Trump News


the poor dad
The story reported that FBI investigators have not found any of the U.S.’s nuclear secrets among the classified documents seized from Trump’s home in South Florida, or anything else that shows criminal intent. Nor have the witnesses interviewed by the FBI turned up anything useful:
Sappy ain't gonna be happy about hearing this! Neither is SMCGirl.


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‘I Am Not Going to Partake’ in Special Counsel Investigation

Trump blasted the special counsel’s appointment as “the worst politicization of justice in our country” during an interview with Fox News Digital on Friday.

Trump noted the latest investigation comes after two “fake impeachments” and former special counsel Robert Muller finding no evidence of criminal conspiracy or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election.

“I have been going through this for six years — for six years I have been going through this, and I am not going to go through it anymore,” Trump said. “And I hope the Republicans have the courage to fight this.”

“I have been proven innocent for six years on everything — from fake impeachments to Mueller, who found no collusion, and now I have to do it more? It is not acceptable. It is so unfair. It is so political,” Trump said.

“I am not going to partake in it,” Trump added. “I’m not going to partake in this.”


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Special Counsel Investigating Trump Was Key Figure In IRS Targeting Scandal

Jack Smith, the special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate former president Donald Trump’s possession of classified information, was a key figure in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)’s infamous targeting of conservative non-profits, according to a 2014 report by Republicans on the House Oversight Committee.

On Oct. 8, 2010, Smith, then-Chief of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section at the time, called a meeting with former IRS official Lois Lerner “to discuss how the IRS could assist in the criminal enforcement of campaign-finance laws against politically active nonprofits,” according to testimony from Richard Pilger, then director of the section’s Election Crimes Branch and subordinate of Smith’s, to the Oversight Committee. Lerner eventually resigned from the IRS in 2015 following criticism of her targeting of conservative groups when denying or delaying tax-exempt status.



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Donald Trump is back on Twitter, but he can’t tweet — here’s why

If Trump’s company were to go public only for him to devalue Truth Social by resuming his Twitter activities — and thus giving his tens of millions of followers a reason to abandon the fledgling social media platform and return to Musk’s outfit — shareholders could sue him, a legal expert told Semafor.

“If it’s going to look, later on, that he never had that intention [of remaining off Twitter] but he just wanted to convince people that they should go ahead and close [the SPAC deal] that’s kind of a textbook securities fraud lawsuit,” Columbia Law School professor Eric Talley told Semafor.

Trump could conceivably return to Twitter without facing any legal repercussions — but only if he gives priority to his own app.

According to an SEC filing by TMTG, Trump “is generally obligated to make any social media post on TruthSocial and may not make the same post on another social media site for 6 hours.”

The deal with the SPAC also allows Trump to use “a personal account” to make posts “related to political messaging, political fundraising or get-out-the-vote efforts on any social media site at any time.”


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The case began in earnest in 2019, when the Treasury Department refused to turn over Trump’s tax returns to House Democrats, arguing there was no valid reason for their release. Ways and Means Chair Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) argued at the time that the committee was interested in Trump’s returns to determine whether tax law as it pertains to presidents should be changed.

Here’s more, via NBC:

Trump, who, unlike other recent presidents, refused to make his tax returns public amid scrutiny of his business affairs, turned to the justices after an appeals court in Washington refused to intervene. The court has recently rejected similar requests from Trump.
The former president’s lawyers contested the House Ways and Means Committee’s assertion that it needed the information to probe how the IRS conducts the auditing process for presidents, saying it did not stand up to scrutiny.
House Democrats, as well as the Biden administration, urged the court to reject Trump’s request, saying their demand for the tax documents reflected a valid legislative purpose.

The Democrat-controlled committee now has a tight window to receive Trump’s tax information from the Treasury Department, given Republicans will regain the majority beginning January 3. There’s roughly a snowball’s chance in hell that the GOP will allow the inquiry — AKA one of many “witch hunts,” in Trump’s eyes — to continue.



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Will Trump special prosecutor backfire on Democrats? Some think so, and here's why

O'Reilly told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show that Attorney General Merrick Garland's appointee will have to probe what the FBI knew in advance of the Jan. 6 riot, whether law enforcement could have done more to prevent the tragedy, and why a reported eight bureau assets were embedded among the protesters who went to the Capitol that day. Those are all issues the Democrat-led House Committee on Jan. 6 failed to address.

Garland's appointment of another special counsel to investigate Trump is "a drastic mistake," warned O'Reilly.

"In order for [Jack Smith] to investigate what Trump did or did not do on Jan. 6, he has to get into the FBI and what the FBI did or did not do," O'Reilly explained in a wide-ranging interview Tuesday night. "He has to. He can't bury it."

Noting that the New York Times reported that "there were at least eight FBI agents embedded in the most virulent protesters that day," the former longtime anchor of Fox News Channel's prime-time ratings hit "The O'Reilly Factor" said: "They were there. The FBI was there. Well, what the deuce were they doing?"


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"In order for [Jack Smith] to investigate what Trump did or did not do on Jan. 6, he has to get into the FBI and what the FBI did or did not do," O'Reilly explained in a wide-ranging interview Tuesday night. "He has to. He can't bury it."
That is assuming that this Smith guy is above board in his investigation, which other reporting appears to contradict.


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DOJ Once Again Changes Trump Seizure Evidence List Dropping “Empty Classified Folders”, and Continues Refusing to Give President Trump Lawyers the Affidavit Used for Search Warrant

In a recent court filing [Document Here] President Trump through his legal counsel has requested Judge Cannon to unredact and unseal the search warrant affidavit used as the predicate for the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Apparently, the DOJ have yet to provide President Trump with the constitutionally required predicate documents to support their search.

