Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member
🚀 Because corporate media won’t report on this story, either, I had to go to Al-Ahed News, which ran a piece yesterday headlined, “Moscow Urges UN Probe into Ukrainian Biolabs.”

On Tuesday, Russia invoked Article VI of the Biological Weapons Convention in the United Nations, requiring a hearing in the Security Council in two days to debate establishing “a commission to investigate alleged violations of the convention prohibiting the production or use of biological weapons by Ukraine and the United States.”

Russian ambassador Vassily Nebenzia circulated a draft resolution ahead of a meeting set for today (Thursday), along with “a variety of documents and evidence that shed light on the true nature of military biological activities of the US and Ukraine on the Ukrainian territory.”

I’m trying to find a copy of the draft resolution, and will brief you on it if I can timely get hold of one.

Moscow alleges that the U.S. and Ukraine conducted secretive, joint biological research on Ukrainian soil, and says it has unearthed incriminating evidence of those illegal activities during the ongoing special military operation. The Russian Defense Ministry has been gradually releasing some of those materials in batches since at least March.

Russia is proposing to amend the weapons convention, advocating for three main ideas to make the landmark international agreement stronger and to make it more legally binding on the parties. Russia is calling for negotiations on a “legally binding protocol,” an “effective verification mechanism” and a “scientific advisory committee” within the group.

All of that sounds perfectly reasonable, if not immediately necessary, given what we’ve all suffered through the last two years of lab-leaked viruses.

Russia also proposes making the control mechanisms more transparent, with additional “confidence-building measures,” suggesting Convention participants must declare all their “activities in the biological sphere outside their national territory.”

That also sounds like a great idea. I’d be very interested in hearing from anyone who thinks they have an intelligent argument why we shouldn’t immediately agree to the Russian proposals. And I wish the Republicans in Congress would advocate for more transparency over biolabs like Wuhan and whatever else we have going on in Eastern Europe’s crack house, I mean Ukraine.



PREMO Member

SchrĂśdinger's Bomb: False Flags Over Ukraine

Remember way back in January of this year when I predicted that geopolitical strife—"the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation" during the scamdemic—would "come back with a vengeance" in 2022?

Well, if the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February and the ramping up of tensions with China over Taiwan this past summer didn't convince you that the struggle for control of the grand (3D) chessboard has indeed "come back with a vengeance" this year, the events of this past week should be more than enough to dispel your doubts.

First we had the news that Russia is ringing the alarm over a false flag dirty bomb attack that (they assert) the Ukrainians are planning to stage in Ukraine in order to blame Russia. Then we had the US counter-warning that it's actually Russia who's planning to release nukes in Ukraine and the Kremlin's false flag warning is a trick to make everyone believe that the Ukrainians are going to do it.

Is your head spinning yet? Mine, too. In fact, I think that's the point.

Accusation. Counter-accusation. Bluffs and double-bluffs in an ever-crazier game of nuclear chicken. What the hell is going on here? And—regardless of what results from this latest kerfuffle—what does the normalization of false flag accusations portend for the future of geopolitics?

Let's find out.


PREMO Member
🔥 It looks like the U.S. government feels it has to say SOMETHING about the Ukraine biolabs, perhaps because the strategy of ignoring the argument isn’t working anymore. On thursday, CBS ‘sent’ a reporter to Kiev to personally visit one of the biolabs, in an exclusive CBS Morning piece called “Inside Ukraine’s Biolabs.”

To my knowledge, this is the first time corporate media has even acknowledged there WERE biolabs in Ukraine. All its done so far is call people names who mention biolabs:

Tellingly, CBS did not explain how they managed to find a secured Ukrainian biolab to visit in the first place, or how they even arranged the trip, given it’s in the middle of a war zone. Instead, the story begins announcing “the Kremlin claims without evidence that the U.S. has helped Ukraine develop biological weapons in secret laboratories.”

Watch the video and pay attention to how the interviewer questions the lab tech. You don’t see this type of interview style very often. You should notice that almost all the questions that he asks are really answers, not questions. They’re answers that CBS’ reporter spoon feeds to the lady in the video. He’s just asking her to agree with what he is saying.

We have a legal term for that type of question. We call them “leading questions.”



