uh oh... Roy Dyson's Bill


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Sleuth, explain to me how this is going to help if the kid dies or kills someone else?

Doesn't really help after the fact...
but I'm willing to bet it might be helpful in acting as a deterrent... and it might make parents think twice about watching their children's driving habits.


I think the 21 to drink rule was enacted to keep those over 18 and still in highschool from providing those younger with alcohol. It is kind of silly but drunk driving deaths decreased dramatically since the drinking age was changed.

Its really hard to put an age on it because people mature differently, hell I know some 40 year olds that shouldnt be allowed to drink alcohol.

Maybe a better measure should be if you have a highschool diploma and can support yourself you should be able to drink?


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Oh please, Small - I don't think we're talking about limiting the driving habits of 18 year olds here. And I don't think we're talking about 16 year olds going off to war.

so a magic light goes on when someone turn 18 and they suddenly can drive a lot better, even with people in the car?


Originally posted by SmallTown
so a magic light goes on when someone turn 18 and they suddenly can drive a lot better, even with people in the car?

No but thats how the law works


Asperger's Poster Child
I know parents who hold off teaching their kids to drive until they're 17. I have a few years to think about it, but I think this might be a good idea.


Football season!
Originally posted by Heretic
No but thats how the law works

So we are not creating laws that we know are useless?

And people got upset about red light cameras being just a money maker..


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
Doesn't really help after the fact...
but I'm willing to bet it might be helpful in acting as a deterrent... and it might make parents think twice about watching their children's driving habits.
Or, more likely, telling them... "You'll get a license when you turn 18 and can afford your own damn car and insurance."


New Member
With me I do not feel I am ready to drive. I could of gotten my permit liek three weeks ago. You see, most teens actually DO think like I think when it comes to driving. You will find many teens postponing their license, and get it when they think they are ready.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Tonio
I know parents who hold off teaching their kids to drive until they're 17. I have a few years to think about it, but I think this might be a good idea.

Why not start now... on private property...
I grew up on my grandpa's farm... driving a tractor and his old delta 88 around the farm for years...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
It seems us "good" kids are forgotten.
Not at all - I consider my kids and their various friends to be "good kids" - certainly not the hellraisers I was when I was their age. How are you supposed to be the hope of the future if you end up splattered on some highway?

And Small, maturity doesn't happen at a certain age - it happens gradually over time. Some lawmaker decided that 16 was old enough to drive. Another one decided that 21 was old enough to drink. I personally know 40 year olds that aren't old enough to drink or operate a vehicle. What test do you give a kid to determine if they are mature enough to handle responsibility? And how do you administer this test to the bazillions of kids out there?


Tonio something to think about.

I got my drivers liscense when I was 16, but my parents wouldn't let me drive until I was 17 unless they were in the car with me so I had like a year to learn how to drive well. A couple months is not enough to learn how to drive well.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
Why not start now... on private property...
I grew up on my grandpa's farm... driving a tractor and his old delta 88 around the farm for years...
Driving a car on a farm and driving in Saturday afternoon Waldorf traffic are a bit far apart on the skills plane.

Or something worse... like beltway or rush-hour DC traffic.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Kyle
Driving a car on a farm and driving in Saturday afternoon Waldorf traffic are a bit far apart on the skills plane.

Or something worse... like beltway or rush-hour DC traffic.

Note that I mentioned the words ... "private property"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic
... A couple months is not enough to learn how to drive well.
I would say a few years to develop good driving skills is more realistic.


Rush hour DC traffic isn't bad at all since it hardly moves :biggrin:


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde

And Small, maturity doesn't happen at a certain age - it happens gradually over time. Some lawmaker decided that 16 was old enough to drive. Another one decided that 21 was old enough to drink. I personally know 40 year olds that aren't old enough to drink or operate a vehicle. What test do you give a kid to determine if they are mature enough to handle responsibility? And how do you administer this test to the bazillions of kids out there?

That is why I feel such laws are useless.. If a man commits murder with a gun, you don't take the guns away from every person out there.

Or to put it in terms you can relate to.. Just because someone dies of lung cancer from smoking, you don't take away the cigs from everyone.. or limit the number they can smoke.. or limit the number of friends that can be around you while smoking and having them suck in cancer :smile:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
What it boils down to is this...

Raise your own damn kids. Don't expect my tax dollars to do it for you. And don't expect the local police to do it for you when we have real criminals out there to worry about.

I for one am sick of parents wanting to shift the responsibility of raising their children to the government. If that's your idea of parenting, do us all a favor and don't have any kids.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic
Rush hour DC traffic isn't bad at all since it hardly moves :biggrin:
It moves. And when it does they have the Taxi's cutting in and out, the commuters forcing their way in to your lane, the light jumpers and NASCAR crowd blowing through the cross streets to deal with...

And my personal favorite... That good ole DC METROBUS pushing you out of his way every chance he gets. :lmao:


Smalltown dont get me wrong I think that bill is stupid, but you are confusing rights and privlliges. Im not sure with Maryland but is 16-18 a junior operators liscense?

In some states your not eligible for a liscense until you are 18.


Football season!
Originally posted by sleuth14
What it boils down to is this...

Raise your own damn kids. Don't expect my tax dollars to do it for you. And don't expect the local police to do it for you when we have real criminals out there to worry about.

I for one am sick of parents wanting to shift the responsibility of raising their children to the government. If that's your idea of parenting, do us all a favor and don't have any kids.

Oh my.. Again.. Agreement with sleuth.. Thats like 3 times.. Heck, next time you want people to meet ya for lunch, i'll be there :smile:

Or was that someone else from earlier.. Oh well.