uh oh... Roy Dyson's Bill


New Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
No short bus provided?
A bus is provided but in Charles you have to pay major bucks for it. It is already expensive enough to go there. Many just find it easier to carpool with an older student. Hell even I do that and I am only 5 min away from ryken!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by RoseRed
Then why not walk or ride your bike?

My guess is... for the same reason that the tv is only 6 feet away from me and yet I choose to use the remote.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The majority of 16 yr old drivers are not who you think.
Duh! They're EXACTLY who I think they are! How old do you think my kids are? Do you think they don't have friends? Do you think I haven't spent the last 6 years of my life surrounded by teenagers?

You need to quit school, get a job, get your own home, get married and have children - and do it quickly...while you still know everything!


New Member
ha riding your bike...cmon its 2003 And I live in Breton Bay that means going through all of L town. There is no bike path on newtowne neck road.


Many teenagers are responsible to some degree but everyone has lapses in responsibility couple that with inexperience and it turns deadly. Most of the teenage driving tragedys I hear about aren't some dirtbag but someone that gets good grades, participates in after school activities and has a bright future but has one small lapse of judgement. I can see where they are coming from with this bill but its not their place.

Just curious does Roy Dyson have some personal connection to want such a bill? Or he is just sick of teenagers driving down his street with the stereo too loud?

On a slight digression I think that anyone under 18 caught drinking alcohol should loose their drivers liscense.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Duh! They're EXACTLY who I think they are! How old do you think my kids are? Do you think they don't have friends? Do you think I haven't spent the last 6 years of my life surrounded by teenagers?

Might want to examine the habits of your kids then.. as well as their friends.

As someone who was a substitute teacher for half of last year... I found 80% of teenagers to be pretty good kids, and for the most part, responsible considering their age.

Oftentimes... they were even more responsible than their parents.


Football season!
Funny thought.. Teens are not responsible enough to drive with other teens in the car, yet are responsible enough to be shipped thousands of miles away from home with a gun in their hands to defend this great country of ours.. hmmmm


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
vrai your generalizing sickens me...
Your insisting that teenagers are these worldly, responsible, mature beings makes me :roflmao:

Sleuth, no offense, but you have been a substitute teacher for half of a school year - I have been a full-time parent for almost 20 years.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Your insisting that teenagers are these worldly, responsible, mature beings makes me :roflmao:

Sleuth, no offense, but you have been a substitute teacher for half of a school year - I have been a full-time parent for almost 20 years.

whoa.. I thought you were a young little chickie... :smile:


Sleuth as a teacher you would be suprised to find out things about the so called "good kids". Im talking everythign from mass cheating (high school validictorians), seteriods, shoplifting, etc
Yea not just things kids aren't allowed to do but illegal things.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by SmallTown
Funny thought.. Teens are not responsible enough to drive with other teens in the car, yet are responsible enough to be shipped thousands of miles away from home with a gun in their hands to defend this great country of ours.. hmmmm

Crap... that's two posts in a row I agree with SmallTown!!!

In addition, I for one think that if a teen can die for his country, he ought to be able to have a drink to take off the edge.


Football season!
Originally posted by smcdem
Ah the irony of conservative thought...
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Conservat..... bahahaha :roflmao: Tho.. hahahaha:roflmao:

Oh my god dem, don't post that stuff while I'm here at work.. Conservative thought.. bahahahahahahah!!!!:roflmao:

ok.. I'm better now..


New Member
It is the medias falut

Everything the Media reports is something negative when it comes to teens. Maybe its to make you adults feel better I dunno. It seems us "good" kids are forgotten.


Smalltown I dont think they can include anyone over 18 in this bill since 18 is legally (although usually not mentally) an adult.

SMCDEM It doesnt have anything to do with conservative thought.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Funny thought.. Teens are not responsible enough to drive with other teens in the car, yet are responsible enough to be shipped thousands of miles away from home with a gun in their hands to defend this great country of ours.. hmmmm
Oh please, Small - I don't think we're talking about limiting the driving habits of 18 year olds here. And I don't think we're talking about 16 year olds going off to war.

I would be more interested in a law that says if your kid piles a bunch of kids in the car, and it is determined that your kid has an accident caused by this distraction, that the parents are the ones who should be held responsible. Criminally if necessary.
Sleuth, explain to me how this is going to help if the kid dies or kills someone else?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Heretic
Sleuth as a teacher you would be suprised to find out things about the so called "good kids". Im talking everythign from mass cheating (high school validictorians), seteriods, shoplifting, etc
Yea not just things kids aren't allowed to do but illegal things.

Not really surprised...
I was a teenager not all that long ago... only 6 years removed from 19.

But before we go blasting our teenagers' behaviors, we might want to look at ourselves.

I seem to remember a NY Eve party not too long ago when several of us, myself included, had a lot more alcohol than was healthy. And I'm willing to wager that not every single person who drove home that night didn't have at least one or two less than an hour before.