Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member

Russian Forces Destroy Depot With 3K Tons of Ammo in HUGE BLAST – And Two Ukrainian Mig-29 Fighters Destroyed in Attacks the MSM Don’t Want You to See

There is but one front in which the Ukrainian counteroffensive is being very successful: in the mainstream media.

There, the complete failure of the counteroffensive is but a minor inconvenience as they chronicle every minor skirmish as a triumph for Kiev, and every successful missile attack as ‘the beginning of the end’ for Moscow.

The reality is that there is a war of positional battles going on, a situation in which the Russian war of attrition will always be victorious, as they have more guns, tanks, ammo, manpower.

In the last few days, the Russians have continued depleting the Ukrainian infrastructure in ways that will turn the inter into a bitter experience, and also disrupting logistics in the troop and equipment accumulations of the rear.


PREMO Member

Sen. J.D. Vance to Biden’s Pentagon: Stop Escalating ‘Dangerous’ War with Russia Pushed by ‘Same Idiots’ Behind Iraq War

Vance, Roy, and Gaetz cautioned that any military adviser mission risks severe escalation with a nuclear-armed Russia.

They wrote, “A military adviser mission to Ukraine would run a significant escalatory risk with Russia. It would mean placing additional “boots on the ground” in the midst of a direct and bloody conflict with Russia. Harm to our personnel under such a mission would be a tragedy, and could easily trigger Article IV consultations or even an Article V collective security declaration by our NATO Allies under the Washington Treaty. A military adviser mission would be one more step towards a dangerous, unnecessary war between the United States and Russia.”

“We write to ask whether the U.S. government plans now, or in the future, to deploy an adviser mission to Ukraine, either U.S. direct-hire personnel or contractors, whether under foreign affairs, military, or intelligence authorities,” the conservatives continued. “We request a response by October 3, 2023.”

Instead, they argued, “The appropriate focus of the U.S. government at this moment should be to bring active hostilities between Ukraine and Russia to as swift a conclusion as possible, both to prevent a regional conflict on Europe’s doorstep from spiraling out of control and to enable the expeditious reconstruction and rehabilitation of Ukraine.”


PREMO Member

Better Call Volga: 10,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender Using Special Radio Frequency to Escape Meat Grinder

Approximately 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered to the Russians using the special 149.200 “Volga” radio frequency, which has been operating since mid-summer, TASS reported.

“Now more than 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen have already chosen life and used the 149.200 ‘Volga’ frequency to surrender. The captives are being fed; they are being provided with all necessary medical care,” a source told TASS, saying the radio frequency works along the entire front.



PREMO Member
🚀 Uh-oh. Who could’ve seen this coming? Business Insider ran an illuminating story yesterday headlined, “Western-made armor isn't working in Ukraine because it wasn't designed for a conflict of this intensity, Ukrainian analyst says.” The sub-headline explained, “Taras Chmut said Western-made tanks weren't designed for an ‘all-out’ war of this intensity.”

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Wait, what? Western tanks aren’t working in Ukraine? I see. It’s the tanks’ fault.

Taras Chmut, a military analyst quoted in a related Wall Street Journal article this week, explained that "a lot of Western armor doesn't work here, because was been created, not for an all-out war, but for conflicts of low or medium intensity. If you throw it into a mass offensive, it just doesn't perform," he said.

Imagine that.

Over the years, the U.S. military and the Russian military have taken very different approaches to designing military equipment. The U.S.’s focus is on fewer, better weapons: high tech, high cost, complicated units with real-time 3D heads-up displays linked into vast battlefield computer networks advised by artificial intelligence systems.



