Please get on your soapbox. Tell us how a child suffers by having 2 mothers to love them. Tell us how a child suffers by having 2 mothers that love children so much that they intentionally had a child. While you are at it, tell us how the sperm that got killed while being artificially inseminated deserve a funeral. Please do.
Are you saying that fathers don't matter? You can't honestly be saying that?I think children suffer when they don't have a mother and a father to love them. I would being asking my care giving where my three year old heard that. She is way to young to understand anything.
First thing that popped into my mind was mom & stepmom.
A child should have 2 parents to love them. :shrug:
Yes, a mother and a father. Each brings a quality to the marriage and family that one can not do alone. My mother passed away when I was 15 and altough my father did an awesome job raising my sister, my brother and I he could not fulfill the role a mother could because he was not female.
How do you know Little Suzi's mommy had help from a daddy?
Not true. My kids are well loved and I am doing it alone. They are the most loving kids in the world.
I did not say they could not be loved by one parent but you have to admit that you cannot be a mother and father to them. Men bring certain qualities to parenting that mothers can't bring. In a perfect world there would not be divorce and each family would have a mother and father. I understand this is a fallen world and its not like that. I was just making the point that both a mother and father is ideal. Not mommy and mommy or daddy and daddy.
Are you saying that a deadbeat would be better in a child's life than not in the picture at all just to make sure that the child has 2 parents?
Come on, give me a break!!!!! Did I say that at all. All you parents out there get so uptight when someone says that a mother and father make the best situation. Obviously a drug addicted, physically abusive parent whether mother or father would not be good for the children. Do you understand what I am saying? They best thing for a child is a loving mother and father in a loving marriage!!! Is that clear enough.
Come on, give me a break!!!!! Did I say that at all. All you parents out there get so uptight when someone says that a mother and father make the best situation. Obviously a drug addicted, physically abusive parent whether mother or father would not be good for the children. Do you understand what I am saying? They best thing for a child is a loving mother and father in a loving marriage!!! Is that clear enough.
I know some very masculine women that could teach kids everything except writing their name in the smow, maybe even that.I did not say they could not be loved by one parent but you have to admit that you cannot be a mother and father to them. Men bring certain qualities to parenting that mothers can't bring. In a perfect world there would not be divorce and each family would have a mother and father. I understand this is a fallen world and its not like that. I was just making the point that both a mother and father is ideal. Not mommy and mommy or daddy and daddy.
I know some very masculine women that could teach kids everything except writing their name in the smow, maybe even that.
Not necessarily.
Why? It's none of her business.If it bothers you that much I'd find out exactly what the situation is and not make assumptions.
Come on, give me a break!!!!! Did I say that at all. All you parents out there get so uptight when someone says that a mother and father make the best situation. Obviously a drug addicted, physically abusive parent whether mother or father would not be good for the children. Do you understand what I am saying? They best thing for a child is a loving mother and father in a loving marriage!!! Is that clear enough.
I am not going to sit here and go back and forth with you three. I have a feeling you are all single moms and some how I have offended. I am sorry if you feel offended I only state what most studies have shown. I am sure you are doing the best job you can.
I am not a single mom. I am married (to a man).
This is a two part article on why children need both a mother and father. There are alot of doctors and experts quoted so its not just my opinion. It is a long article but very good.
Why Children Need Father-Love and Mother-Love, Part 1