Turning karma off?


No green? Will pinch!
saddlesore said:
Thank you, Winns. I am rather enjoying the show, seeing the flow of ups and downs that is my karma. It is merely an analogy of life, in that there is good and bad in everything, depending on how you interpret it. And it's a little like the laws of gravity as well: what comes up, must come down. You could also say it's a bit like the study of psychology: there are many multiple personality disorders. (I am NOT referring to you, as you all really are many actual, living people inhabiting real human bodies). And you could even say there is a spiritual perspective to all this: good and evil co-exist on the same plane. And - well, you get the picture!
Why I would never hire ... 06-08-2007 11:49 AM that wasn't funny. it was stupid. oh i'm so scared what are you going to do give me more red karma till i have none left?


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
saddlesore said:
Thank you, Winns. I am rather enjoying the show, seeing the flow of ups and downs that is my karma. It is merely an analogy of life, in that there is good and bad in everything, depending on how you interpret it. And it's a little like the laws of gravity as well: what comes up, must come down. You could also say it's a bit like the study of psychology: there are many multiple personality disorders. (I am NOT referring to you, as you all really are many actual, living people inhabiting real human bodies). And you could even say there is a spiritual perspective to all this: good and evil co-exist on the same plane. And - well, you get the picture!

Wow that was deep... :lmao:, :shrug: which one of Winn are you sending the bill to?


No green? Will pinch!
Scorcher 06-08-2007 10:48 AM go away tardio gimme one good reason why ya stupid idiot i'm not i'm scared of ya! :smack: :buttkick: :wench:


kathie54 said:
Scorcher 06-08-2007 10:48 AM go away tardio gimme one good reason why ya stupid idiot i'm not i'm scared of ya! :smack: :buttkick: :wench:

Hey, I just received a "tard" comment also. We must be special!

Unfortunately, mine was grammatically incorrect, which dilutes the karma's potency!

" Your an azztard."


Oh - and in case the karma giver doesn't understand what was wrong with that:

It should read: YOU'RE an azztard.

Sheesh, this constant correcting is exhausting.


No green? Will pinch!
saddlesore said:
Hey, I just received a "tard" comment also. We must be special!

Unfortunately, mine was grammatically incorrect, which dilutes the karma's potency!

" Your an azztard."

these guys must be stupid huh hahahaha! thats what you get you stupid idiots :killingme hey thats good at least itsgot errors in it but mine never does ya know?


kathie54 said:
these guys must be stupid huh hahahaha! thats what you get you stupid idiots :killingme hey thats good at least itsgot errors in it but mine never does ya know?

And of course, that should be: THAT'S what you get. . . .

Come on, red karma givers: if you're going to bother giving karma, at least get it correct. Otherwise YOU sound like idiots.

(sigh) my work is never done . . . .


No green? Will pinch!
saddlesore said:
And of course, that should be: THAT'S what you get. . . .

Come on, red karma givers: if you're going to bother giving karma, at least get it correct. Otherwise YOU sound like idiots.

(sigh) my work is never done . . . .
sorry when i get hyped up on something i tend to miss the little things but let them realize they made the mistake it's there fault they're so stupid not you


No green? Will pinch!
Turning karma off? 06-08-2007 01:37 PM retarded freak oh boo hoo i'm speaking my mind. yo dipwad ever heard of the 1st amendment,freedom of speech and press just because you don't like my opinon doesn't mean i can't express it now why do you go look that up and maybe you'll improve your iq! so do me a favor and go away because you call me a freak you should take a look in the mirrior!


No green? Will pinch!
Turning karma off? 06-08-2007 02:36 PM I hate red karma givers! so do i especially the stupid ones who give out red karma like theres no tommorrow oh i deleated your name so they won't peg you with red karma. and sorry i can't return it right know gave out to much green karma to certain people and as for the rest of you i wish nothing but red karma to all


No green? Will pinch!
what happenned?i guess calling all the red karma idiots was to much for you guys huh well are you going to start giving out red karma or not if not yall are chicken :smack: :buttkick: :wench:


No green? Will pinch!
Turning karma off? 06-09-2007 12:50 PM I hope that you guy hiking in the glaciers and all of the sudden the sun come out and melts a glacier containing a 16 ton of fun Wooly Freakin Mamoth and it runs over to you and begins humping your leg so hard that all it's hair falls ~The Dog Washer whats your problem to stupid to realize that i'm expressing an opinon :smack:


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
saddlesore said:
Hey, I just received a "tard" comment also. We must be special!

Unfortunately, mine was grammatically incorrect, which dilutes the karma's potency!

" Your an azztard."

Hey I got a tard karma also, guess ding dong ping pong got old.... :lmao: :lmao:


SouthernMdRocks said:
Hey I got a tard karma also, guess ding dong ping pong got old.... :lmao: :lmao:

Well actually, I got hit by ding dong, too!

"would you respect me if I put my nuts in your mouth and kicked you in the belly - ching chong ping pong"

Clever, that! Note that this one has ching chong rather than ding dong. I think there are some copy cats. :lmao:

Now watch closely, because my karma numbers will dip immediately after posting this. These red karma givers are verrrry predictable.