Trump Trial


Just sneakin' around....
You drew some more pictures in Crayon?

Good for you/they/them
Dog Drawing GIF
Jazz Hands!! :lol:


PREMO Member

DOJ Prosecutors Ask Judge to Stop Donald Trump from Releasing Evidence to the Media

“The Discovery Materials, along with any information derived therefrom, shall not be disclosed to the public or the news media, or disseminated on any news or social media platform, without prior notice to and consent of the United States or approval of the Court,” DOJ attorneys wrote.

The DOJ’s request for a protective order notes that some “materials also include information pertaining to ongoing investigations, the disclosure of which could compromise those investigations and identify uncharged individuals.”

Former federal prosecutor Mitchell Epner told Law&Crime that DOJ attorney Jay Bratt’s proposed request “clearly leaves open the possibility that additional people will be charged.”

Aside from the former president, prosecutors also charged Trump’s aide, Walt Nauta.

The DOJ is requesting a protective order similar to one in effect in Trump’s criminal case arising out of Manhattan, where prosecutors allege the former president falsified business records.


PREMO Member

Same Magistrate Judge That Authorized FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid Now Limits Trump Public Defense Against Secret FBI Evidence​

June 19, 2023 | Sundance | 266 Comments

Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart is the judge who authorized the fraudulent search warrant used by the DOJ and FBI in the Mar-a-Lago raid against President Trump in August of last year. Today, Judge Reinhart accepted the position of Special Counsel Jack Smith and puts restrictions on President Trump’s ability to defend himself.

Judge Reinhart has approved the motion filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith to restrict President Trump’s access to the materials the DOJ claims to use against him and block the ability of President Trump to state publicly his defense against the evidence. The star chamber of the DOJ Lawfare operation is continuing unabated.

(Via ABC NEWS) – A federal judge on Monday approved a protective order sought by special counsel Jack Smith to keep former President Donald Trump from disclosing sensitive information in his classified documents case.

Smith sought the order to ensure that neither Trump nor codefendant Walt Nauta, Trump’s presidential valet, disclose sensitive information obtained during the discovery process, where prosecutors will show the defense what evidence it has amassed during their investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents since leaving office. (read more)

“The Discovery Materials, along with any information derived therefrom, shall not be disclosed to the public or the news media, or disseminated on any news or social media platform, without prior notice to and consent of the United States or approval of the Court,” Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart said in the order.



PREMO Member

Apparently, President Trump is Aware of Lisa Monaco’s Purpose

Posted to Truth Social by President Trump:

The Lawfare operatives, represented by Weissmann, Eisen and company, are all ideological agents connected directly to the anti-Trump efforts. Their ally in the DOJ is Deputy AG Lisa Monaco.

I use the term “Lawfare” to describe their general group association, as well as the actual organization funded by the Brookings Institute that carries the same name.

Essentially, Lawfare et al, are the group of current and former Dept of Justice ideologues that we find throughout the deployment of all Main Justice weaponization, activism and corruption.

The Muller team were all Lawfare members. The legal team in/around the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, what Christine Blasey-Ford called “beach friends,” are all Lawfare members. The legal team behind both of Trump’s impeachment efforts were all Lawfare members. It is one large network of legally minded ideologues working toward a common goal; they are inside government and connected to the same DOJ minds outside government.

The second thing they have in common is their collective risk within their action. Many of their activities were/are unlawful (spygate, FISA, Mueller probe, impeachment background etc), so to the extent the Lawfare group can mitigate risk by attacking anyone who would be a threat to them, this is what we see.

Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen are two of the most well-known members of this politically motivated group. Together they have created novel legal theories to use by the DOJ against their political opposition. They write the legal filings for Main Justice to use inside government.

The fact the DOJ uses these novel theories and legal filings in the actual practice of law and prosecution shows how deeply connected the outside Lawfare group is to the Lawfare group inside DC.


PREMO Member
‘Worst case I’ve seen in 60 years of law’

“Of course not. Many charged with crimes are guilty of something. Innocence is in Iran, China, Cuba. We support the Constitution’s Sixth Amendment which allows everyone a good defense. Listen, I’m like a doctor who can sleep after saving someone who’ll then do bad things. I’ve had 35 murder cases.”

About the O.J. case we both worked: “They didn’t win. We just lost. An officer, believing O.J. guilty, thought the glove’s real evidence against him wouldn’t be allowed because it came from an illegal search, so to improve the case he poured blood on the sock. The jury caught him. You never lie to the court!

“Harvey Weinstein I represented long ago in a business case. On current allegations he asked me for consultation. I’ll consult with anyone on any constitutional issue regardless of the defendant. That case is still on appeal.

“I work hard to avoid screwing up. Won nearly all my murder cases.


PREMO Member
Jack Smith is investigating the ‘dueling electors’ after the 2020 election, Trump’s role in January 6, and Trump’s 2020 fundraising efforts.

