal act.
We have to assume that they feel the public will be angered when they find Trump didn't pay taxes because he gave his Presidential salary to charitable causes.
Nancy Pelosi should be facing jail for ripping up Government documents on TV and for breaking the law by revealing private tax information she gained illegally.