Trump Trial


PREMO Member

Five 2020 election irregularities, illegalities that collide with Jack Smith's Trump indictment

Since the 2020 election, Trump has claimed that fraud occurred. At least five high-profile cases of irregularities, deceit or illegalities have since been confirmed, though none have been unequivocally shown to have changed the outcome of Joe Biden's victory.

1. Illegal ballot drop boxes — The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled last year that the 570 drop boxes used during the 2020 election were unlawfully approved by the Wisconsin Election Commission. "Only the legislature may permit absentee voting via ballot drop boxes," the court declared. "WEC cannot. Ballot drop boxes appear nowhere in the detailed statutory system for absentee voting. WEC's authorization of ballot drop boxes was unlawful." State Rep. Janel Brandtjen told Just the News that hundreds of thousands of votes were cast in the illegal drop boxes in the 2020 race, in which Joe Biden was certified the winner over Donald Trump by fewer than 21,000 votes.

2. A foreign intrusion — Federal authorities have confirmed that two Iranian nationals successfully hacked into an unnamed state computer election system, stole 100,000 voter registrations and used the data to carry out a cyber-intimidation campaign that targeted GOP members of Congress, Trump campaign officials and Democratic voters in the November 2020 election. The defendants "were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the U.S. presidential election," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams declared in the indictment.

3. The laptop lie — Fifty-one "national security experts", countless news organizations and large social media firms falsely insisted in fall 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop -- with damning revelations about Biden family corruption -- was bogus "Russian disinformation". In fact, the laptop was proven to be authentic and already in the FBI's possession, and Hunter Biden was already under criminal investigation before voters cast their 2020 ballots. According to congressional investigators, the letter was "triggered" by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then a Biden campaign adviser, and its organizer, former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, each of whom wanted to create a "talking point" to help Biden win the last presidential debate of 2020 and beat Donald Trump in the election.

The effort had significant impact. According to a Polling Company survey for the Media Research Center, 45.1% of Biden voters were unaware of the censored laptop story. Abbe Lowell, one of Hunter Biden's attorneys has reanimated the "Russian disinformation" claim, despite the fact that even The New York Times and Washington Post have conceded that the laptop was genuine. "According to our poll," MRC's Newsbusters reported, "full awareness of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led 9.4% of Biden voters to abandon the Democratic candidate, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump, giving the President 311 electoral votes."

4. Illegal exemptions from voter ID — The Wisconsin Supreme Court also ruled as many as 200,000 voters were illegally allowed to skip voter ID for absentee ballots by claiming they were indefinitely confined by COVID when there was no legal authority to do so. The total was 10 times Biden's approximate 20,000-vote margin of victory in the state.

5. Fulton County irregularities — Georgia's handpicked election monitor for Fulton County, the state's largest voting district, documented two dozen pages' worth of mismanagement and irregularities during vote counting in Atlanta in November 2020, including double-scanning of ballots, insecure transport of ballots and violations of voter privacy. The revelations prompted the state to take steps to consider putting Fulton County in receivership, empowering state officials to run the elections. However, the Georgia State Election Board voted against taking over the county's elections.

Trump's lawyers have already signaled they plan to introduce evidence of such irregularities, illegalities and deceit as part of their defense to cast doubt on Smith's theory that Trump knew or had to know there wasn't election fraud.


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PREMO Member
Many on the right are saying that this trial will be a backdoor way to finally get election irregularities like Fulton and Maricopa Counties litigated. It's not that no irregularities were found, it was determined the plaintifs didn't have standing. The cases were never heard.


PREMO Member
🔥 Careful C&C readers will recall my prediction earlier this week that the new Biden Banana Prosecution of President Trump was backfiring. Let’s check in and see how things are going.

Trump surrendered yesterday for yet another arrest and arraignment — his third arrest in four months.