Additionally, the DOJ previously leaked to media about “empty folders with classified banners” as part of the evidence cache they collected. According to the filing the DOJ has since presented three different versions of their evidence collection list, with the most recent list dropping any claims of “two empty folders with classified banners.”

While asking the court to provide the affidavit to the defense team, the lawyers for President Trump are noting the fourth amendment protects everyone against warrantless searches and seizures, and that same protection also guarantees the target the right to receive and review the claimed justification for the warrant.

The unredacted affidavit is obligated to be supplied so that it can be determined if the search warrant was legally valid and predicated. General search warrants are not legally permitted. The warrant must specify what is being searched and why. The DOJ is fighting against this affidavit release. The Trump lawyers are asking the judge to make a decision.


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Today's Supreme Court Cases Show Why President Trump Is Very Likely to End up in Prison

The US Supreme Court heard two cases of political corruption arising from Andrew Cuomo’s criminal enterprise tenure as governor of New York. I know, shocked face, right? Nevertheless, the cases point to a fundamental corruption in our justice system that the justices seemed very reluctant to go along with today, but which really doesn’t matter because the Supreme Court justices don’t control the careers of rogue prosecutors.


How does this tie in with the two cases heard by a very skeptical, if not downright hostile, Supreme Court? Both Percoco and Ciminelli were convicted in 2018. The theory in both cases was so loony that state prosecutors laughed at the charges. Yet both Percoco and Ciminelli served prison time before their conviction was overturned. The prosecutors were well aware of the Arthur Andersen and McDonnell cases. They just didn’t care. There was no professional or personal penalty for pursuing a conviction that was guaranteed to go down in flames; in fact, there was a lot of potential future upside to such a move. They didn’t care if men’s lives were ruined. They didn’t care about the rule of law. They cared about notches on their figurative six-guns.

As I’ve written before twice, I expect that President Trump will be indicted, tried, and convicted. I expect him to go to prison. If that prison is in New York or a federal prison under a Democrat president, I would expect President Trump to die in prison. (Read The Left Is Anticipating President Trump’s Indictment in New York but They Haven’t Thought About What That Means to Everyone and The Political Persecution of President Trump Is Not Going to Make Trump or His Supporters Go Away or Accept the Outcome.) This will happen because President Trump had the gall to reveal our elites for the worthless pile of dog poo that they are.


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Donald Trump failed to disclose a $19.8 million loan from a company with ties to North Korea while he was president, Forbes reported Sunday, citing documents uncovered by the New York attorney general’s office.
Trump owed the money to L/P Daewoo while he was campaigning in 2016 and into his presidency, according to records. He didn’t list the debt in financial disclosure filings, as candidates and presidents are expected to do, Forbes reported.

The loan was paid off just over five months into his presidency. Forbes said the documents don’t specify who satisfied it.
Daewoo is a South Korean conglomerate that partnered with Trump on a development project near the United Nations headquarters in New York City and on several other projects over the years. The company has ties to North Korea, Forbes reported, and was the only South Korean company allowed to operate a business in North Korea in the mid-1990s.

Trump may have skirted disclosure laws and not committed an outright violation because the loan was on the books of his company, the Trump Organization, and not identified as a personal loan, Forbes noted.



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Donald Trump failed to disclose a $19.8 million loan from a company with ties to North Korea while he was president, Forbes reported Sunday, citing documents uncovered by the New York attorney general’s office.
Trump owed the money to L/P Daewoo while he was campaigning in 2016 and into his presidency, according to records. He didn’t list the debt in financial disclosure filings, as candidates and presidents are expected to do, Forbes reported.

The loan was paid off just over five months into his presidency. Forbes said the documents don’t specify who satisfied it.
Daewoo is a South Korean conglomerate that partnered with Trump on a development project near the United Nations headquarters in New York City and on several other projects over the years. The company has ties to North Korea, Forbes reported, and was the only South Korean company allowed to operate a business in North Korea in the mid-1990s.

Trump may have skirted disclosure laws and not committed an outright violation because the loan was on the books of his company, the Trump Organization, and not identified as a personal loan, Forbes noted.

Cue SMC gurl in 3... 2... 1....


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Key Democrats ask State, Defense for records on Kushner family business

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (Ore.) in asking for the records cited previously undisclosed emails that largely relate to a 2018 bailout of a Kushner-owned office building. The request comes as part of the committees’ investigation into whether the former White House senior adviser’s financial conflicts of interest improperly influenced U.S. policy.

The letters, which were first reported by The Washington Post, detail how Canadian investment firm Brookfield Asset Management cut a previously known deal to pay a 99-year lease up front on the Kushner family’s 39-story office building in midtown Manhattan, worth about $1.1 billion, helping the Kushners avoid defaulting on impending loan payments.

Maloney and Wyden stressed that the fund that paid for the bailout included the Qatar sovereign wealth fund as its second-largest investor.


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Special Counsel Smith speeds ahead on criminal probes surrounding Trump

WashingtonCNN —

Newly-appointed special counsel Jack Smith is moving fast on a pair of criminal probes around Donald Trump that in recent months have focused on the former president’s state of mind after the 2020 election, including what he knew about plans to impede the transfer of power, people familiar with the matter tell CNN.

Though he remains in Europe recovering from a biking accident, Smith has made a series of high-profile moves since he was put in charge last month, including asking a federal judge to hold Trump in contempt for failing to comply with a subpoena ordering him to turn over records marked classified.

Since Thanksgiving, Smith has brought a number of close Trump associates before a grand jury in Washington, including two former White House lawyers, three of Trump’s closest aides, and his former speechwriter Stephen Miller. He has also issued a flurry of subpoenas, including to election officials in battleground states where Trump tried to overturn his loss in 2020.