PREMO Member

Pentagon Warns Congress That it’s Running Low on Cash to Replace the Weapons We’ve Sent to Ukraine

From the Associated Press:

The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine
The Pentagon is warning Congress that it is running low on money to replace weapons the U.S. has sent to Ukraine and has already been forced to slow down resupplying some troops, according to a letter sent to congressional leaders.
The letter, obtained by The Associated Press, urges Congress to replenish funding for Ukraine. Congress averted a government shutdown by passing a short-term funding bill over the weekend, but the measure dropped all assistance for Ukraine in the battle against Russia.
Pentagon Comptroller Michael McCord told House and Senate leaders there is $1.6 billion left of the $25.9 billion Congress provided to replenish U.S. military stocks that have been flowing to Ukraine. The weapons include millions of rounds of artillery, rockets and missiles critical to Ukraine’s counteroffensive aimed at taking back territory gained by Russia in the war…
“We have already been forced to slow down the replenishment of our own forces to hedge against an uncertain funding future,” McCord said in the letter. “Failure to replenish our military services on a timely basis could harm our military’s readiness.”

The Video above this post Graham bragging about how this was such a great value for the money we have spent,


PREMO Member

Biden Admin Secretly Worried About Corruption In Ukraine: Report

Politico obtained a confidential U.S. strategy document in which U.S. officials discuss objectives that they have for helping Ukraine “root out malfeasance and otherwise reform an array of Ukrainian sectors,” the report said.

The document warns that corruption in the country could cause nations to pull their support from the country as it battles the Russian military.

The report said that the administration wants to “press Ukraine to cut graft, not least because U.S. dollars are at stake.”

The administration is reportedly concerned about being too loud about pressuring Ukraine to tackle its corruption issues because they are worried Republicans will use the issue to cut back funding to Ukraine which could then spark other countries to do the same.

Top elected U.S. officials responded to the report by demanding more accountability surrounding the entire situation.

“Millions of Americans are struggling each day to make ends meet,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). “Is it fair to funnel our hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign government? My oath of office requires me to put the American people first, not Ukraine’s oligarchy.”


PREMO Member

A Canadian volunteer in Ukraine: being a medic with little training​

A Canadian volunteer in Ukraine: mobilising the nerd army​



PREMO Member
🚀 Speaking of the late, great Ukraine war, which you’ll be forgiven to have forgotten, and in what may be a poignant allegory for the vexing pace of world events, the Bloomberg building in New York City switched off its digital Ukraine flag yesterday — which has been flickering on the building’s top six floors ever since the invasion began — and replaced it with the digital flag of Israel.

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Oddly, it has apparently never occurred to Bloomberg to switch on the American flag. Where’s the fun in that?

Ukraine is having an uh-oh moment. Observe this headline from the UK Independent yesterday:

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Officious State Department spokesman John Kirby officially told reporters Wednesday that “on the Ukraine funding, we’re coming near to the end of the rope … we’re ... certainly running out of runway.” What happens when you get to the end of a rope? That’s when you fall off, right?

Ukraine thought it was America’s fiancé, but it turns out America never planned to get married in the first place. Ukraine is only America’s mistress, or maybe just its little side hustle.



PREMO Member
🚀 Meanwhile, over in … what was that country called again? You-something … Ukulele … oh, I got it. Politico ran a story this morning headlined, Putin hammers Ukraine with West distracted by Middle East crisis.

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Politico reported that over the weekend, Russian forces attacked Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and struck various regions with missiles and drones. “Newly replenished” Russian forces pressed Ukraine on all parts of the front line. For example, Russia shelled the Kherson region alone more than 200 times between Saturday and Sunday.

But who cares! Over the weekend, Ukraine president and former comedian Zelenskyy bragged to media that Kiev “cannot be conquered” and laughed that the Russians were uselessly throwing men into a losing battle. If Russia keeps losing this way, Zelenskyy will be out of a job soon.

Meanwhile, from yesterday’s Business Insider:

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That’s not a good sign. The donors are needed for Israel now. It’s a good thing Kiev cannot be conquered, like Zelenskyy says.



PREMO Member

A Canadian volunteer in Ukraine: being a medic with little training​

A Canadian volunteer in Ukraine: mobilising the nerd army​

A Canadian volunteer in Ukraine part four: rescuing civilians and hitting a mine​



PREMO Member
🚀 It looks like time for the manipulated masses to move on, stumbling over all those dead Ukrainians in their deluded rush to embrace the next government-approved virtue signal. With up-front apologies to our diehard Proxy War supporters, and with only a little spirit of “we told you so,” NBC quietly ran a story yesterday headlined, “U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say.