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Apart from the unhinged left, who were celebrating this travesty of a failed republic, reactions were pretty strong. From Rogan yesterday:

“The people that love Trump, they feel like this is a witch hunt. They feel like all the things he’s getting indicted for are bull*** anyway… These are the actions of a banana republic, you take your political rival and you arrest him. Specifically, you charge him with things you're f**ing guilty of."

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Fox News’ Jesse Waters:

“Biden's attempts to arrest Trump are backfiring. Trump’s now demolishing the primary field and is tied with Biden in the general. This is the strongest Trump’s been politically this cycle. The harder the Washington establishment tries to separate Trump from the people, the tighter that bond becomes."

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From comedian Chris Rock (a couple months ago, but still relevant):

“You guys really going to arrest Trump? You know this is only going to make him more popular. It’s like arresting Tupac, he’s just going to sell more records. Are you kidding me?”

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Meanwhile, Team Biden is doubling down, releasing a goofy “Dark Brandon” campaign ad implying that he personally directed Trump’s arrests:

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Anonymous officials in the White House said Biden’s next move will be for democrats to arrest Trump for failing to abate a smokey chimney.

The democrats really don’t get it. They are rapidly creating a campaign issue bigger and more compelling than any campaign issue in history.

Before I continue, let me remind everyone that I am a huge DeSantis fan. How could I not be, after what we went through in Florida during the pandemic? From March 2020, I gave up my cozy, well-run boutique litigation practice to work full time to stop the slide into biomedical despotism — and the Governor was an essential part of that life-altering experience. I personally think DeSantis was instrumental in stopping FEMA camps and restoring sanity to the U.S., and maybe the world. A hundred percent. He would be a terrific president.

And for many reasons, President Trump is a deeply flawed candidate; and DeSantis has none of Trump’s baggage.

But — thanks to democrats and feckless Republican officials should be shutting all this down hard but aren’t — I now predict the upcoming presidential election won’t be about policy, inflation, recession, jabs, Russia, China, Taiwan, Disney, drag queens, the deep state, January 6th, or Proxy Wars. Instead, it will be about a singular, existential crisis in our rule of law, a crisis affecting every single American whether they admit it or not.

In other words, if they can do this to President Trump, they can do it to anybody.

If we aren’t there already — and if we’re not, we will be soon — it’s not going to matter whether Governor DeSantis (or anybody else) is better able than Trump to brake this runaway political prosecution train. Trump’s absolutely compelling campaign message will be: you can’t let them get away with this. Because if they get away with it, there won’t be any stopping it, not ever.

In other words, if the Trump prosecution works, the Dark Brandon of the apocalypse will be out of Hell’s barn and galloping toward your house.

Again, do not misunderstand me. I am not stumping for President Trump in the primary. My preferences are not public and don’t matter. I am only predicting what Trump’s campaign issue will be, a campaign issue that is unprecedented in American political history. Cycle after cycle, politicians have campaigned on made-up existential issues, like global heating, global cooling, running out of fossil fuels, polar bear drownings, nuclear war, and the proper spelling of the word “potato.”

But this time — thanks to literally unbelievable political over-prosecution — it will be an existential issue, an issue that is manifestly and painfully real to a whole lot of people. Trump can argue that if he loses the primary or even the general, the polls prove it was only because they arrested him for everything they could think of — up to and including running Mar-a-Lago’s sprinklers on a Tuesday.

The truth of it is painfully and inescapably obvious. And it is already starting. Here’s just one example from an AOC parody account, but it’s not at all funny:

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Three arrests and three indictments are at least two arrests and indictments too many for most sane people. The democrats have badly overplayed their hand, and it’s probably too late to stuff the Biden Bobblehead Doll back in its box. Even if they dismissed all Trump’s charges tomorrow — which they won’t — the issue is firmly front and center.

It’s not just Trump. The January 6th prosecutions of grandmothers and firefighters, the FBI raids on soccer moms complaining at school board meetings, the Gretchen Whitmer Fed-napping plot, and the Biden Administration’s vast social media censorship bureaucracy will coalesce around the Trump prosecutions to make the inarguable case that it is now or never.

