It's hard for me to think of any RECENT despots who were interviewed by the West or who are so universally reviled - OR who are used so often as a scarecrow for the left-wing - than Vladimir Putin.
You know, it already astonished me that the media has managed to erase the frenzy of anger against Trump's win in 2016 that FOR YEARS - and in the minds of several, including the loser, Hillary Clinton - that he won illegally - by cheating - and enlisting the aid of those hated RUSSIANS. So much so, that we had everything from calls for recounts of third party candidates (when legally they weren't warranted - e.g. Jill Stein's recount in Wisconsin, a surprise win to many for Trump, and where a recount of Stein's votes might tilt the state towards Clinton) - to imploring for "faithless electors" to NOT vote for Trump. AND - of course - to halt the certification on the Hill. Funny, that. They tried it in 2004, too.
And of course, the debacle imposed on the American public where we all had to deal with the Mueller probe which delivered precisely bupkis, because as they knew from the beginning, it was all predicated on bullsh!t. A bunch of madeup stories concocted on a bar napkin cobbled together with stories about hookers peeing and other such nonsense. Mueller himself looked extremely peeved on that last day, because he knew his old ass was being hijacked by a vengeful party who refused to accept their icon's LOSS.
In their minds - HILLARY WON. Yup. In 2020, it was treasonous and conspiratorial nonsense to believe TRUMP WON and Biden cheated - but just four years earlier, the roles were reversed. UTTERLY. Except the nation wasn't forced to deal with daily investigations attempting to prove it.
So to my point - the left is losing their sh!t over Putin being interviewed by the journalist they most detest, Tucker Carlson. But their own saints of journalism have repeatedly interviewed similarly hated figures like - Castro (everyone from NewsHour McNeil to Barbara Walters) - to Dan Rather interviewing Saddam Hussein. Other Western journalists scored interviews with the likes of Pol Pot and Idi Amin. Other lesser known dictators in Latin American and Africa - OFTEN get opportunities in the Western press.
Tucker is NO DIFFERENT. But what is missing is a crucial element in their outrage against him, specifically in their anger that he claims no one else has even BOTHERED to interview him. Politifact goes so far as to label it "Pants on FIRE!" - their most damning label for claims made in media.
Because - the left wing media repeatedly and loudly proclaims - WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO THIS FOR YEARS - and been rebuffed.
So the truth is there, although no one's picked up on it. They're not shocked at the HUBRIS of interviewing Putin - they unabashedly declare they have been TRYING TO DO SO for years - no, what pisses them off is that Tucker GOT to do it - and so they're playing sour grapes.
Listen again to their stupid, stupid argument - how dare you give aid and comfort to the enemy by legitimizing this atrocious despot by INTERVIEWING HIM! Because we asked him for a date, and he turned US down!