Tucker / Putin Interview


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TUCKER: Do you think Joe Biden won fair and square?

PUTIN: I would rather not get into domestic American politics but will say my embassy reported your southern border was better run than that 2020 election. (chuckles)



Active Member
I watched the entire interview yesterday evening. Putin is a very sharp guy and not someone I would want to cross. He gave a long account of Russian history to support his claims that the disputed region of Ukraine really should be part of Russia and the Soviet Union he's trying to rebuild. He obviously stays informed on U.S. domestic and Foreign affairs. Some of the accounts of what has occurred regarding interactions between his government and ours were obviously one sided. Tucker did a great job though and I thought he may have been pressing his luck when asking Putin to release the young journalist Russia has been holding. For a minute there I thought Tucker might end up being his cellmate.


Well-Known Member
That was awesome! My favorite part was when Putin laughed at and mocked Tucker Schwanzon right in his pasty, smarmy, beady-eyed face because the college dropout was too dumb to be employed by the CIA.

Also masterful was the fact that he didn’t answer a single question Tucker asked.

Tucker was trying hard not to display his stupid looking incredulous countenance. You could almost see his muscles twitching, almost involuntarily.

Great fiction with the fake history lesson from Vlad. Quite entertaining!

He was definitely the “bottom”.


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Tucker Carlson met with Edward Snowden in Moscow Carlson managed to talk with Snowden and Tara Reade, who accused Biden of harassment. “Tucker Carlson has a busy agenda in Moscow: he met with two key American figures living in exile there. Carlson spoke with Edward Snowden for several hours. Snowden's interview was not intended for Carlson's program. Additionally, Tucker Carlson recorded an interview with Tara Reade, a former junior Senate aide who accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault (an allegation he has denied). Reed moved to Russia last year after becoming increasingly vocal in support of pro-Russian policies for several years.” Two Majors

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Tucker Carlson met with Edward Snowden in Moscow Carlson managed to talk with Snowden and Tara Reade, who accused Biden of harassment. “Tucker Carlson has a busy agenda in Moscow: he met with two key American figures living in exile there. Carlson spoke with Edward Snowden for several hours. Snowden's interview was not intended for Carlson's program. Additionally, Tucker Carlson recorded an interview with Tara Reade, a former junior Senate aide who accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault (an allegation he has denied). Reed moved to Russia last year after becoming increasingly vocal in support of pro-Russian policies for several years.” Two Majors

Cool! The interview that will piss off loads of American statists of all stripes! Now do Julian Assange.


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It's hard for me to think of any RECENT despots who were interviewed by the West or who are so universally reviled - OR who are used so often as a scarecrow for the left-wing - than Vladimir Putin.

You know, it already astonished me that the media has managed to erase the frenzy of anger against Trump's win in 2016 that FOR YEARS - and in the minds of several, including the loser, Hillary Clinton - that he won illegally - by cheating - and enlisting the aid of those hated RUSSIANS. So much so, that we had everything from calls for recounts of third party candidates (when legally they weren't warranted - e.g. Jill Stein's recount in Wisconsin, a surprise win to many for Trump, and where a recount of Stein's votes might tilt the state towards Clinton) - to imploring for "faithless electors" to NOT vote for Trump. AND - of course - to halt the certification on the Hill. Funny, that. They tried it in 2004, too.

And of course, the debacle imposed on the American public where we all had to deal with the Mueller probe which delivered precisely bupkis, because as they knew from the beginning, it was all predicated on bullsh!t. A bunch of madeup stories concocted on a bar napkin cobbled together with stories about hookers peeing and other such nonsense. Mueller himself looked extremely peeved on that last day, because he knew his old ass was being hijacked by a vengeful party who refused to accept their icon's LOSS.

In their minds - HILLARY WON. Yup. In 2020, it was treasonous and conspiratorial nonsense to believe TRUMP WON and Biden cheated - but just four years earlier, the roles were reversed. UTTERLY. Except the nation wasn't forced to deal with daily investigations attempting to prove it.


So to my point - the left is losing their sh!t over Putin being interviewed by the journalist they most detest, Tucker Carlson. But their own saints of journalism have repeatedly interviewed similarly hated figures like - Castro (everyone from NewsHour McNeil to Barbara Walters) - to Dan Rather interviewing Saddam Hussein. Other Western journalists scored interviews with the likes of Pol Pot and Idi Amin. Other lesser known dictators in Latin American and Africa - OFTEN get opportunities in the Western press.