I’m not saying DeSantis is out of it. There is a brief moment in time right now — before Trump starts campaigning for real — where DeSantis could take the lead on this issue. I’m just a lawyer, and not a political consultant, but it seems to me the Governor should fiercely make fixing the lopsided legal system his main campaign issue and never shut up about it. But it would take unprecedented courage, because he’ll have to defend a rival candidate, but mostly because if Governor DeSantis successfully campaigns against the deep state’s lawfare, then he will likely find himself in the crosshairs as well.

Before this weeks indictment, it would be fair to argue they wouldn’t possibly try this on another Republican candidate, at least not in the same campaign cycle. But we’re now well past the time that argument would get any traction.

Don’t believe any predictions about what’s going to happen. Nobody can predict this, because it has never happened before in modern history. But mark my words: this campaign will be the most contentious, most hyperbolic, highest-stakes campaign in our lifetimes.



Just sneakin' around....
So, in AOC's mind, the Democrats and the Government are the same, Republicans seem to be excluded. But it's ok if someone spreads misinformation about the Republicans.

What a piece of work she is.


PREMO Member

Democrats Pushing for Trump Trial to Be Televised

The letter, signed by well over two dozen House Democrats, requests that the Judicial Conference “explicitly” authorizes Trump’s criminal trials to be televised, asserting that it is crucial for the sake of transparency. Notably, Chief Justice Chief Justice John Roberts stands as the presiding officer of the Judicial Conference.

The letter reads:

We are writing to request the Judicial Conference explicitly authorize the broadcasting of court proceedings in the cases of United States of America v. Donald J. Trump. It is imperative the Conference ensures timely access to accurate and reliable information surrounding these cases and all of their proceedings, given the extraordinary national importance to our democratic institutions and the need for transparency.

The letter pushes the Judicial Conference to do so, given its past support for “increased transparency and public access to the courts’ activities.”

“Given the historic nature of the charges brought forth in these cases, it is hard to imagine a more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings,” the Democrats pleaded, cautioning that the general public may not accept the outcome, whatever it may be if the trials are kept under wraps.

“If the public is to fully accept the outcome, it will be vitally important for it to witness, as directly as possible, how the trials are conducted, the strength of the evidence adduced and the credibility of witnesses,” the Democrats continued.

“We urge the conference to take additional steps, including live broadcasting, to ensure the facts of this case are brought forward, unfiltered, to the public,” they added.

Signers included Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Dan Goldman (D-NY), Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), and many more.


These dummies have NO IDEA how this will backfire on them ...... PLEASE broadcast this fiasco


PREMO Member

Attorney Reveals the “Exculpatory” Evidence Jack Smith Possesses that Exonerates President Trump

It turns out that Special Counsel Jack Smith either failed to review evidence that exonerates President Trump and Mayor Rudy Giuliani or he ignored the findings altogether.

Tim Parlatore, the attorney for former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, told CBS News that Smith’s office has within thousands of pages of records turned over by Kerik that contains “exculpatory evidence.” The exact reason why Smith has not disclosed this critical information remains unclear.


Here is the evidence should exonerate Trump according to Parlatore.

They (documents) bear directly on the essential element of whether Rudy Giuliani, and therefore Donald Trump, knew that their claims of election fraud were false. Good- faith reliance upon claims of fraud, even if they later turn out to be false, is very different from pushing fraud claims that you know to be false at the time.

In other words, Trump and Giuliani honestly believed the 2020 election was stolen. This conclusively proves that Trump is being prosecuted based on his opinions.


PREMO Member

Judge threatens to hold Trump without bail if he violates strict conditions of release

According to ABC News, Trump "must not violate federal or state laws; he must appear in court as required; he must sign an appearance bond; and he must not communicate about the facts of the case with anyone Trump knows to be a witness, except through counsel or in presence of counsel."