The real news was jammed in the sub-headline, which explained, “The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.”

They might need to give something up? That right there is news. Well, the fact media reported Ukraine might have to give something up is news. But what?

After a year of winning so massively and completely that we are all sick of hearing about how much winning Ukraine is doing, something seems to have gone suddenly and unexpectedly awry, and not for the better. Behold last year’s headline:

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Not one inch! No way! Ukraine will be free from the Donbas to the Black Sea! Or something like that.

According to NBC, last month in talks described as “delicate” — haha! I bet — were held among the ‘Ukraine Defense Contact Group,’ which is a collection of around 50 countries that support Ukraine with money or materiel. (By the way, thanks for nothing, media, for taking a month to tell us about the meeting. Old but controversial news = psyop.)

Anyway, as I’ve long predicted, NBC basically conceded that Ukraine needs to get this war wrapped up before the end of the year, what with a primary coming, and what with the fact Ukraine’s leaky border problem is not a popular political issue in American these days. NBC says there no hope of winning now, given the realpolitik:

Some U.S. military officials have privately begun using the term “stalemate” to describe the current battle in Ukraine. Progress in Ukraine’s counteroffensive has been very slow, and hope that Ukraine will make significant advances is fading. The lack of significant progress on the battlefield in Ukraine does not help with trying to reverse the downward trend in public support.​

Administration officials expect Ukraine to want more time to fight on the battlefield, particularly with new, heavier equipment, “but there’s a growing sense that it’s too late, and it’s time to do a deal,” an official said. It is not certain that Ukraine would (or could) mount another spring offensive.​

Officials have also said privately Ukraine likely only has until the end of the year or shortly thereafter before more urgent discussions about peace negotiations should begin.​

Haha, “more urgent discussions.” Hurry up! But at the end of a long day in the trenches, the real problem is that, as the well-worn joke goes, the United States has just about fought the Proxy War down to the last Ukrainian:

Joe Biden has been intensely focused on Ukraine’s depleting military forces, according to two people familiar with the matter. "Manpower is at the top of the administration’s concerns right now,” one said. The U.S. and its allies can provide Ukraine with weaponry, this person said, “but if they don’t have competent forces to use them it doesn’t do a lot of good.”​

It took me a second to stop laughing after reading “Joe Biden has been intensely focused.”

But ultimately they fooled me. I had scanned the article quickly with a certain degree of excited anticipation, looking forward to learning exactly what Ukraine “might need to give up.” But my Hades-low confidence in corporate media was still pegged too high. Even after using those exact words right in the article’s sub-headline, NBC never even hinted at what Ukraine “might need to give up.”

Which probably means whatever Zelensky “needs to give up” is something pretty ugly. Like maybe conceding all the territory the Russians already took and becoming a rump state. This NBC article — and Time’s article from earlier this week that torpedoed any last hope for Ukraine’s independence — are not just meant to manipulate the democrat masses. These new admissions — already a month stale, according to this article — are also public concessions to the Russians.

In other words, the negotiation has already started.

Sometimes I think the real Proxy War is reflected better in the manipulated corporate media headlines than in the flat, muddy, fire-glazed trenches where Ukraine’s old cow pastures and scenic farmlands used to be.



PREMO Member

Zelensky: I Will Need 24 Minutes to Explain to Trump He Can’t Manage Putin

Speaking through a translator, Zelensky said, “Former President Trump said in 24 hours he can manage it and end this war.

He continued, “For me, what can I say? He’s very welcome. President Biden was here, and he, I think he understood something else which you can understand only being here. I invite, President Trump if he can come here.”

Zelensky added, “I will need 24 minutes not more 24 minutes to explain to President Trump that he can’t manage this war. He can’t bring peace because of Putin. If — but always there is an ‘if.’ If he’s not trying and if he’s not ready to give our territory to this terrible man, to Putin, if you are not ready to give it, if you are not ready to give our independence, he can’t manage it.”