According to a leak to CNN, Jack Smith traded limited immunity for testimony from at least two dueling electors.

Last week, ABC News reported that Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald and Nevada GOP committee member Jim DeGraffenreid were spotted walking into the federal courthouse where Jack Smith’s DC grand jury meets.

Jack Smith’s prosecutors are turning the screws on witnesses.

According to CNN, prosecutors are ‘playing hardball’ with some of the witnesses, refusing to grant them extensions to grand jury subpoenas, and demanding testimony before the end of the month.

In contrast, Special Counsel John Durham didn’t even subpoena James Comey, McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and others.



PREMO Member

Special Counsel Jack Smith Moves to Push Trump's Trial to December, Discloses Existence of 84 Government Witnesses

During the June 13 hearing, overseen by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman, one of the Justice Department’s prosecutors raised the issue that it’s unclear who the order would apply to, given that there wasn’t a witness list available. The prosecutor said:

The elephant in the room is that we don’t have a list (of witnesses) yet.

This prompted Goodman to instruct the DOJ to promptly provide the list of witnesses, thus clarifying the scope of the order. Smith’s late-night filing of a separate document regarding the conditions of Trump’s release on his own recognizance reveals in the footnotes that there are 84 government witnesses in the case so far. The motion was to submit the witness list, under seal, that the DOJ provided to the defense on Thursday to satisfy the court’s order.

Trump’s lawyers do not oppose the witness list being submitted under seal but are reported to potentially hold objections to the special condition of his release imposed, which requires that he refrains from discussing the matter with those listed, and possible objections to the manner of the government’s version of compliance with the order itself.

The footnote reads:

The government has conferred with counsel for Defendant Trump and Defendant Nauta about this motion. They have authorized government counsel to represent the following: ‘Defense counsel takes no position on the government’s motion to seal the list of witnesses, but the defense reserves the right to object to the special condition and how it was implemented by the government by providing a list of 84 witnesses in purported compliance with the court’s order.’

The motion says that Trump’s defense counsel isn’t in opposition to pushing back the original trial date, which was unexpectedly set this week by Judge Cannon to begin on August 14. But Trump’s legal team is expected to file a motion in opposition to the proposed dates and to request a status hearing to address the schedules. In the court documents, Special Counsel Jack Smith wrote:

Defense counsel confirmed they do not oppose an adjournment of the current trial date and request a status hearing with the court to address the schedule in this action. Defense counsel anticipate filing an opposition to this motion addressing their objections to the government’s proposed dates.


PREMO Member

DOJ Didn’t Charge Trump Over Alleged Iran Document In Audio Recording: Report

The alleged Iran document at the center of a recorded conversation thought to be a key piece of evidence in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case is reportedly not included in his indictment.

Trump was caught on a recording allegedly showing a classified document with details relating to a possible U.S. invasion plan of Iran. The document “totally wins my case,” Trump says in the audio. Trump purportedly pulled out the document while denying claims that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley spent the final days of the Trump administration restraining the then-president from attacking Iran.

A source familiar with the matter told CBS News that the document in question is not part of the charging document filed in a federal court in Florida earlier this month. The indictment charges Trump with 37 counts, including 31 counts of willfully retaining national security information.


PREMO Member

Latest Leaks Don’t Incriminate Trump, They Incriminate Democrats

In November of 2020, the Washington Post wrote that “As an ex-president, Trump could disclose the secrets he learned while in office, current and former officials fear.” While the article acknowledged that even after leaving office, Trump would have access to all and any records of his administration, buried deep in the body of the article was the prosecutorial strategy being employed today by the corrupt Department of Justice; not only their strategy, but the Democrats’ motivation for the present witch hunt.

The article professes that “Trump has also demonstrated a willingness to declassify information for political advantage, pushing his senior officials to reveal documents from the 2016 probe of Russian election interference and possible links to Trump’s campaign.”

In other words, the Deep State and Democrats feared that Trump would declassify and make public information that would incriminate them for their crimes.

Shockingly, this seemingly forgettable and inconsequential article from the Washington Post from 2020 spells out the strategy being employed at present — to persecute Trump and coverup their crimes.

The November 2020 article reports with great consternation how “last month, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, a Trump loyalist, made public a set of handwritten notes and a referral to the FBI concerning intelligence that the United States had obtained on Russia and its belief that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign would try to tie the hacking and leaking of Democratic Party emails to Russia to deflect from the controversy over Clinton’s use of a private email server.”


PREMO Member

DOJ asks appeals court to block Trump deposition in Strzok, Page suits

Berman Jackson upheld her ruling forcing Trump to testify last week, causing the DOJ to appeal to a higher court on Tuesday.

“Only the most extraordinary of circumstances would justify allowing a plaintiff to depose a former high-level official about actions he took in the course of his official duties. This case falls far short of that standard,” government attorneys said in the filing, reviewed by NBC News.