As NBC News reports, the judge made it very clear to Trump that he was not to engage in any conduct that could influence proceedings.

"It is a crime to try to influence a juror or to threaten or attempt to bribe a witness or any other person who may have information about your case, or to retaliate against anyone for providing information about your case to the prosecution, or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice," he said. "Do you understand these warnings and consequences, sir?"

Seems like a violation of the 1st Amendment Rights of a Presidential Candidate


PREMO Member

Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

The indictment charges Trump with four counts, including “conspiracy to defraud the United States.” But in a portion recounting Trump’s speech at the “Stop the Steal” rally, Smith repeats the errors made by House Democrats in Trump’s second impeachment trial: he focuses on Trump’s use of the phrase “fight like hell,” and omits a sentence highlighted by Trump’s defense team: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Dershowitz told the Megyn Kelly Show podcast on Friday that by his own standard, Smith could be charged with fraud, because of his omission of Trump’s “peaceful” rhetoric.

“Under the indictment itself, Jack Smith could be himself indicted. He told a direct lie in this indictment. He purported to describe the speech that President Trump made on January 6th. And he left out the key words, when President Trump said, ‘I want you to demonstrate peacefully and patriotically. You know, a lie by omission, under the law, can be as serious as a lie by commission.”

The fact that Smith repeated the error of the House impeachment managers would appear deliberate, because these phrases were the crux of Trump’s Senate trial. Trump’s lawyers even played footage of Democrats using similar “fight” rhetoric, to show its common usage.


PREMO Member

Cruz Says Judge in Jan. 6 Case Will Be ‘Hostile’ to Trump

The judge, he noted, has set aside multiple federal death penalty cases and is the only federal judge to have issued harsher sentences for Jan. 6 defendants than Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors requested.

“We can anticipate a judge who is going to be relentlessly hostile to Donald Trump, who is going to bend over backwards for the Biden DOJ, and who is going to make ruling after ruling after ruling against Trump,” Mr. Cruz said.

A former assistant public defender, Judge Chutkan was nominated to the bench by former President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate—including Mr. Cruz—in June 2014. She was assigned to Mr. Trump’s case earlier this week after he was indicted by a federal grand jury over his claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

But in addition to his concerns about the judge, Mr. Cruz also expressed doubt as to the impartiality of a jury selected in Washington.


PREMO Member
The Aug. 4 Truth Social post by Mr. Trump said, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Following this, Mr. Smith urged U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan to “enter a protective order governing or restricting discovery or inspection” of case details, essentially restricting Mr. Trump from sharing case and evidence details publicly.

“Such a restriction is particularly important in this case because the defendant has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys, and others associated with legal matters pending against him,” argued Mr. Smith in a filing (pdf), citing the Truth Social post.

“If the defendant were to begin issuing public posts using details—or, for example, grand jury transcripts—obtained in discovery here, it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case,” he said, adding that such posts may influence jurors.

A spokesperson for Mr. Trump responded immediately to the filing implying that the post was not a retaliation against Mr. Smith’s charges.

“The Truth post cited is the definition of political speech, and was in response to the RINO, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs, like the ones funded by the Koch brothers and the Club for No Growth,” said the brief statement.



PREMO Member

Dershowitz: Trump Indictment Beginning to ‘Look Like Banana Republic Land’

“We know that President Biden urged his attorney general to indict the man who he knew was going to be the leading opponent if against him,” Dershowitz said. “That begins to look like banana republic land. That’s what happens when people in power are afraid of the democratic process. What they do is they seek the indictment and prosecution of the people who are running against them.”

“I have a constitutional right to vote against Donald Trump for the third time,” he continued. “I voted against him twice, I intend to vote against him again, but I want to have that right to vote against him and not have that right taken away from me by prosecutors and by the president, who wants to see him imprisoned. That’s just not the American way.”

Dershowitz also argued having the trial in the Washington, D.C. circuit before U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan was not the make-up of a fair trial.