Tucker is NO DIFFERENT. But what is missing is a crucial element in their outrage against him, specifically in their anger that he claims no one else has even BOTHERED to interview him. Politifact goes so far as to label it "Pants on FIRE!" - their most damning label for claims made in media.

Because - the left wing media repeatedly and loudly proclaims - WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO THIS FOR YEARS - and been rebuffed.

So the truth is there, although no one's picked up on it. They're not shocked at the HUBRIS of interviewing Putin - they unabashedly declare they have been TRYING TO DO SO for years - no, what pisses them off is that Tucker GOT to do it - and so they're playing sour grapes.

Listen again to their stupid, stupid argument - how dare you give aid and comfort to the enemy by legitimizing this atrocious despot by INTERVIEWING HIM! Because we asked him for a date, and he turned US down!
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's hard for me to think of any RECENT despots who were interviewed by the West or who are so universally reviled - OR who are used so often as a scarecrow for the left-wing - than Vladimir Putin.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? The Democrats and other career politicians really REALLY don't want us to hear from Putin. To the point that they say out loud Tucker should be put in prison for interviewing him.

Then they send out their little propaganda bots (see above) to mock and color on the walls trying desperately to discourage people from having any information that isn't officially approved by the regime in power. Clearly they're hiding something and any even slightly intelligent person knows that all the money we're sending to Ukraine (instead of helping our own citizens) is a money laundering scheme. They haven't really tried to hide it and there's a clear money trail, but folks won't see what they don't want to see even when it's right in front of their face.

Fascinating stuff....


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The people dying in the Ukraine -- Russia war, and the people dying in the Israel-Hamas war are dying because Democrats voted and cheated for Joe Biden. 5 years ago there were no wars, and peace treaties were being made in the Middle East, Putin was not attacking Ukraine and we played a role in the peace there. Because Putin and Trump could deal with each other, Trump was accused of working for Putin. When in reality he was working for the United States and the peace of the world. But peace does not put money in the pockets of democrats and their war products manufacturing. Just as Energy Independence does not put money in the Chinese Solar panel industry.

I am just a dumb uneducated SMIB but I have a mind of my own, it isn't owned by any political party, I don't see either party working for America, I see both parties working for themselves, I see Donald Trump as apart from both parties with love for America and knowingly using the Republican party to regain the White House. Because no one can gain the White House without a political party backing. The republicans know this and that is why half of them hate him. He is not working to make the party members rich. He is working for America.


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Oh no...the documents! Goodie! Looking forward....

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Well-Known Member
The people dying in the Ukraine -- Russia war, and the people dying in the Israel-Hamas war are dying because Democrats voted and cheated for Joe Biden. 5 years ago there were no wars, and peace treaties were being made in the Middle East, Putin was not attacking Ukraine and we played a role in the peace there. Because Putin and Trump could deal with each other, Trump was accused of working for Putin. When in reality he was working for the United States and the peace of the world. But peace does not put money in the pockets of democrats and their war products manufacturing. Just as Energy Independence does not put money in the Chinese Solar panel industry.

I am just a dumb uneducated SMIB but I have a mind of my own, it isn't owned by any political party, I don't see either party working for America, I see both parties working for themselves, I see Donald Trump as apart from both parties with love for America and knowingly using the Republican party to regain the White House. Because no one can gain the White House without a political party backing. The republicans know this and that is why half of them hate him. He is not working to make the party members rich. He is working for America.

Biden & son are knee deep into Ukraine and Joe knows if he doesn't keep them happy they blow the lid off it.


Well-Known Member
That was awesome! My favorite part was when Putin laughed at and mocked Tucker Schwanzon right in his pasty, smarmy, beady-eyed face because the college dropout was too dumb to be employed by the CIA.

Also masterful was the fact that he didn’t answer a single question Tucker asked.

Tucker was trying hard not to display his stupid looking incredulous countenance. You could almost see his muscles twitching, almost involuntarily.

Great fiction with the fake history lesson from Vlad. Quite entertaining!

He was definitely the “bottom”.
3 things:
You sound like you are way too familiar with the position of "Bottom"....
You sound very very VERY jealous of Tucker....
The only person who reads your drivel & find it enlightening is the resident cow, ShittyMarxistCunt79...way to under achieve there...
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PREMO Member

This leaked into the Press 2 yrs ago ..... look at my Ukraine thread .... nothing new

Fuk Oliver Stone was talking about Ukrainian BioLabs