The DOJ said that Trump’s testimony is unnecessary because Wray and former White House chief of staff John Kelly have already testified. Trump has also spoken about Strzok and Page extensively on social media.

“Strzok hardly needs to confirm whether the President expressed the same views in meetings in the Oval Office that he expressed publicly.” the DOJ said.

Last week, newly released testimony from Kelly said that Trump “wanted to see Mr. Strzok fired” and considered other retaliatory actions.

“President Trump questioned whether investigations by the Internal Revenue Service or other federal agencies should be undertaken into Mr. Strzok and/or Ms. Page. I do not know of President Trump ordering such an investigation. It appeared, however, that he wanted to see Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page investigated,” Kelly said.


PREMO Member
Rather than be released after arraignment as would normally be the case, Kirschner argued that Trump is far too dangerous to be allowed to remain free and needs to be locked down, likely in the special D.C. gulag that J6 protesters have been detained in under deplorable conditions that some have likened to that of a Chinese gulag.

The former federal prosecutor appeared on the latest edition of SiriusXM’s “The Dean Obeidallah Show” where he played to the fascist inclinations of the weaselly left-wing host that Trump deserves to be treated like an opposition leader in Vladimir Putin’s Russia and is undeserving of the right of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Obeidallah set the table for his regular guest by expressing concern that a “cornered Donald Trump whose only chance at all to stay out of prison is winning” will get even “more dangerous and becomes a threat to the community and openly starts almost calling for violence or just on just the edge of it.”

“Well that’s why Donald Trump should be ordered detained pending trial,” Kirschner responded. “And I say that you know, not from my own personal preference or any animosity I have toward the man. I say it because the law provides that when there’s clear and convincing evidence that a defendant pending trial presents a danger to the community, he’s supposed to be detained, or she’s supposed to be detained pending trial.”

“That’s the law,” he continued. “Everyone has ignored that when it comes to Donald Trump. And we do it at our peril, as a system as institutions of government, do it at our peril.”



PREMO Member

Alvin Bragg Slowly Realizes His Trump Indictment Is Going to Backfire, and He's Getting Desperate

Let me translate that for you: Out of all the Trump indictments, filed or soon-to-be filed, Braggs is by far the dumbest and most likely to fail. Given that, he does not want to be the first prosecutor to hand the former president a massive PR victory so he’s now desperately looking for a way to let the DOJ’s cases go to trial first.

Bragg knows that the federal cases against Trump, politically biased and selective as they may be, are far stronger on legal grounds. If he ends up taking his case to trial in March of 2024 as currently scheduled, he stands a good chance of losing and going from hero to goat while also tainting the federal indictments.

That’s why you are seeing Bragg suggest that he’ll work with the judge to delay his case out of a “broad look at what justice requires.” In fact, I’d posit that he doesn’t just want to postpone his prosecution of Trump, he wants to end it completely. He just doesn’t want to end it yet.

Think about it. If the DOJ garners convictions with its charges, Bragg has his out. He can say that justice has been served and that there’s no reason to waste resources continuing his pursuit of the former president. In doing so, he gets to brag about the fact that he was first to the ballpark while not actually having to walk up to the plate and swing the bat. It’s a win-win for him politically, and Bragg clearly has aspirations for higher office.


PREMO Member

Jonathan Turley and Andy McCarthy Rip Apart Flawed Nature of New Trump Indictment

At this point, it’s getting a little ridiculous and frankly, transparent, as to how hard the Biden administration seems to be working to try to take Trump out of the race with lawfare and indictments.

Fox News’ Bret Baier shared how Republicans are describing the indictment for what it is: Democrats looking at a box of chocolates, trying to figure out what was the best box of chocolates to “prevent him from becoming president again.” That’s hitting the nail on the head; that’s what it’s all about.

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PREMO Member

Irony: Jack Smith’s Team Admits Incorrectly Telling Court DOJ Turned Over All Materials

Smith has charged Trump with 40 counts in the so-called “documents” case. Among them is the accusation that Trump caused his lawyers to tell the government that they had handed over all of the documents the government wanted, when in fact they had not.

The indictment against Trump alleges that he conspired with his staff to move boxes of documents, and to attempt to delete some video footage, without telling his attorneys, so that the final delivery of documents and video to the government was incomplete.

But in an ironic twist, Smith’s team had to admit to the court in a July 31 filing that it had not, in fact, uploaded all of the video footage that it had taken from Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, to a platform established by the court for the defense to review it.



PREMO Member

Trump Jan 6 Case Assigned to Judge Tanya Chutkan, an Obama Appointee


The DC grand jury indicted Trump in the January 6 investigation.

“Trump indicted in federal probe over effort to undo election loss and subvert transfer of power in run-up to Jan. 6 riot” AP reported.

Trump was hit with 4 counts: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.