Understanding Taqiyya

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's not fair. The VAST majority of people are just folks. Most Muslims are Muslims because it's easier than not being one, not because they are faithful to the Koran. Same with every faith.
Taqiyya, the concept, could also be translated to 'US politics 101'.


Well-Known Member
That's not fair. The VAST majority of people are just folks. Most Muslims are Muslims because it's easier than not being one, not because they are faithful to the Koran. Same with every faith.
Taqiyya, the concept, could also be translated to 'US politics 101'.

Fair or not, more reason to not believe, or trust Muslims. When their "faith" is that open to lying and deceiving anyone not of themselves, they are fair game for scrutiny and wariness, and if necessary, public condemnation. Just like our elected officials.


I bowl overhand
That's not fair. The VAST majority of people are just folks. Most Muslims are Muslims because it's easier than not being one, not because they are faithful to the Koran. Same with every faith.
Taqiyya, the concept, could also be translated to 'US politics 101'.
I disagree.. IF I were a Muslim, and parts of my religion were beheading people, and the vast majority wasn't speaking out about it... I'd adopt a new religion.. or leave organized religion altogether.

Just like if I were Catholic and my church hid child abuse and pedophilia.. knowingly and purposefully... no more Catholic for me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I disagree.. IF I were a Muslim, and parts of my religion were beheading people, and the vast majority wasn't speaking out about it... I'd adopt a new religion.. or leave organized religion altogether.

Just like if I were Catholic and my church hid child abuse and pedophilia.. knowingly and purposefully... no more Catholic for me.

How is beheading any different than the electric chair or lethal injection? Most of the people on here, the forums, wish executions were in the town square and daily.

The VAST majority of Muslim executions, beheadings, are for things we at least appreciate on some level if not exactly fully support.

The ISIS variety are miniscule compared to the killing Iran and Saudi and other Muslim nations do for legal purposes.

You, as an American are in the happy position of being in a nation that takes it's religion a WHOLE lot less...religiously. It's easy to change teams or just quit. :buddies:
My intolerance doesn't include lopping off the heads of those who disagree with me.

And thank goodness for that. But, you contribute to intolerant views against Muslims in America with your OP and rhetoric. There are many tenets of Christianity that are not that savory either. And, the majority of Muslims do not adopt radicalism or radical views, especially American Muslims. Many are just as peaceful, if not more so, than Christians.


professional daydreamer
And thank goodness for that. But, you contribute to intolerant views against Muslims in America with your OP and rhetoric. There are many tenets of Christianity that are not that savory either. And, the majority of Muslims do not adopt radicalism or radical views, especially American Muslims. Many are just as peaceful, if not more so, than Christians.
It's not my rhetoric. It's theirs. Read it yourself.
There are different levels of intolerance, yes?

Agree. The problem with all religions is that they seed a culture of intolerance with respect to other faiths, other cultures, and non-believers. Thankfully, Christianity has greatly moderated much since the middle ages. Otherwise, Christianity could take 1st prize for the most intolerant religion.


professional daydreamer
You wrote: "This is why I don't believe the Muslims who say they are not part of the extremists."

How is this not intolerant rhetoric?

I didn't say I wasn't intolerant. I own that. I said it's not my rhetoric. And since you're trying to pick a fight, is english your first language?


Active Member
Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah

This is why I don't believe the Muslims who say they are not part of the extremists.

You are either a Muslim, hell bent on killing everyone who isn't Muslim, or you aren't.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


I hope you realize that Taqqiya is a concept ONLY follwed by the shia sect and NOT a concept that is followed by all the different sects of islam
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I didn't say I wasn't intolerant. I own that. I said it's not my rhetoric. And since you're trying to pick a fight, is english your first language?

Picking a fight? No but do you really expect to be treated with kid gloves when your OP is as one-sided and puerile as this one?

You cite a decidedly anti-Islamic website and then add your vitriolic remarks. Not the best way to begin a discussion that is rational and balanced.

"is English your first language" gave me a chuckle. Maybe not your intent?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Agree. The problem with all religions is that they seed a culture of intolerance with respect to other faiths, other cultures, and non-believers. Thankfully, Christianity has greatly moderated much since the middle ages. Otherwise, Christianity could take 1st prize for the most intolerant religion.

Ok but, that is only out of necessity. ANY group, including atheists, stake out turf.

If you look at religion for what I think it simply is, an organizing, governing philosophy, it ALL makes sense. All of them. AlGorism, Fed Gummint-ism. ALL of them.
Ok but, that is only out of necessity. ANY group, including atheists, stake out turf.

If you look at religion for what I think it simply is, an organizing, governing philosophy, it ALL makes sense. All of them. AlGorism, Fed Gummint-ism. ALL of them.

Yup, but with a caveat for the atheistic group...they have the luxury of choice when it comes to gleaning wisdom from any of the religions or philosophies. If you're a theist you don't get to enjoy this philosophical diversity of thought. And yes, it appears religion and politics share the same goal...controlling other people's lives.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yup, but with a caveat for the atheistic group...they have the luxury of choice when it comes to gleaning wisdom from any of the religions or philosophies. If you're a theist you don't get to enjoy this philosophical diversity of thought. And yes, it appears religion and politics share the same goal...controlling other people's lives.

I don't look at it as 'control'. It's 'genesis' if you will, was survival and then prosperity and then protecting same.