uh oh... Roy Dyson's Bill


New Member
This coming up session will be very busy for us students. We have SMOB voting rights and now Dyson is planing to introduce his legislation that states how many teenagers can be in a car when another teenager is driving. You guys know what I think, how do u feel?


Unless it has to do with filling the car with more people that it is supposed to have (ie 8 people in a Honda civic) its pretty stupid.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do think it's a good idea to limit the number of teenagers that can distract another teenage driver. I also like the provisional license thing.

We're in an unfortunate day and age where parents don't police their children and set rules for them like they probably should - be home by midnight, no piling kids in your car, etc. Even more unfortunate, if you don't raise your children, the government will.

I'd vote for it because that's the rule with our teen drivers anyway. It's not that anyone's trying to curtail your freedom, SMC, it's that they're trying to keep you safe.

Add on:
When you get a bunch of kids in a car, many of them won't have the maturity to take the responsibility of driving seriously. They start goofing around, egging each other on and next thing you know, they get their name in the paper and a bunch of junk on the side of the road in their memory.


New Member
Ah vrai... I think Bru has that quote by Franklin. It is very true. Vria is there any proof that this bill would keep us safer. If this bill were to pass...Ryken would probably shut down.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I may be wrong here, but I believe that this was proposed a few years back after several Patuxent High School kids were killed in an accident due to speeding. Also killed was the driver of the other vehicle. I think it was for a limited amount of time (6 month?) so the teen has more time to learn to drive properly without the distraction of friends, thus causing an accident and saving lives. I think it was proposed ok for siblings to travel with, but only a friend or two at the time. Why so bad for a short probationary period. You have to have that for your learner's permit before being cut loose on society.

Ken King? Sound somewhat familiar?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by vraiblonde

We're in an unfortunate day and age where parents don't police their children and set rules for them like they probably should - be home by midnight, no piling kids in your car, etc. Even more unfortunate, if you don't raise your children, the government will.

That's the whole point. It isn't the government's job to raise our children... It IS the parents' jobs. It is irrelevant whether the parents are actually doing it or not.

I would be more interested in a law that says if your kid piles a bunch of kids in the car, and it is determined that your kid has an accident caused by this distraction, that the parents are the ones who should be held responsible. Criminally if necessary.


New Member
Rose...Dyson introduced a similar bill 5 years ago. Thanks to the lobbying efforts of the Maryland Association of Student Councils it failed.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
The reason is that most of our kids come from Charles county. Carpooling would not be an option..
No short bus provided?


I think it might keep more kids from getting killed but I also think its their parents fault if they let them do stuff taht gets them killed.

My highschool had 4 kids killed because they thought it would be cool to do a "yard job" well they were going through peoples yards about 45 mph and hit a 6 inch diameter tree and none of them were wearing their seatbelts and they all ate glass. I knew them, I was friends with them but it was their own fault and it was their parents fault for letting them go driving with a 16 year old driver after midnight on a rainy night.

The best way to think about it is, imagine everyone in your highschool that you know, atleast one of them will probably die from being an inexperienced driver and not taking driving seriously...who knows might be you.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Re: They need to do it!

Originally posted by Kyle
There is no need for any teenager to have others in their car.

What about carpooling?
I think it's pretty stupid if a bunch of teens want to go to a movie or ride to school together, that they all have to pile into separate cars.

It wastes gas, pollutes the air, and increases traffic congestion.


New Member
The majority of 16 yr old drivers are not who you think. I am past 15 9 months but I have decided that I am not ready to start driving. Most Kids my age understand that Driving is a huge responsibility. Sadly, these storys are true but it does not reflect the majority of teens on this issue.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic
My highschool had 4 kids killed because they thought it would be cool to do a "yard job" well they were going through peoples yards about 45 mph and hit a 6 inch diameter tree and none of them were wearing their seatbelts and they all ate glass.
Only 4, you're much more fortunate. I lost 4 my freshman year.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by SmallTown
forget the teens, how about those 80 year old men driving church vans?? Scary stuff there..

Now there's something I'd like to have examined...
You shouldn't be behind the wheel if you can't react within a decent time frame. Some senior citizens are worse than drunk drivers.