PREMO Member

Russia hands captured British anti-tank missile to Iran in exchange for drones

According to Sky News, the weapons had been intended for the Ukraine military but “fell into the wrong hands”. The suspicion, according to the source, is that Iran will examine the hardware, pull it apart and try to build their own.

The source suggested that the hardline Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps possessed the capability to examine the weapons, understand the technology and then manufacture it themselves.

"They will probably be reverse-engineered and used in future wars," the source told Sky.

A senior government source did not deny the Sky report when approached by The Telegraph.


PREMO Member

Russian Army Announces It Will Withdraw From 2,000 Square Miles of Ukrainian Territory

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has publicly directed the Russian Army to withdraw from Kherson City and all occupied territory on the right bank of the Dneiper River.

This is the rather bizarre, stage-managed conversation in which General Sergey Surovikin, commander of Army Group South of the Russian Army in Ukraine, presents his assessment to his boss and gets permission to do what he would have to do without permission.

For anyone not familiar with Ukrainian geography, the map below shows what this order means. The pink area north of the river, some 2,000 square miles, will be evacuated. The Russian Army that must be evacuated numbers about 40,000 men plus their equipment.



PREMO Member
“A disagreement has emerged at the highest levels of the United States government over whether to press Ukraine to seek a diplomatic end to its war with Russia,” the New York Times reports. Leading the call for talks with Moscow is Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to US officials, Milley “has made the case in internal meetings that the Ukrainians have achieved about as much as they could reasonably expect on the battlefield before winter sets in and so they should try to cement their gains at the bargaining table.”

The top US general has made no secret of his stance. “When there’s an opportunity to negotiate, when peace can be achieved, seize it,” Milley declared in a public speech this week.

Milley’s view “is not shared” by President Biden or his National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, the Times claims. Nor by the top US diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken. As one US official explained to CNN, "the State Department is on the opposite side of the pole,” leading to “a unique situation where military brass are more fervently pushing for diplomacy than US diplomats.”



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

From my perspective, corrupt or not - after all, we do defend our other allies around the world irrespective of their internal corruption - Ukraine WAS attacked without provocation. Unless you count trying to reclaim territories Russia just simply invaded and took, outright.

The WHOLE PURPOSE of NATO is to keep the Russian tanks from pouring into neighboring countries, whether that country is West Germany or a prior member of the Eastern Bloc that belongs to NATO. It exists purely to defend from Russian attack.

So I don't QUITE get the idea that joining an organization whose raison d'etre is to defend from attack is provocative, except - this is Russia. I remember back in the 60's and 70's when we were constructing defenses to protect us from missiles that Moscow was enraged that we would build such a thing. Can you see my point? If you never ever EVER have any intention of attacking someone, the fact that they build a strong defense should make you shrug your shoulders and think "let them waste THEIR money, it's not my problem".

Russia has the same problem most self-absorbed juveniles have - they believe the world is brimming with enemies eager to destroy them. This is like Cobra Kai thinking Daniel LaRusso is "provocative" because he takes Karate lessons from Mr. Miyagi. A step wholly unnecessary if they intend him no harm.

Right now, among other members - NATO consists of almost all of Western Europe, including all of the former Soviet bloc and a few former Soviet Socialist Republics.

I get we would never tolerate either Canada or Mexico joining forces with Russia. After all, we didn't tolerate it in Cuba WHEN THERE WERE MISSILES POINTING AT US. After a while, we just let them do what they wanted. Russia has been disgruntled over the admission of their former satellites, but it's not as though they haven't been rattling their sabers.

Putin has made no secret that he wants the old regime back. This war is entirely on Russia's part - they even went so far as to vigoruously deny they had any intention of invading, dismissing the notion while their forces amassed across the border. Why would you lie so brazenly if your motivation was some kind of righteous cause?

I think their brutal actions in Ukraine speak for themselves.
No offence, but ,blah blah blah blah. You think you have a handle on what is happening geopolitically, but you really have no clue. Because you regurgitate the propaganda you, (and everyone else), have been carefully spoon fed your entire life.

Know the following .....

All NATO members/countries are dominated, and controlled by, the Rothchild cartel of private central banks. There are 7 countries that have no such bank. They are, Abkhazia, Bolivia, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and Syria. All the reasoning, explaining, mean nothing, without acknowledging that it is the central banks that are making wars happen by their machinations, plotting, scheming, and designs to get foothold in these last remaining 7 countries. See a pattern here? If not, as examples, look to the killings of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi and the real reasons behind each. As well as other world leaders such as the most resent, Shinzo Abe, former Japanese Prime minster. These deaths are messages being sent.