“We’re not there yet, but this is a step in that direction, and also placing the case in the District of Columbia, which is 95% anti-Trump, putting it in front of a judge with a history of anti-Trump. If the government thinks they have a strong case, they ought to join the defense and agree to move it to West Virginia or Virginia and put it in front of another judge who doesn’t have a long history of anti-Trump attitudes. So, I don’t believe he can get a fair trial in the District of Columbia. And this indictment is deeply, deeply flawed. The government will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt did he actually believe that he had genuinely lost the election.”


PREMO Member

Trump team ordered to respond to Special Counsel Jack Smith's protective order filing

The filing came after Trump posted on Truth Social on Friday stating, in capital letters, "If you go after me, I’m coming after you!"

Prosecutors say that a "substantial" amount of evidence is about to be handed over to Trump's legal team, "much of which includes sensitive and confidential information.

The protective order would limit what Trump as well as his legal team can publicly share about the case.


PREMO Member

Trump Lawyer to Make Ingenious Request for Trial: ‘Take the Curtain Away and All Americans Get to See What’s Happening’

“If I appear in court, I’m going to be representing not only the president of the United States, but the sovereign citizens of this country who deserve to hear the truth,” Lauro said.

“The first thing we would ask for is, let’s have cameras in the courtroom so all Americans can see what’s happening in our criminal justice system. And I would hope the Department of Justice would join in that effort so that we take the curtain away and all Americans get to see what’s happening.”

It was at this point that the Fox News segment took a curiously antagonistic turn, as co-host John Roberts began grilling Lauro.

“You might want to have that discussion with Donald Trump because he’s the one who didn’t want cameras in the courtroom when he was indicted in New York,” Roberts remarked.

Trump’s legal team did not want cameras at the Manhattan arraignment in April due to concerns of a “circus-like atmosphere,” according to CNBC.

Lauro quickly interjected that “that’s different” and that “we’re going to have a process” this time around. But Roberts continued to pour cold water on Lauro’s push for courtroom cameras.

“You also can’t have cameras in federal court, so I think the point is probably moot,” Roberts said.

“You can ask for it,” Lauro countered.

“You can ask, but you’re not going to get them,” Roberts matter-of-factly replied.

Well, either way, this is a win-win move for the former president.


PREMO Member

DOJ Prosecutor Working on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Team Is a Biden Donor

David Rody left his role as a partner at the Sidley Austin law firm in 2022 to join the Department of Justice (DOJ) as a senior counsel in the criminal division. Now, he is helping advise Smith, who has indicted Trump twice for his alleged efforts to challenge the 2020 election and his handling of White House documents.

Interestingly, Rody is a Democrat donor who donated $5,600 to Biden in 2020 and nearly $7,000 to other Democrat causes from 2018 to 2022.

As the Washington Examiner detailed:

Rody, who previously led investigations related to bribery, fraud, obstruction of justice, and other federal crimes, used to be head of the Violent Crimes unit in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. In June, he also steered $1,000 to the campaign for Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), who was lead counsel in the first impeachment inquiry against Trump, disclosures show.
He also gave $500 in 2019 to the failed-presidential campaign for now-Vice President Kamala Harris and $2,250 combined to Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) presidential and Senate reelection campaigns, according to disclosures.


Well-Known Member

Five 2020 election irregularities, illegalities that collide with Jack Smith's Trump indictment

Since the 2020 election, Trump has claimed that fraud occurred. At least five high-profile cases of irregularities, deceit or illegalities have since been confirmed, though none have been unequivocally shown to have changed the outcome of Joe Biden's victory.

1. Illegal ballot drop boxes — The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled last year that the 570 drop boxes used during the 2020 election were unlawfully approved by the Wisconsin Election Commission. "Only the legislature may permit absentee voting via ballot drop boxes," the court declared. "WEC cannot. Ballot drop boxes appear nowhere in the detailed statutory system for absentee voting. WEC's authorization of ballot drop boxes was unlawful." State Rep. Janel Brandtjen told Just the News that hundreds of thousands of votes were cast in the illegal drop boxes in the 2020 race, in which Joe Biden was certified the winner over Donald Trump by fewer than 21,000 votes.

