Trump News


PREMO Member

Justice coming for the ‘Dirty 51’ Hunter Biden laptop liars

The former president has sicced uber-attorney Tim Parlatore on the Dirty 51. On Wednesday, Parlatore launched the first stage of a multi-pronged strategy to make those who signed the letter pay for the damage they have wrought to freedom of the press, election integrity and the welfare of the nation.

His goal is to uncover alleged communications between the Dirty 51 and the Biden campaign.

Parlatore began by filing five letters of complaint with the agencies that formerly employed the 51, including the CIA — which counted 43 of its former officials among the group — the National Security Agency, the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Defense.

“Egregious breach”​

Each letter complains of “an egregious breach” by former agency employees “that appears to have been overlooked by your agency, as it has gone uninvestigated and certainly unpunished. Specifically, the unauthorized publication and dissemination of an intelligence assessment, purportedly based on classified information, that was used wrongfully to influence the outcome of an election.”

It points out that each of the Dirty 51 was “bound by the lifelong obligation” to submit the letter to their former agencies for pre-publication security review to ensure it didn’t contain classified information, a process that could take several months. The letter then would have been stamped with a disclaimer that the agency was not vouching for its accuracy.

“That would have destroyed the usefulness of the document,” says Parlatore, “plus the process would have delayed it so long it would not be useful” because the election would have been over.


Well-Known Member
Instead of doing their job as security for our country these people involved themselves in political espionage against a sitting President.
The fact is they knew their statement was a lie and they signed this statement to undermine the president.

There is only one word for that:--------------------------Treason.


Well-Known Member
I'm still astonished that high ranking members of our intelligence and law enforcement could come together and make a declaration via their professional opinion -

On a subject with such high visibility and relevance to our national security -

And not a damned one of them had ever read, checked out or in any way researched the material. They made their statement based on their feelings about a person rather than a single nugget of fact.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'm still astonished that high ranking members of our intelligence and law enforcement could come together and make a declaration via their professional opinion -

On a subject with such high visibility and relevance to our national security -

And not a damned one of them had ever read, checked out or in any way researched the material. They made their statement based on their feelings about a person rather than a single nugget of fact.
Because they arent' actual intelligence or law enforcement.

They're cronies put there by other minions and cronies of the DNC.


PREMO Member

Hillary accuses Trump of criminal conspiracy for not accepting election loss, is reminded of one little detail

“The latest January 6 hearings show that Trump knew he lost the election. His own people told him he’d lost the election. He then chose to wage a criminal conspiracy to overturn the results and prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history,” Clinton cluelessly tweeted, trying to make political hay over the Jan. 6 inquisition and failing spectacularly.

The twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate who has pushed her own version of “The Big Lie” expressed projection in that tweet that got noticed hugely on social media.

PolitiBunny nailed the former secretary of state nicely on Twitter, “It’s like you’re talking about yourself … lol. Except, of course, he actually was president. You, not so much. :)



PREMO Member

On top of the charge, the driver had both an anti-Trump sticker and what looks like an anarchy sticker on the back of the car. The Trump sticker depicted Trump with a Hitler mustache and the words, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” This is from a guy who may have driven a car crashing into a store, and it’s only by the grace of God people weren’t killed.



PREMO Member

Hillary Clinton Calls Trump Supporters a “Clear and Present Danger to American Democracy”

Hillary Clinton agreed with the former federal judge.

Hillary Clinton went from calling Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables” to a “clear and present danger” in a matter of just a few years.

“Louder, for those in the back: Donald Trump, his allies, and supporters are a clear and present danger to American democracy.” Hillary Clinton said in a tweet on Friday.



PREMO Member

NY Attorney General Letitia James to agree to the lifting of Donald Trump's contempt-of-court order.

But James' office — which is winding down a 3-year probe into Trump's hotel and golf resort business — has now reached an impasse over "what else, if anything," can be done to force Trump to turn over more documents or more fully explain why so few have been turned over, the filing says.

The Manhattan-based Trump Organization has submitted some 900,000 documents, totaling 6 million pages, in compliance with James' subpoenas. But only 10 of those documents — about 500 pages — were so-called Trump "custodial" documents bearing his directives or approvals, the AG has complained.

The lack of Trump personal documents has been a major sticking point.

Multiple Trump employees have testified under subpoena before the AG's office, and have said that the computer-averse Trump routinely used hand-written orders — directives or approvals written either directly on documents or on Post-it Notes — in running his business.

James' office continues to have "separate concerns" over how few of Trump's documents have been turned over in response to James' subpoenas, the filing says, warning, "that is something the [Office of the Attorney General] will address with the Court separately."

"We are prepared to agree" to the order being lifted, "because it is not apparent what else, if anything, [Trump] and his counsel can be ordered to do right now that would shed any additional light on the retention or destruction of [Trump's] documents," AG Special Counsel Andrew Amer wrote in the filing.