Russia, Putin, does not want their country be at the mercy of such Synagogue of Satan worshiping people. Neither does Iran, Syria or the rest. This is why there is war. As well as why the ever constant Iran saber ratting. The destruction going on in Syria. Russia is fighting for its survival to not become like the United States and the rest of western countries ~ It can, because it has the resources and dedication in which to do so. They want to maintain their homogeneity, their culture, their independence, and protect their borders from the avalanche of unwelcome illegal immigrants that are being forced upon all other western nations. They would rather die in battle than be subjugated.

Everyone thinks Russia, Iran, et al, are the bad guys. They are simply protecting their interests. Something we should be doing as well by throwing off the yoke of financial slavery and control from these parasitic international private central banks.

All wars are banker's wars.


Mostly settled in...
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Early morning news I read, US claims it was a Ukrainian interceptor missile that had been fired at a Russian missile.


PREMO Member

The press are completely crazy and they are going to get us all killed

Yesterday, at around 3.40 in the afternoon, a rocket exploded in the Polish village of Przewodów. Two people died. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky immediately blamed Russia, later going so far as to characterise the alleged attack as a message from Putin to the G20 summit. Then the Associated Press reported that they had heard from “a senior U.S. intelligence official” claiming that “Russian missiles” were responsible for the attack, and thereafter the worst German journalistic actors embarked upon an evening of dark speculation about the proper NATO response to a Russian attack on Poland. Higher brow outlets, like ZDF, merely ran inflammatory headlines about Russian rockets, with the crucial information – that the rockets were Russian-made, while their immediate origins were unclear – buried in the body of the piece. Bild, on the other hand, went all-in, with this incredible rant from chief editor Johannes Boie:

The Russian army has bombed Poland, the AP news agency reports, citing a US intelligence official.
Two people are dead, murdered!
Accidental or not – this is an armed attack on NATO territory!
The two most likely possibilities are, first, that Putin’s soldiers hit Poland by mistake. They are often poorly trained and drunk. In this case, the tyrant must apologise formally, beg for forgiveness on bended knee, so to speak, while armed NATO fighter jets fly around his country.


Well-Known Member
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany

The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s about Germany and, in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. Even so, Nord Stream has pushed ahead and is now fully-operational and ready-to-go. Once German regulators provide the final certification, the gas deliveries will begin. German homeowners and businesses will have a reliable source of clean and inexpensive energy while Russia will see a significant boost to their gas revenues. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

The US Foreign Policy establishment is not happy about these developments. They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because commerce builds trust and trust leads to the expansion of trade. As relations grow warmer, more trade barriers are lifted, regulations are eased, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream. It’s not just a pipeline, it’s a window into the future; a future in which Europe and Asia are drawn closer together into a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity while leaving the US on the outside looking in. Warmer relations between Germany and Russia signal an end to the “unipolar” world order the US has overseen for the last 75 years. A German-Russo alliance threatens to hasten the decline of the Superpower that is presently inching closer to the abyss. This is why Washington is determined to do everything it can to sabotage Nord Stream and keep Germany within its orbit. It’s a matter of survival.
Who cares if this happens maybe the USA can say F them we dont need anything they have anyway if we make everything we can in the USA like before WW2 we will be good


PREMO Member
🚀 There’s another disappearing story lately: the proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. You haven’t heard too much about it, and you know what that means. It can’t be great news for Ukraine.

Sure enough, corporate media quietly reported a “human interest” story from Ukraine late this week: there’s no power for the holidays. Keep in mind, it’s averaging below 30 degrees in Ukraine at this point.

The Wall Street Journal ran a misleading story this morning headlined, “Russian Strikes Leave Six Million in Ukraine Without Power.” It sounds bad, but without context, it’s impossible for readers to assess just how bad it is. The rest of the Journal’s article is no help and it’s not news; it’s only a bunch of defiant rhetoric from Ukrainians like that jokester Zelenskyy, who hasn’t gone five minutes without power, if he’s really even in Ukraine at all.

To get a sense of what the Russians have accomplished in a few short weeks since replacing their commanding general, here’s an alleged recent map of nighttime Ukraine from space.