2. A foreign intrusion — Federal authorities have confirmed that two Iranian nationals successfully hacked into an unnamed state computer election system, stole 100,000 voter registrations and used the data to carry out a cyber-intimidation campaign that targeted GOP members of Congress, Trump campaign officials and Democratic voters in the November 2020 election. The defendants "were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the U.S. presidential election," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams declared in the indictment.

3. The laptop lie — Fifty-one "national security experts", countless news organizations and large social media firms falsely insisted in fall 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop -- with damning revelations about Biden family corruption -- was bogus "Russian disinformation". In fact, the laptop was proven to be authentic and already in the FBI's possession, and Hunter Biden was already under criminal investigation before voters cast their 2020 ballots. According to congressional investigators, the letter was "triggered" by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then a Biden campaign adviser, and its organizer, former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, each of whom wanted to create a "talking point" to help Biden win the last presidential debate of 2020 and beat Donald Trump in the election.

The effort had significant impact. According to a Polling Company survey for the Media Research Center, 45.1% of Biden voters were unaware of the censored laptop story. Abbe Lowell, one of Hunter Biden's attorneys has reanimated the "Russian disinformation" claim, despite the fact that even The New York Times and Washington Post have conceded that the laptop was genuine. "According to our poll," MRC's Newsbusters reported, "full awareness of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led 9.4% of Biden voters to abandon the Democratic candidate, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump, giving the President 311 electoral votes."

4. Illegal exemptions from voter ID — The Wisconsin Supreme Court also ruled as many as 200,000 voters were illegally allowed to skip voter ID for absentee ballots by claiming they were indefinitely confined by COVID when there was no legal authority to do so. The total was 10 times Biden's approximate 20,000-vote margin of victory in the state.

5. Fulton County irregularities — Georgia's handpicked election monitor for Fulton County, the state's largest voting district, documented two dozen pages' worth of mismanagement and irregularities during vote counting in Atlanta in November 2020, including double-scanning of ballots, insecure transport of ballots and violations of voter privacy. The revelations prompted the state to take steps to consider putting Fulton County in receivership, empowering state officials to run the elections. However, the Georgia State Election Board voted against taking over the county's elections.

Trump's lawyers have already signaled they plan to introduce evidence of such irregularities, illegalities and deceit as part of their defense to cast doubt on Smith's theory that Trump knew or had to know there wasn't election fraud.
This abbreviated list is likely just the framework of a defense...and it is sound. With a little digging, further material/issues could be added. I was labeled as being in sympathy with 'terrorists' for explaining these issues 2 1/2 years ago...and it generally cost me my job. Oh one needs to work in a "woke' environment dominated by naive partisan progressive 1619 project promoters....God showed me the door. Gone.


Well-Known Member

Cruz Says Judge in Jan. 6 Case Will Be ‘Hostile’ to Trump

The judge, he noted, has set aside multiple federal death penalty cases and is the only federal judge to have issued harsher sentences for Jan. 6 defendants than Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors requested.

“We can anticipate a judge who is going to be relentlessly hostile to Donald Trump, who is going to bend over backwards for the Biden DOJ, and who is going to make ruling after ruling after ruling against Trump,” Mr. Cruz said.

A former assistant public defender, Judge Chutkan was nominated to the bench by former President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate—including Mr. Cruz—in June 2014. She was assigned to Mr. Trump’s case earlier this week after he was indicted by a federal grand jury over his claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

But in addition to his concerns about the judge, Mr. Cruz also expressed doubt as to the impartiality of a jury selected in Washington.
Hmm, so if the case goes forward with her....Trump's lawyers already have sketched out the appeal of the verdict (predetermined) and have grounds for the case to be overturned...throw your hard ball, angry will be hammered over the wall.