PREMO Member

Secret Service lead and presidential driver are prepared to testify under oath that Trump did NOT grab steering wheel or lunge at agents to drive himself to Capitol on January 6

  • Bobby Engel, the lead agent on Trump's detail, and the presidential driver at the time are prepared to testify under oath to the committee that Hutchinson's testimony is incorrect, according to multiple news outlets
  • 'I'm the effing president, take me to the Capitol now,' Cassidy Hutchinson, Mark Meadows' top aide, said Trump ordered
  • 'Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We're going back to the West Wing, we're not going to the Capitol,' Hutchinson was told Secret Service agent Robert Engel said
  • 'Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel,' Hutchinson recalled
  • Hutchinson was revealed to be the surprise witness for Tuesday's last-minute January 6 hearing
  • Hutchinson also testified that Trump was 'furious' that his armed supporters were not allowed into the official grounds for his Stop The Steal rally on Jan. 6
  • 'Who cares if they have weapons, they're not here to hurt me,' the former president allegedly said
  • Follow along with's rolling live blog for minute-to-minute coverage of the hearing


PREMO Member

Top Former White House Lawyer Delivers Devastating Blow To Cassidy Hutchinson Testimony

Former Trump White House lawyer Eric Herschmann delivered a damaging blow to Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony against former President Donald Trump on Tuesday as he claims that he wrote the handwritten note that Hutchinson told the January 6 House select committee that she wrote.

The note that Hutchinson claims that she wrote stated, “Anyone who entered the Capitol without proper authority should leave immediately.”

“Herschmann is claiming that a handwritten note regarding a potential statement for then-President Donald Trump to release during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was written by him during a meeting at the White House that afternoon, and not by White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson,” ABC News reported. “At Tuesday’s Jan. 6 committee hearing, Rep. Liz Cheney displayed a handwritten note which Hutchinson testified she wrote after Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows handed her a note card and pen to take his dictation.”

One source familiar with the matter confirmed to The Daily Wire that Herschmann is claiming that he wrote the note, and not Hutchinson.

“The handwritten note that Cassidy Hutchinson testified was written by her was in fact written by Eric Herschmann on January 6, 2021,” a spokesperson for Eric Herschmann told ABC News. “All sources with direct knowledge and law enforcement have and will confirm that it was written by Mr. Herschmann.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Secret Service agents willing to testify that Trump didn't lunge at steering wheel during Capitol riot: source

'I'm the f'ing president. Take me up to the Capitol now,' former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified Trump told the Secret Service on Jan. 6

Two Secret Service agents are prepared to testify before Congress that then-President Trump did not lunge at a steering wheel or assault them in an attempt to go to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot, a source close to the Secret Service tells Fox News.

The explosive new allegations were made on Tuesday by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

White House Counsel Pat Cipollone repeatedly warned staff in the days before the rally that "we're going to get charged with every crime imaginable" if Trump goes to the Capitol, Hutchinson testified.



Well-Known Member
Now this woman Cassidy Hutchinson was a former aide in the White House.
Is it any wonder at this point why there were so many leaks there?
To me it's amazing that Trump got anything done with the place filled with Brutus's

Was there anyone who worked for the man who could be trusted?

What kind of leadership do we have in this country, when backstabbing lying C-suckers like this woman can reach powerful positions and attempt to destroy the people they are supposed to be working for?


PREMO Member

Birx lied when she said Atlas said the focus was on Trump's re-election...why did she not show that in writing? hhhmmm, so we are taking people's 'recollections'??? ok,

Birx never answered the question, she made it seem like Atlas was giving the Trump admin input in April and May 2020. That was a lie. At that time March April and May, she and Fauci were in full flight taking apart Trump’s re-election etc. with the pandemic lies, the fraud of a COVID response with their lockdown lunacy and school closure lunacy. And their mask mandate lunacy and we know today all COVID lockdown policies failed and we told these lunatics this near two years ago. They just did not listen. She and Fauci were power drunk and the deaths due to the lockdowns, the suicides in people and children, were due to her and Fauci’s lockdown lunatic policies. Not Trump, yes, he failed to fire these lunatics and that’s his fault, but the deaths are on their hands. It is their policies he approved.

With their fraud use of the RT-PCR test that was deliberately over-cycled to spook the nation and Trump. The PCR test was a lie. 95% of positives were false positives in 2020 and 2021. She knew what she was doing, her and Fauci, was to undermine Trump and she was fixated an obsessed with Atlas. I always felt based on what was being said in the halls in DC was that she envied Atlas, and was fixated on his smarts. She disliked him and continues to attack him because he is way more in tuned and intellectually adept and smarter than she is. That is why they attacked Scott. He was better than they could ever be. Shame on them for what they did with the help of the media in smearing and slandering him. Shame on them. All he sought to do was to help. Pox on them. She and Fauci have absolutely no capacity in public health. IMO, dimwits, dolts! Fauci and Birx, single handedly, devastated the pandemic response and harmed Americans, IMO. People died on accounts of their policies. Junk science, in conjunction with CDC and NIH and FDA. I can find not one benefit of having them there. If you found one, please let me know.